Alternate Models - Women


Dec 8, 2004
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The graphical style for TF2 has allowed some glorious stereotypes and caricatures that suit the sixties style of the game and the classes they represent. But, they're all men. The sixties were such a swinging time, just watch any of the Austin Powers films to see that women were just as outrageous back then.

Now, I know we already have 9 lovingly crafted models/skins that I am of course grateful for; I couldn't ask for anything better, but in the future it may be pretty cool to see some female skins for each class. I've thought of a couple already.

Pyro - The male one already wears leather/fire-resistant clothing, so the woman could wear some like leather bondage gear or something.
Soldier - A Russian woman similar in build to the current soldier. Just with a Russian accent.
Medic - Some sort of Blonde woman in a skimpy nurse's outfit. What else did you expect?
Demo(wo)man - A black diva with an afro... and gold flares. :afro:
Engineer - A girl in a boiler suit with a wrench. Very nice.
HWGal - "Big Bertha" Need I say more?

I know the game isn't even out yet, but this animation style has really grabbed me by the nuts and refused to let go and I just had this idea while eating dinner (alone ;( ) and thought I'd share it. If you have any other ideas, better ideas or are even willing to draw some concept art, feel free to post.
I'd have to say no. Everyone knows that gamers are 99% male anyways.
Dude, have you played WoW (I haven't but know anyway)? Lots of guys play chick models. Yours truly excluded. I'm not some wannabe chick, lol.
I've played females in MMORPG's before... because I secretly want to be a woman.

Nah. I just liked the name Sapphire for a chick.
Meh, I've rolled females in MMO's just because they look hot. No pretension about it.

Plus, it's way easy to get a personal bodyguard, which is what the Lineage 2 beta taught me. After two hours of questing with him, he gave me his e-mail address, wanted mine, and said we should get married in the game.
i did that in anarchy online, always got lots of buffs and cash from horny nerds who were just dying to see my character in a thong
Meh, I've rolled females in MMO's just because they look hot. No pretension about it.

Plus, it's way easy to get a personal bodyguard, which is what the Lineage 2 beta taught me. After two hours of questing with him, he gave me his e-mail address, wanted mine, and said we should get married in the game.


I make it painfully clear that i'm a guy... to any moron that tried to hit on my character. I have no interest in getting special favors and items just because i'm a female character in game.

The only people I believed were female... were the few members in our guild(at the time I was in defenders of order) who had teamspeak. Had about 5 or 6 women in Lineage 2 at the time. Everybody else I assume is a guy.
I would much rather prefer if there was an alternatively unique team of "Evil" styled models to mirror the ones we've already seen on the other team.

That way your not seeing the Red Scout fight his twin the Scout in blue clothes. Maybe even toss the mirrored gameplay out the window and create new and different though maybe slightly the same classes for the "evil" team, sorta like you see in Quake Wars.

Female models are slimmer than male models, thus giving a tactical advantage.

And if they're not, then we have some awfully beefy and ugly women in TF2 (which kinda negates the whole purpose doesn't it ;)).
as soon as i saw the trailer i thought of female models. perhaps after a while a patch will be released with female versions of the characters. the style would allow for some great characatures.

and zombine i'm sure they could deal with the size problem with a simple scaling of the invisible collision box, or clothes or whatever.
The characters would end up being different sizes unless you made them look very odd. You are right to point out the fact that video games are mainly focused on male characters, but making different skin sets isn't how to address the issue.
um, not really. but i do like the idea of female models.

Female models are slimmer than male models, thus giving a tactical advantage.

And if they're not, then we have some awfully beefy and ugly women in TF2 (which kinda negates the whole purpose doesn't it ;)).
The male models vary greatly in size themselves. The scout, medic and spy particuarly. So long as such purely class-based tactical advantages are maintained, i'm all for it. The problem I guess is trying to get female models that fit the theme - saturday morning cartoons, 60s comic book style or whatever it is - that keep to the rough size of the male models. Most females of the style are simply ridiculously thin as part of the look.

Female models are a good idea, but because of Valve's commitment to visually disitinct player classes, I think they will be reluctant to complicate matters. Which is a shame, because there a plenty of women out there who could quite easily be tempted by TF2's unique style where other more realistic, macho military games have failed to grab their attention.
The characters would end up being different sizes unless you made them look very odd. You are right to point out the fact that video games are mainly focused on male characters, but making different skin sets isn't how to address the issue.
Manboobs? D:
The last thing tf2 needs is to succumb to chainmail bikini pin-up syndrome.
If you are to include female characters, you should potray them in a consistant manner. Of course it all depends on the class. way I imagine it:

Pyro- Wearing a similar outfit to the male but using a different gasmask that allows for some hair to show

Engineer- Definitely Rosie the Riveter

Medic- I make the expetion on this one in terms of the sexy nurse stereotype, because it'd fit so well.

Soldier- dour looking russian lady with a rocket launcher.

HW Gal- Big girl with blonde pig tails.

Spy- ninja girl

Sniper- tall brunette who's also dressed NRA style

Scout- slim girl who looks like she runs track.
HW Gal- Big girl with blonde pig tails.


Wolfenstein 3D strikes again!
thats pretty much the mental image i had. Wasn't she wearing green though?
Thing is, Valve was going to include female models. They were going to put them into TFC and then BoA. I don't know what their stance is on it now, but it was on their "to-do" list; it'd already gone past consideration and was in the "we're actually going to put this in" stage.
:p I see no point, at the very least it would increase the amount of modelling that valve has to do furthermore increasing the time that the game will take to release! D:
:p I see no point, at the very least it would increase the amount of modelling that valve has to do furthermore increasing the time that the game will take to release! D:

After release. Look at the range of models released for CSS in under two years.
You'd also be surprised at the number of female TF players there are. While of course by no means comparing to the male population that plays, there are enough to warrant having two sets of models.

And yes, definately an after-release thing. Valve plans to update TF2 after release with new maps and new classes, so therefore I'd assume new models might appear later down the road.
Im okay with an after release thing. As long as the models are the same proportion to the male models then fair enough but it still seems exceedingly pointless.

Unless they were naked lolol!!111
The graphical style for TF2 has allowed some glorious stereotypes and caricatures that suit the sixties style of the game and the classes they represent. But, they're all men. The sixties were such a swinging time, just watch any of the Austin Powers films to see that women were just as outrageous back then.

Now, I know we already have 9 lovingly crafted models/skins that I am of course grateful for; I couldn't ask for anything better, but in the future it may be pretty cool to see some female skins for each class. I've thought of a couple already.

Pyro - The male one already wears leather/fire-resistant clothing, so the woman could wear some like leather bondage gear or something.
Soldier - A Russian woman similar in build to the current soldier. Just with a Russian accent.
Medic - Some sort of Blonde woman in a skimpy nurse's outfit. What else did you expect?
Demo(wo)man - A black diva with an afro... and gold flares. :afro:
Engineer - A girl in a boiler suit with a wrench. Very nice.
HWGal - "Big Bertha" Need I say more?

I know the game isn't even out yet, but this animation style has really grabbed me by the nuts and refused to let go and I just had this idea while eating dinner (alone ;( ) and thought I'd share it. If you have any other ideas, better ideas or are even willing to draw some concept art, feel free to post.

It would be interesting to see women in the game and sterotypical charactures (sp?) will make the game comical. No pun intended.
The game is plenty comical as it is...
i think they'd be accused of some form of sexism if they implemented stereotypical female models