Alyx - SPOILERS...Kinda. :P



At the end of HL2 when the G-Man takes you away then quickly leaves you for an 'interesting offer' - or something along those lines and goes in that door....

I figure he's gone to get Alyx.

He went to the effort of picking lint or something off her arm, maybe he was sizing her up as another possible employee or slave or whatever.

Anyone else have a theory of wether Alyx survived or not? I like to think she did. =/
If the gman can stop time or whatever
why dont he just stop time, kick dr.breen in the nutz and save gordon the hard work!
because he was wanting to mobilize the entire resistance. if he had taken out Breen himself then noone would of known he was even gone, if he had blown up the tower himself noone would of known what had happened.

by sending in Gordon everyone knew he was there and the rumor that Freeman had returned would spread like wildfire among the Citys and the resistance would get the courage to do one big push ^_-
BanalityDUFF said:
At the end of HL2 when the G-Man takes you away then quickly leaves you for an 'interesting offer' - or something along those lines and goes in that door....

I figure he's gone to get Alyx.

He went to the effort of picking lint or something off her arm, maybe he was sizing her up as another possible employee or slave or whatever.

Anyone else have a theory of wether Alyx survived or not? I like to think she did. =/

Only speculation. Nothing suggests that he went to get Alyx.
[AUS]-TheOne said:
If the gman can stop time or whatever
why dont he just stop time, kick dr.breen in the nutz and save gordon the hard work!

because that wouldnt make a very good game, now would it?
Alyx was a great asset to Gordon.

Many-many-many times. That/this is her purpose.

She would offer words of encouragement to Gordon.

"Dont listen to him, Gordon." -Alyx (not that I would.)

The GMan see this. It's cleary a resource. Why throw it out.

No doubt, if the GMan doesnt step in. Alyx is dust. Simple as that. The explosion in a nanosecond had consumed a good chuck of the reactor. I'm assuming the Citadel would collapse much like the twin towers did. (God Bless their souls.)

I'm assuming the GMan spared Alyx. Simply because she is a great asset to Gordon. She kept him going. Saved he's ass a few times.

She'll probaly wake up in Dog's hands or something along those lines.
[AUS]-TheOne said:
If the gman can stop time or whatever
why dont he just stop time, kick dr.breen in the nutz and save gordon the hard work!
Why do the villain always leave James Bond alone in the room with all his gadgets still on him?
The G-Man might not have been allowed to directly intervene in the events of City 17, by his employers. It is the same with Black Mesa; aside from when he recalibrates the nuke in Opposing Force, you never see him directly do anything. He tells people what to do and watches Gordon and Shephard solve the incident, then preserves them for future use.

Or maybe he's just a hands-off, "you do my dirty work for me" kinda guy.

Oh, quick edit: I see no reason for the G-Man to save Alyx and use her as a motivator. In fact, even if she was saved, whether by him or by luck or some other kind of deus ex machina, you'll probably never see her again anyway.
First off, I'm thinking Alyx expansion pack, or at least a mod.

And taking out Breen wouldn't have been enough. One of the major themes in both games have been the moral of the resistance, the fame of Gordon. It had to be a fight to earn the victory so that people would keep fighting the Combine. They needed a hero (or a martyr, as it would appear to them).
Well the resitance thought Gordon had died in Nova Prospekt, and look what that encouraged them to do in just one week!

Imagine what'll happen when they see that citadel crumbling down! The CP's will have a major blow to their moral for starters... Though unless the manufacturing plants lower down in the citadel get shut down by the destruction of the tunneling entanglement system at the top, then beating the limitless supply of striders and gunships would be impossible...

I wonder what happens in the other "City #" cities when they catch wind of what Gordon did?
there are no other cities, one npc in the beginning says something along the lines of "i remember city 14" or "we were in city 14 just a week ago" or something like that. this would mean that the combine are simply shepherding the remaining humans around until they manage to consume all of their resources to make striders, gunships, weapons etc.
one npc in the beginning says something along the lines of "i remember city 14" or "we were in city 14 just a week ago"
Exactly. Proof that there ARE other cities. Though it might appear that a few people are moving/being moved to city 17 there are alot of other cities. If you look at the announcement board in the very beggining it shows lots of different city #'s, up till city #24 i think.
Yeah. The guy says soemtihng more like

"Dr Breen again. I thought I got rid (Left know, killed :p) of that guy back in city 14"
RabidJester said:
First off, I'm thinking Alyx expansion pack, or at least a mod.
I don't think there will be an Alyx or Barney expansion pack or mod. It wouldn't really work (e.g. interaction with Gordon or talking (did Barney talk in Blue Shift?)) and it wouldn't be, dare I say, that interesting. We already know what happens to them up to the end of the game and we wont know what happens after that until HL3.

