Alyx Sketch


Jul 1, 2003
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This was pretty much the first time I had attempted to do anything like this in a long time. I know its not too great but I'm pretty satisfyed with it. Sketch I did of Alyx, took me about 4 days to complete.


  • alyx01.jpg
    69.4 KB · Views: 409
Perhaps I can suggest a few tips (I used to teach a drawing class). Try varying the pressure you use for you line work. Lines with varying degrees of thickness appear more realistic. Also texture is more important then line work. I find it’s easier to draw in shades and shapes, and then do the lines as a last thing on top. It’s only necessary to use just a few lines here and there to give the general impressions of an edge. But otherwise I can see Aylx in your drawing ;)
Hehe, that’s nice... very nice IMHO. But... I don’t want to be a jerk, but her eyes are a little to... manga/anime.
for the face, the hair seemt to point into a diffrent direction then the face, mening eitherway the head is wronlgy angeld and the face is correct or the otherway around, and with female portrait drawing it is important that you dont draw the nostrels to srong like you did, they should be hardly notisble.

edit: stay away from the anime/mange influences with drawing. leave that to the japanese masters like shirow
The eyes were the one thing that bothered me most. I used to draw anime, so thats probibly one of my problems. They are just too big :-\
I also did a barney one, which was colored in PSP7


  • barney01.jpg
    51.3 KB · Views: 230
very cool. The head is too small i'd say, he looks like hes shrugging
LOL! Sorry bro, had to say it. The picture is actually quite good, you've got great potential! :cheers:
your alyx looks like those twins off of that tgif show sister sister.
It's not too bad. The eyes and nose are a little big, but the shading is really nicely blended. The hair should have more higlights and lest pencil marks, and the lips should also have bright highlights. The shape of the face is good, but all the features are too big, Alyx has much smaller features considering she's half asian half black, both races have small eyes. And alyx has an asian nose.
I just saw your barney one as well. Awesome shading. The bottom of the nose and the eyes could still use some fixing, otherwise really good.

PS: Am I reviving some super old thread? Because I stumbbled upon it through google.
heh heh yeah i think you are mate :p

The pics are cool definatly the anime influence can be seen in them :)
Barney looks a bit fat, though :( I told ya those stuffed combine kevlars make people look fat! :p
Great Barney one :D. He looks really like a model. As in computer game model not model model model...
As in copmputer game model not a live model actress person