All your headcrabs are belong to us!

cool sig

Temrael Darkfury said:
I actually bought a crowbar (last year) painted it red and have it hanging next to my HL2-ready box.

Now you got me think'n - I'm going to put an edge on that piece. :naughty:
Hello and Welcome!

*courtesy of Eresthuex*
Fat Tony! said:
Greetings! Spam and die, scum :p

Yeah. And Don't EVER spam on the newbie forum.. :flame:

Edit: Oops. Spam ..
/me goes up in flames.
hello and welcome! (I don't know of anything else to say.)
Well, hello there :)
*Varg kidnaps Temrael Darkfury and drags him away to his underground lair.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. And don't worry, I'm no spammer hehe. This'll be my second post in about 14 months of visiting here. ;)

Oh and hi Varg, I just got back from a weekend in Goteborg, where I scared the locals with my woeful Swedish sk1llz.

"Jag forstol inte Svenska" (Almost certainly spelt wrong :eek: )
Letters said:
Oh God... :eek:

/me has a Diablo II flashback

Whatever you say, Deckard Cain! :O
Shoulda left the bastard in that damn cage :hmph:

Welcome to the forums, by the way, mate :)