Alyx is wasted

This is crap Farrowlesparrow...

You even can't give scientific proof about your statements... why not? cause you are wrong... :D

The UV radiation what you are talking about has only to do with, when you go outside and be in a very bright sunny region... you will get darker (whities going to the beach example :) )

But a black person with alot of pigment never get lighter when he never go outside or get some sunshine. He will always have the same color cause his skin is used to it but that it has to do with the genes.

afterall we are talking about a character who doesn't even exists in real life... :)

she just looks too white for me IMHO
The thread is Alyx is wasted.
Sorry about that, time to get back on topic!
Yeah, she looks pretty wasted to me :monkee:
Listen people. I live in NY where we have 25% black people. Many of them are just like Alyx, and some are even more "white". I doesn't mean she had a white mother; her mother could have had the same skin color as she does.
TiMe to get back on topic.!

So dose she look wasted .? To bloody right she dose.!
Originally posted by sharp
This is crap Farrowlesparrow...

You even can't give scientific proof about your statements... why not? cause you are wrong... :D

The UV radiation what you are talking about has only to do with, when you go outside and be in a very bright sunny region... you will get darker (whities going to the beach example :) )

But a black person with alot of pigment never get lighter when he never go outside or get some sunshine. He will always have the same color cause his skin is used to it but that it has to do with the genes.

afterall we are talking about a character who doesn't even exists in real life... :)

she just looks too white for me IMHO

Please tell me you don't think really I'm wrong. Look it up. Why should i give you proof when its all over the internet if you look. I'm not doing the work you should be doing before you try to make me look bad. Like i have said a couple of times now. I never said that she was light coloured because of the UV radiation. I was just making a note of that. That is why people who live in areas such as Scandinavia have light hair/skin. Stop arguing with me when there is nothing to argue about. You are trying to prove me wrong when its obvious I'm right. You don't even understand what Ive been saying. What that guy said is right. Lots of Black people have very light skin, its a simple fact ok.
You are trying to tell me that I'm wrong and its to do with genes. I never said that genes weren't the reason. Why do you have to argue with me? There is no reason for it.
I wasn't saying that black people are black because they eat pink flowers or anything like that. I was simply stating a fact that would be well know if people actually used that blob inside their head called a brain.

Like i said before. This topic is the perfect example of how much we need this game.
How about this. If you go out in the sun, you get tanned lots.

If you dont? YOU DON'T GET TANNED. THEREFORE YOU ARE WHITER. If you never saw sunlight you'd be so white. If you bleached chalk it wouldn't be as white as you. Your skin would be so white you make snow look dark, your skin would.....
</monkey island quote>

This happens with black people, to a lesser extent though, not just white people.
I hope everyone on this planet will become gray slobs someday, so we won’t have topics like this one about skin color.

Back on topic, she does look wasted :) Science + aliens taking over the world is a lot of stress for an young adult, so yeah…
People who cares if she is not black its not the most important thing in the game for ****s sake.
i dont mean to be offensive, but..
No it really doesn't matter. I tried to say that but people insisted on arguing.

Sharp if you plan on raping anyone let alone a computer generated person, you have serious problems.
A- She's hella wasted, like 10 pints of guiness wasted.
B-Sharp needs a kick in the nuts for the rape comment :)
(the only time rape is funny is when garnering a mental image of porky pig raping elmer fudd.)
C-So wasted, so very wasted.
Yes, it DOES matter.

Speaking from a black man's perspective, I agree that they should of made her darker, or "black". Valve could of made historic strides in gaming featuring an intelligent, BLACK, FEMALE(super rare) supporting character, that could possibly be a love interest for Gordon. Can you name any game that even features a Black person THAT ISNT portrayed as the big, strong and dumb party member that you command in an RPG? Or the typical Dj/Rapper/Boxer character that's located on the bottom right of the fighter select screen? Please, don't give me crap like NBA Street, or Def Jam Vendetta, which I won't even rip into...atleast not yet. Shit, I can only think of ONE GAME in this ENTIRE industry that featured a black women and it was terrible game titled "COMIX ZONE" for my busted-ass sega genesis! That speaks volumes on how bad it's getting.

