Always bet on Duke

Stream working now.

I'm guessing it's gonna be something like "DUKE NUKEM FOREVER: NOW POPAMOLE CONSOLE SHOOTER"
It's just been confirmed that it's coming for PS3, 360, PC on 2011.

Also, some guy who played the game: "The graphics need a bit of polish but you know, it's early so it's ok" ROFL

Also I *think* I just saw regenerating health, not sure.
Hahaha they had the camera guy and interviewer hang around filming the crowd for 15 minutes, then they go inside the booth to see the trailer and after this big announcement it's like "just a few video" and the camera guy has to leave the room.
Honestly though, odds are, after 10 years, all we're getting is a console port.

I don't think I've seen even a single keyboard in there so far.
Yeah I'm pretty sure regenerating health is on now, also console port, etc etc.
i'll wait for better quality
but glad it's actually happening
and from a good studio too
I am thoroughly enraged.
Gearbox has turned the game into a console port.

After all these ****ing years, I've been quite literally waiting for about 10 or so years.

God damn it.
Tbh, you could have seen the regenerating health in the leaked gameplay from months ago. In fact, the gameplay here is the exact same as before.
Drawing on the dry erase board was cool. If the game has lots of little touches like that, I can forgive the consolitis.
Tbh, you could have seen the regenerating health in the leaked gameplay from months ago. In fact, the gameplay here is the exact same as before.

Yeah, based on what I have seen so far it seems more or less similar to the recent gameplay leaks earlier this year. Maybe Gearbox will polish it up. And the leaked gameplay footage didn't wow me, so I'm a bit concerned. I'm waiting until there is better footage before judging it, but it would be a shame if after all these years it turned out to be mediocre.

As for a 2011 release, I won't hold my breath on it. I know there's another developer at the helm this time, and I hope Randy puts his foot down about not wanting to drag it's development further. But too many times already have I seen gameplay footage of DNF, with a release date, and that date ends up slipping.
Starcraft 2: checked
Duke Nukem Forever: checked
Ep3/HL3, now it's your turn.
As if 3D Realms would make Duke Nukem have regenerating health.
It will have all the standard features of consolitis:
-narrow, headache inducing FOV
-slow moving character
-guns that sound and look like toys
-regenerating health
-sprint function
-iron sights
-no quicksaves
-no dedicated servers
-no modding tools


Prey had regenerating health?

No it didn't. It had a system similar to half Life. Health pickups, and consoles on the walls that would heal you.
I smell another half assed and forgettable Prey like outcome.

No it didn't. It had a system similar to half Life. Health pickups, and consoles on the walls that would heal you.

remember when you died, and you fight spirits to regenerate you health :|

Seriously why does anyone still care about this. It was going to be shit either way and you know it.
I'm......starting to think I'm the only one here who actually liked Prey. But anyways, I still have an open and optimistic mind and will give it a chance when it comes out. I just hope it'll have a demo before release, though I won't hold my breath on it since those are rare nowadays. Oh, and here's my early prediction for one of DNF's achievements:

ALWAYS BET ON DUKE!: Complete Duke Nukem Forever.
I'm......starting to think I'm the only one here who actually liked Prey.

I liked it too. I especially liked all the ideas it had: seamless portals, walking all over spherical planetoids, shifting gravity etc.
remember when you died, and you fight spirits to regenerate you health :|

That is not what I would call regenerating health. Hiding behind a corner and waiting for your health and shields to recharge however is.

Updated photo of receipt. It's so brown now. This is glorious.
I liked Prey as well, so much so I'm going to re-install it now on Steam. I haven't played it since the system I used to run it on came to a crawl on the sphere sections.
Prey had some nifty level design but other than that it sucked.

Anyways, I'm pleased that they're keep some of the old weapons.