Alyx VS Spear

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LOL!@ Good one, Ron. That just sucks what they did to Alyx. She doesn't really do it for me like she does for some of you, though.
ARRRGH why was this dug up.

Because someone linked to it and people are too stupid to notice the little dates on the peoples posts.

Whoever runs the forum... Here's a suggestion. When a user posts in an old thread, have a warning saying you are about to dig up an old thread, and doing so is not recommended.
vegeta897 said:
ARRRGH why was this dug up.

Because someone linked to it and people are too stupid to notice the little dates on the peoples posts.

Whoever runs the forum... Here's a suggestion. When a user posts in an old thread, have a warning saying you are about to dig up an old thread, and doing so is not recommended.

That makes me laugh ether you piss and moan about poeple not using the search option or you grip about the threadnecros, sigh.
Grand Architect said:
That makes me laugh ether you piss and moan about poeple not using the search option or you grip about the threadnecros, sigh.
Do I know you?

I don't do that stuff any more... The last time I complained about.. "thread necros" was... a while ago..

Besides I gave my post a meaning.. I didn't JUST complain.

I think people take me too seriously.
vegeta897 said:
ARRRGH why was this dug up.

Because someone linked to it and people are too stupid to notice the little dates on the peoples posts.

Whoever runs the forum... Here's a suggestion. When a user posts in an old thread, have a warning saying you are about to dig up an old thread, and doing so is not recommended.

vegeta897 said:
Do I know you?

I don't do that stuff any more... The last time I complained about.. "thread necros" was... a while ago..

Besides I gave my post a meaning.. I didn't JUST complain.

I think people take me too seriously.

hehe, I guess I should not have used the word "you", my bad I was not trying to center on you (kind of a shoot the messager). I was just saying that to comment on bringing up old threads with the number of users that get their panties in a twist when some one starts a new thread on old topics is a bit of a catch 22. I just think ether deal with the rare rasing of old thread or deal with poeple not using search.
Pretty handy with those pictures aren't you Ron.

How about actually speaking for yourself instead of mocking others (and making yourself look bad) with your not-so-funny images.

Architect- It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.
;) Like I said, it just makes me laugh, your damned if you do, your damned if you don't. No one ever said life was fair.
Yeah vegeta agreed, i searched for this thread one someone asked if anyone knew about the harpoon and posted it for evidence of a previous thread. It annoys me when this happens and people bring them back. Maybe should add a footnote next to to tell people to not reply in that thread? or is that excessive? :)
My "WARNING" idea seems like it would work.

Ofcourse they would probably ignore that too... "Too many big woooorrrrds... wahhhhhh"
Overwatch said:
Just look at the screenshot

i prefere not to kill things that help you...

... especially when they just seem to find unusuall poses.

am i the only one who doesnt like Alyx???? GOoooooo Judith!! Dog is even worse than Alyx....stupid thing gets in my way too much!!
This is way off topic.
The content is questionable to begin with.
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