Anyways, back to the Alyx situation. I don't mind the bi-racial thing, but I don't know. Something seems fishy in the swamp.... I have this feeling that they intended her to be black but "mixed" her to "Stay on the safe side", if you catch my drift. Sadly, this has been the trend that videogames designers have been following for decades. Everytime a minority is added that ISN'T dancing,singing,boxing or jiving(which is rare) they make some ludicris exception to make them more "exceptable". This pisses not only me, but other African American(and some non afro-americans) gamers like myself off. However, I'll give give Valve a teeny,tiny, bit of credit: They didn't add in a sassy,jive-talking robot that tags along with Gordon and says things like "Bling Bling" and "that's whack!".

...Of course, I'm not saying that this will effect the quality of the game, it will be a great game no doubt about it. It's just a little disappointing that they didn't make Alyx just black.

PS:I'm betting Eli get's killed first. The black dude ALWAYS get's it first!!!!!!!!
*cough* sarcasm *cought* sparrow

LoL @ the last one :)

you are right.. they should have made her look darker. It's unnatural
You should have take a strepsil for that Sharp.

Why should she be darker? What difference does it make? Why isnt Gordon Chinese? Why is barney not a muslim? WHY?!

She looks like many black peopel that ive met.
Originally posted by The Last One

featuring an intelligent, BLACK, FEMALE(super rare) supporting character

Urban Chaos; great game, but so un-noticed. Damn shame, as it really was bloody good.
Aha!! Valve is Rascist!!

Alyx is half black and they imply she's an alchoholic!

Right here folks !! Get your white guilt here!!
Originally posted by The Last One
Yes, it DOES matter.

Speaking from a black man's perspective, I agree that they should of made her darker, or "black". Valve could of made historic strides in gaming featuring an intelligent, BLACK, FEMALE(super rare) supporting character, that could possibly be a love interest for Gordon. Can you name any game that even features a Black person THAT ISNT portrayed as the big, strong and dumb party member that you command in an RPG? Or the typical Dj/Rapper/Boxer character that's located on the bottom right of the fighter select screen? Please, don't give me crap like NBA Street, or Def Jam Vendetta, which I won't even rip into...atleast not yet. Shit, I can only think of ONE GAME in this ENTIRE industry that featured a black women and it was terrible game titled "COMIX ZONE" for my busted-ass sega genesis! That speaks volumes on how bad it's getting.

Anyways, back to the Alyx situation. I don't mind the bi-racial thing, but I don't know. Something seems fishy in the swamp.... I have this feeling that they intended her to be black but "mixed" her to "Stay on the safe side", if you catch my drift. Sadly, this has been the trend that videogames designers have been following for decades. Everytime a minority is added that ISN'T dancing,singing,boxing or jiving(which is rare) they make some ludicris exception to make them more "exceptable". This pisses not only me, but other African American(and some non afro-americans) gamers like myself off. However, I'll give give Valve a teeny,tiny, bit of credit: They didn't add in a sassy,jive-talking robot that tags along with Gordon and says things like "Bling Bling" and "that's whack!".

...Of course, I'm not saying that this will effect the quality of the game, it will be a great game no doubt about it. It's just a little disappointing that they didn't make Alyx just black.

PS:I'm betting Eli get's killed first. The black dude ALWAYS get's it first!!!!!!!!

Hmm, I understand your point. But think of it this way, from what I have seen, I dont think there has been a Bi-racial game character,( except a few people from KOF and street fighter). I think this will be interesting, from my view as a mixie. I dont really know where some people are getting that black people look like alyx. I dont even think those black people you talk about are even black. Do you know how many mixed people say they are black?. Its really interesting. She clearly looks bi-racial so lets leave it at that. It auctually would be funny if they added a jive talking robot that would auctually try to hit on alyx. Interesting idea.

Originally posted by Lordblackadder
Aha!! Valve is Rascist!!

Alyx is half black and they imply she's an alchoholic!

Right here folks !! Get your white guilt here!!

