all headcrab lovers and headcrab related things

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Post away at all the things you love about headcrabs, and what you think they should have added to them!
jeez, its a bit quiet here :hmph: ok ill start.
i love the way headcrabs go onto the head. sounds simple, but i think its cool how one little thing can turn into a gonome
They're cute when not trying to crack your skull clean open and take control of your nervous system.
I like the way they shuffle and make cute squeaking noises. There.
i like the screams they make, and the sound of their claws skewing the eyes out of an unsuspecting soon-to-be-zombie
the way they wobble across the floor, like an unenthusiastic hamster.
THey are homotards. Lamarr is the only cool one (cept it was his fault that I (Gordon) couldnt teleport to Eli's lab and had to run there...stupid crab.) But besides Lamarr...they suck. Stupid poison one takes me to 1HP and a monster just has to breathe on me and I die.
I don't like them, boring things to kill...look a headcrab...*sneeze* oh its dead. They are pointless little things used to fill gaps in the game.
I love the way the poison headcrabs skulk around..

And the cute little shriek the normal ones have :D

awww I want one as a pet, they rock
It would be fun having a normal one, then train him to do tricks like roll over and play dead.

It would also be fun taking him on walks to the park, although I don't think you could use him to pick up girls in the park. :(

If by "pick up girls" you mean "get insane raving zombie girls" then you probably can.
I HATE the way posion headcrabs suffer from "super mario 64 syndrom"
ex. you have 10 health and get bitten by a poison headcrab, your health then regenerates back to 100.
i like them only when they're dead
I dont like headcrabs they are annoying and... on second thought... I kinda like the way they mutate humans to zombies.
I love the way these headcrabs are animated when their dead. hehe. They roll over like real ragdolls.

ríomhaire said:
They don't mate, they have a queen called a Gonarch.

Oh. Well, I'd like to see how does Gonarch then. :naughty:
I thought that the final phase of a headcrab IS Gonarch, so that each headcrab would become like it when it has fully evolved. Obviously, most headcrabs don't reach that state or Gordon would have a problem :x
They make cute little chirping noises before they LATCH ON AND EAT YOUR BRAIN.

Lamarr's cool, though. I'm definitely gonna make one of those headcrab plushies. ^_^
In the future, we will all be having headcrabs as pets and let them headcrabs your dogs :P
Braska said:
I thought that the final phase of a headcrab IS Gonarch, so that each headcrab would become like it when it has fully evolved. Obviously, most headcrabs don't reach that state or Gordon would have a problem :x
That's one theory. But I think they're more like queen bees. Specialy born to be a Gonarch.
Those fast headcrabs with long legs are scary looking... almost identical to the spiders.
i also like the way when you set poison hcs on fire they run weirdly and um....... dance
I like how they wobble around and their screams. They remind me of a big fat hamster wobbling around. :laugh:
headcrabs turn people into ravaging flesh craving zombies.

...headcrabs r sechs
hmm i wonder what would happen if one of those got hold of a dog (NOT THE ROBOT)...
I like the way the normal zombies die from one shot gun blast, it just feels sooo good.
I just HATE the black headcrabs though (I hate spiders)
The others don't scare me though.
At least they dont make webs. :)
I reckon its good how they are believable like you can kinda see how its possible to do this to a person. im not sure if its technacilly possible but it is believable in the game.
I reckon halflife 1 creatures like bullsquids dont look good like they were just quickly made up. I dont find there attacks belivable the way they make really loud sounds also plasma shooting monsters is going overboard unless it combine modified like striders
I liked it when the vorganiut (not sure how to spell it but those things from xen working with people they got a big red eye) was cooking the headcrab in the firepit in the sewage drain in water hazard.
^ROFL LMAO! deyyyum! Gordon's world would have rocked harder if these things existed in the game!