Allied AI conversations in HL2


Sep 14, 2003
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I was just playing a bit on Half-Life and i had to leave the guard and scientist accompanying me behind. After a while they started talking to themselves (as they do) and it got me thinking will this be in Half Life 2 and if so will it be expanded.

Say for instance you have two soldiers/resistance fighters with you and your trying to get through a puzzle/sequence. Will they start talking while they are waiting and even drop hints like
"Mebbe if he turned that wheel" (way to solve current puzzle if time is dragging on)
"Shhh I hear something" (combine patrol nearby)

Also if you had to crawl through a vent or jump over something in the last one you left your allies behind, anyone has any clues how far advanced Half Life 2s AI is? WIll they crawl through vents and even do perilously dangerous jumps to keep up or will they just stand at the edge looking forlorn?
I know the AI can navigate difficult areas/terrian now. So they might go through vents. Not 100% sure if thats within their limits.
I think that if the ai were to be able to go in vents, it should be scripted :)
I'm hoping theres at least ONE vent in the game. :D
maybe Alyx crawls into the vent and you have to follow her 'behind', :P, ;)
PainLord said:
I know the AI can navigate difficult areas/terrian now. So they might go through vents. Not 100% sure if thats within their limits.

How advanced is Half-Life 2's path finding? Is it still based around triangulations, or is it more focused on waypoints, or both... or?

Steve Bond: I guess the best answer to this question is "A character who wants to get somewhere will find a way to get there". Half-Life 2's path finding supports swimming, flying, jumping, climbing ladders, and opening doors.

So they'll probably follow you anywhere.
I'm pretty sure they could do vents... it'd just be the normal pathfinding coupled with a volume calculation that would tell them if it was time to switch to "Hands and Knees" mode...
lol, hands and knees mode.,, command people to get on there hands and knee's, 'bow to the mighty freeman' ~hit a key~... ~crowd of city 17 rebels kneel down~ :P
PvtRyan said:
How advanced is Half-Life 2's path finding? Is it still based around triangulations, or is it more focused on waypoints, or both... or?

Steve Bond: I guess the best answer to this question is "A character who wants to get somewhere will find a way to get there". Half-Life 2's path finding supports swimming, flying, jumping, climbing ladders, and opening doors

Ironic that they missed walk. :)
Do you actually crawl in HL2, or still frog-walk down vents? I expect after all that crouching Gordon has really strong hamstrings. :P
"Don't drink and drive home, smoke dope and fly home..."

Couldn't resist...
I am most interested in how they will handle unusual behaviour. Say I am in the lab with Kliener and Alyx and I start jumping around knocking over everything, and when Alyx throws me my gun, I will dodge it and she'll pick it up and give it to me again? That would be cool. The AI is very promising if Valve spends alot of time on it.
It'd be most realistic if she just shouted "Idiot!" and ran from the Strider.
Brian Damage said:
It'd be most realistic if she just shouted "Idiot!" and ran from the Strider.
Nahh, I think she has a little crush on Gordon (Awwwwww) she wouldn't do that.
I just realised that the zooming-in on Alyx in the video is probably not something done by the person recording the video. What probably happens is that whenever you are in a quiet section and are looking at her, the view zooms in to show Gordon staring at her. Poor woman.
Varsity said:
I just realised that the zooming-in on Alyx in the video is probably not something done by the person recording the video. What probably happens is that whenever you are in a quiet section and are looking at her, the view zooms in to show Gordon staring at her. Poor woman.
... Poor HOT woman!
EDIT: And it's not Gordon's fault, Kliener programed his glasses to do that!
Tadashi said:
hm, Gordon zooming into Alyx?
hehe, telescope eyes ;)
It's the glasses I say. The glasses! Who would were dorky glasses like that for no reason? :laugh:
See my previous post.
Brian Damage said:
Why walk when you can crawl?

Someone stop the madness!

why crawl when you can be impaled on a strider leg and take a ride?
torso boy said:
why crawl when you can be impaled on a strider leg and take a ride?
Like your signature says, or not! :laugh:
why take a ride impaled on a strider leg when you can be impaled by the gunship gun and take a flying ride?
why take a ride impaled by the gunship gun and take a flying ride when you can be crushed by a Combine Tower "leg" and slowly move your way through the city under it?
CrazyHarij said:
why take a ride impaled by the gunship gun and take a flying ride when you can be crushed by a Combine Tower "leg" and slowly move your way through the city under it?

that would suck dude :E
Alright, thats just indulgence in a fantasy world.
why be crushed by a Combine Tower "leg" and slowly move your way through the city under it when you can walk? (starting again!)
<RJMC> said:
why be crushed by a Combine Tower "leg" and slowly move your way through the city under it when you can walk? (starting again!)
Oh GOD no. Someone close this evil thread.
<RJMC> said:
why be crushed by a Combine Tower "leg" and slowly move your way through the city under it when you can walk? (starting again!)

Why go walking when you can go horseback riding on the G-Man through City-17?
Okay, well, on topic:

It's interesting to note that crouching was not one of the options of NPC pathfinding.
But, the guys in the barricade video were sorta hunched over, for cover, and could kneel behind the cars. It could go either way with the vents.
Mechagodzilla said:
Okay, well, on topic:

It's interesting to note that crouching was not one of the options of NPC pathfinding.
But, the guys in the barricade video were sorta hunched over, for cover, and could kneel behind the cars. It could go either way with the vents.

Yes, we shouldn't worry about such things, if Valve wants us to take the guy somewhere, or have him follow you somewhere, they will make sure he can take any obsticle on the way.
why go horseback riding on the G-Man through City-17 when you can take a taxi?
<RJMC> said:
why go horseback riding on the G-Man through City-17 when you can take a taxi?

wait a second... you cant do that!