I think we'll get either more Adrian Shepard or an Overwatch Op For. Maybe an expansion pack set in another city.
Gordon was only in city 17 for a couple of days (if you don't include the time he spent in the slow teleport), yet atleast a decade of really really interesting stuff passed before his arrival.

I'm certain if they can make a great game out of 2 or 3 days in Gordon's life, they can certainly do something interesting in the 10+ years that Alyx, Barney, Eli and Dr Kliener all lived without Gordon.
JimmehH said:
I don't think there will be an Alyx or Barney expansion pack or mod. It wouldn't really work (e.g. interaction with Gordon or talking (did Barney talk in Blue Shift?)) and it wouldn't be, dare I say, that interesting. We already know what happens to them up to the end of the game and we wont know what happens after that until HL3.

I think we'll get either more Adrian Shepard or an Overwatch Op For. Maybe an expansion pack set in another city.

I was actually thinking more pre-Half Life 2, early days of the resistance, maybe more stuff with an earlier version of Dog. Good points though.
Well Alyx will be a playable character in HL3 so we know she didnt die for a fact.
An expansion could work as Barney, if they set it during the week Gordon was in the teleporter.
Ok here we go

Gman freezes time and races the clock as he kicks as many people as possible in the nuts before time continues on again!

But seriously BARNEY MOBILIZED AND LED A WHOLE FREAKING RESISTANCE in one week and he was very succesful for a guy who said this "There is a giant supression device on the roof and it uhh supresses everything around it" That has great game written all over it.

I just dont get why shepard would be on the combine, even in OpFor you were on basically the same side as gordon. Opfor started when the soldiers started getting their asses handed to them and forgot about the scientist objective. (if I remember correctly they had secured a good part of the labs and gordon screwed em over)
Gordon, being trapped in a "no time" zone, decided to make the best of the situation and has his way with Alyx o_O

You'd do it too if you were him.
NiteX said:
Well Alyx will be a playable character in HL3 so we know she didnt die for a fact.

Well by that we do know that she survived somehow, however her playability in HL3 is just a rumor (for the time being) and I really hope it doesn't turn out that way. I would rather not experience being anyone else other than Gordon in the HL series, aside from expansion packs. It doesn't make sense that Valve would even consider doing that, considering what they've been working hard to build: a cohesive story told from the perspective of one man.

The rumor has me worried though. I think maybe I'll draft a letter to Valve...
Same here Darkside55. I would only want to play as another character in an expansion pack of HL2, but not in HL3. I hope they make an official statement to clear up this rumor...
the talks of HL3 and Alyx being a playable charactor means maybe the gman saved her
I still refuse to believe Barney died after HL2, Alyx must have died, unless the g-man saved her. Barney could have survived, maybe he led his resistance soldiers to another part of town, or re-grouped somewhere away from the citadel when the combine started pushing them back. God I hope he makes it back in HL3.
Oh well, at least Dr Kleiner had a good chance of surviving.
GiaOmerta said:
No doubt, if the GMan doesnt step in. Alyx is dust. Simple as that. The explosion in a nanosecond had consumed a good chuck of the reactor.
Nah, we all know form various things and films that it isnt necessarily true. A person facing an apparently unavoidable death always manages to save him/herself. I can think of something like Barney turned on a secret device and these dark energy balls at the sides created an impenetrable wall which stopped all the damage. Alyx falls from the sky and a scientist Dr Kliener catches her with a gravity gun installed on a helicopter, or something like that. There is always an exit :)
And secondly, If the explosion is really that powerful, it will destroy the whole city as well, so doesnt really makes sense to save it first. The atomic bombs in Japan exploded 600-800m above the earth and still destroyed everything in sight( they are really that powerful.. ) and a dark energy, a whole reactor well.. Valve will find a way :D

Darkside55 said:
Oh, quick edit: I see no reason for the G-Man to save Alyx and use her as a motivator. In fact, even if she was saved, whether by him or by luck or some other kind of deus ex machina, you'll probably never see her again anyway.
I would like it, to see Alyx in an expansion pack and cant think of a reason Valve should be against it especially as we see many HL1 managed to get into HL2 as well.

Maybe Alyx marry Barnie and Gordon travels later(much later)with their child!!! :rolling: :E
I don't see why Barney would have died... Who came up with that idea?

I'm no expert, but I believe that fusion doesn't create radiation, or anywhere as much radiation anyway, meaning that anybody sheilded from the explosion itself would have been quite alright. Much of the explosion's power would go straight down the citadel and do much damage, but it wont likely destroy or topple it. A lot of the explosion would also be directed upwards, leaving very little (relatively) that be directed downwards on the outside of the tower. I suppose the buildings near Barney would have taken massive damage, however it would have still been possible to put enough concrete between you and the explosion to have survived it.
Fusion creates radiation. It even makes the reactor vessel in a fusion plant radioactive. Hydrogen bombs use fusion.

