all headcrab lovers and headcrab related things

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ithink gordon has a headcrab fetish thats why he carries one around.
The headcrabs are, in my opinion, a necessary relic from the first Half Life. While they aren't the toughest enemy, they do add to the storyline. The new varieties are a lot more fun - both in their attacks and the resulting zombies. My favorite headcrab game is the end of Ravenholm when there are legions of them at the bottom of the mineshaft. Run down there with a crowbar and play ball! As an aside, the poison ones, in my opinion, should be harder. I walked away from a part of Ravenholm to take a leak and figured I'd let the game do with me what it would - I had a quicksave where I wanted it. I came back covered with poison crabs and only one health. The poison crabs can't kill you. Now whenever I play, I'm much less wary around them. While certainly creepy, they need something more lethal. I know the fast head crabs took this role, but now the poison crabs are, well, almost boring. (Although the first time I played the game and saw one was a different story entirely!)
I love Lamarr! She's just sooooo cute! The way she runs away as she sees you getting back to the lab from Nova Prospect. But her mates....well...they just wanna "hump your head". Her more toothies mates are less welcome at my doorstep. The speedy ones are okay, but they should stop taking speed. And the poison ones? They FREAK ME OUT! I mean have you ever watched there legs at close range? It's like it has a bandage on it to keep there blood from flowing in there legs. And one question remains: WHY ARE THERE NO FEMALE ZOMBIES?! Why do they always hurt men? They're all girl head-humpers?
TopHunter2016 said:
I love Lamarr! She's just sooooo cute! The way she runs away as she sees you getting back to the lab from Nova Prospect. But her mates....well...they just wanna "hump your head". Her more toothies mates are less welcome at my doorstep. The speedy ones are okay, but they should stop taking speed. And the poison ones? They FREAK ME OUT! I mean have you ever watched there legs at close range? It's like it has a bandage on it to keep there blood from flowing in there legs. And one question remains: WHY ARE THERE NO FEMALE ZOMBIES?! Why do they always hurt men? They're all girl head-humpers?
Haha yeah, I love that part, it made me laugh. Headcrabs are cute to me, and I would love to have one as a pet and scare my friends with it! :P as long as its debeaked though.
I think Lamarr needed a boyfriend headcrab... :cheers:

Seriously, headcrabs are Ok. They are too weak though, I can take regular\fast headcrabs down w\ 2 pistol shots, it should have been more like 5 shots to take them down. Their jumping effects were kind of lame too, they shouldn't jump as far as they did.

Other than that, they were teh l33t.
It would be funny if you could get a dead headcrab, put it on your head and chase the rebels around :D Also a headcrab shooting gun owuld be cool (wish you could pick them up with the gravity gun not just shoot them with the beam)
Stop talking about headcrabs plz. I'm starting to think about a gonome raping a scientist :D:D:D:D. (that whould be rather interesting to see, though) Sorry about my stupid thoughts.
i think the fast zombies are the best especially when u first get the shotgun and about 6 come across the roof
then killing them in midair with a secondary shotgun blast
I wish the headcrabs could convert people into zombies realtime INGAME! :D
TomV said:
I wish the headcrabs could convert people into zombies realtime INGAME! :D
I think it whould take atleast about few hours or day for the head-crab to turn the host-system(human) into a zombie. But if your patient, it might be fun. (Just like watching the the grass to grow :laugh: )
i love the little things they are so cute and they are jump creepy in the dark and jump at your head :eek:
Yeah, Besides the fact that they are bloody, I think thats kind of a turn off. But hey some women think that those hairless dogs are Cute.
I like to crowbar them down stairs :O
I also like killing them in HL1 then crouching and unleashing a can of crowbar: Bing bing bing *SQPLAUSH SQPLUASH SQPLUASH* (that horrible crowbar-tearing-flesh sound we all love :D)
SHIPPI said:
I love the way the poison headcrabs skulk around..

And the cute little shriek the normal ones have :D

awww I want one as a pet, they rock


I want you instead of my girlfriend
Jack Thomas said:
I think it whould take atleast about few hours or day for the head-crab to turn the host-system(human) into a zombie. But if your patient, it might be fun. (Just like watching the the grass to grow :laugh: )
it cant take that long. There was a zombie in the first 2 minutes of hl1 after the cascade. so it must be pretty quick
rpgprog said:
it cant take that long. There was a zombie in the first 2 minutes of hl1 after the cascade. so it must be pretty quick
quoted for agreement
rpgprog said:
it cant take that long. There was a zombie in the first 2 minutes of hl1 after the cascade. so it must be pretty quick

You don't know how long Gordon was out of that dimension, could've been hours.
Gordon was unconscious after the drifting. Also, how whould have the aliens able to do so much damage in that time to Black Mesa...
Must of been another slow teleport. Or at least it seems that way.
MarcoPollo said:
mosy of the black mesa damage was done by the explosion explosion destroyes everything. It was not so big explosion besides. I dont think so. Not good explonation.
it cant have been slow. The scientists didn't mention you taking longer than normal. and the damage might have been slow. but you didn't get to it all right away. so there is the time you are trying to find
PSTT If u didnt notice lammar is in Hl1 when your going to the lab...

I think there cool because i have a cat who lookes like one and also I think that they have the cutest screechs! :bounce:
Yeah duuude.

Kleiner is like poking him with a stick while he's in his little kunnel repeating "...Fascinating..."

I stopped my love for headcrabs when I met the poison ones O_O
Kleiner is like poking him with a stick while he's in his little kunnel repeating "...Fascinating..."

WHERE!! i don't see it.
Dead thread........

run for your life!
This guy is posting in old threads all over the place. ban
no don't!

hes a PRA member....
Jintor said:
I'm thinking giraffe.



This thread is useless without rushed photoshop pics...
kelvini said:
WHERE!! i don't see it.
I think it was in OP4, where he's talking about "These crab-creatures have a unique" something. Don't know the rest.
And he mentions about he wonders what the later stages of Zombie looks like.
i love to play with the headcrab. he jumps i dodge he jumps agean i dodge agean .. and so on *aww isnt that cute?* .. wait a sec... this thread is SICK!!! :P