Judging from what Breen says and looking at the explosion, I'd say anyone in the Citadel or close to it was completely boned*. Without outside intervention that is.

*Based on the explosion and the large lumps of Citadel that will come crashing down on City 17.
Valve said Alyx would be playable in an expansion pack, set before hl2.

That was some time ago, so things might have changed since then.

Breen also said that Gorodn could bring the whole tower down. It might not actually collapse.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Valve said Alyx would be playable in an expansion pack, set before hl2.

That was some time ago, so things might have changed since then.

Breen also said that Gorodn could bring the whole tower down. It might not actually collapse.
It is actually really stupid what gordon does, I mean IF the citadel did collapse... that would be baaaaaad.
JimmehH said:
Fusion creates radiation. It even makes the reactor vessel in a fusion plant radioactive. Hydrogen bombs use fusion.

I didn't think there were any Fusion plants yet, just fission ones.
We only have fission reactors so far... you're correct in saying hydrogen bombs use fusion though.
OK, you got me. At the moment the experimental reactors (JET is the only one I know of) don't create radioactivity (it uses Protium instead of Deuterium or Tritium). ITER (eventually) will use Deuterium and Tritium, though, and this will make the containment vessel radioactive.

We do have working magnetic confinement fusion reactors. They're just experimental and don't produce power.
I have no clue about Alyx, but here's a tidbit on Barney that I scanned from an old PC Gamer mag, and have had saved on my computer for god knows how long. It's a good mini-article, though, and I'm glad I saved it.


Hehe, personality of cheese. It's an excelent description.

What does this mean? Valve orginaly created most of the characters as NPCs. Barney is only in HL2 because everyone thought he was awesome in HL1.

Valve is not going to chuck away a character if the gaming public connects with them on an emotional level. And everyone loves Alyx. I dont care who you are, she's not only hawt (and i'm a fellow girl talking here), but just an awesome character. Besides, every videogame needs a spunky sidekick. And Barney is more of a 'After this, I am going to crawl into a bar and DIE' character. And dont get me started on Walter. ;p
Alyx - another theory

First of all let me state that I'm somewhat of a newcomer to HL and and so someone may have said these thoughts before. It appeared to me at the end sequence it wasn't lint or something. I thought he reached towards her neck. Now I realize she is the daughter of former scientists from the Mesa Lab however she is wearing a most intriguing necklace. The only main character I've noticed wearing a necklace...aren't they control devices of some ilk. Perhaps Alyx is not at all what she appears. Was the G-man resetting controls...perhaps. That may means he survives, but.....

Just some rambling thoughts from a somewhat newbie.
[AUS]-TheOne said:
If the gman can stop time or whatever
why dont he just stop time, kick dr.breen in the nutz and save gordon the hard work!

Who says he stopped time? What if he's simply slowing down your perception of time, or slowing down your last memories?

I think it's him slowing down time, given that he accentuates the word, perhaps with some relation to the slow teleporter thing, but maybe we're only supposed to think that.

She can't die, like someone said before, you have to have a cool sidekick and shes just that. Somehow she will survive and if not alot of people would be upset at valve.
Personally I liked Barney more than I liked Alyx, and looked forward to fighting alongside him FAR more than I ever looked forward to hanging about with Alyx.

Barney and I have history dammit! So many good memories, and so many bad ones! Memories that occured soley due to things I did. All that ever happened with the main characters in HL2 were fully scripted events, or short sequences with little opportunity for custom built guilt/pride moments. While I got plenty of those sorts of interactions with the resistance fighters.... They tended to die a lot, and so it's not like I'm gonna be seeing them ever again!
Revenge said:
Personally I liked Barney more than I liked Alyx, and looked forward to fighting alongside him FAR more than I ever looked forward to hanging about with Alyx.

Barney and I have history dammit! So many good memories, and so many bad ones! Memories that occured soley due to things I did. All that ever happened with the main characters in HL2 were fully scripted events, or short sequences with little opportunity for custom built guilt/pride moments. While I got plenty of those sorts of interactions with the resistance fighters.... They tended to die a lot, and so it's not like I'm gonna be seeing them ever again!
Word! Love barney! And Kleiner! They can't die!
Also, was I the only one who really didn't notice Barney was "fat" in half-life? A lot of pc mags says so but I never thought of it.
I *know* we will see Alyx, Barney et al again, but then.... I also reckon Valve are going to hit us with a death... and I think it might be poor old Kleiner....