Alyx was designed to be sexy, and a sex symbol (duh) read on..

Funny. I think they did a good job with her, and all the other characters I've seen so far, but I wasn't struck by her sexuality or anything. Maybe if she were to lose the headband... I like longer hair, usually. BUt, it fits her style and needs, being a freedom fighter and all.
I knew a girl that looked like Alyx, damn I let her get away. She was hot.
Her father was black and valve knew that the gaming audience was mostly white people and that they wouldn't care as much if alyx was black.
JV and ViceFred-
Exactly. Thankyou for expressing the point I was trying to make!

This thread really is going nowhere.. Alyx hotness talk + Good vs. Bad imagination arguments + fake spoilers = Where are the admins?

Maybe some of you guys should drop playing Half-Life² and hit up some Playboy: The Game. Probably turn your crank a little more.
I have a good Alyx/Gordon Spoiler for you guys...This is what happens at the end of the game...=O! OH NOES!

graydon20 said:
I have a good Alyx/Gordon Spoiler for you guys...This is what happens at the end of the game...=O! OH NOES!

that is raunch dude.
I am so glad Alyx isn't this girl with huge boobs and can take 10 bullets to the chest even thought all she is wearing is a bikini top. Leave that to the newly pubed 13 year old Grand Theft Auto players.

I want to play a game not get cheap thrills of a pixelated computer generated NPC.
Very entertaining thread... I will add my $0.02 in. Alyx is hawt and I want to spank my monkey to her. Seriously the thread starter has over-analyzed making me think you are a new species of nerd. May Moses have mercy on your souls. :(
Sh4mp00 said:
Tight Jeans, a very phallic wrench, a sassy dashing look. And if you re-whatch the binks you realize she is a huge flirt with Gordon.. not only when it is recognized in the labs but in general like near the hydra the way she moves is as if Gordon is an sexual interest. I was raised by two shrinks so I may be over analyzing this but Alyx is quite obviously interested in Gordon and not only that but shows off her body and but quite a bit. As we all play i'm sure we'll realize that. I'm looking at my signed framed poster of Alyx and I see a total babe, not in the steryotypical sense of the word but she has curves holds a penis-like wrench, glares with beutiful eyes and holds onto her pant line with one leg extended showing off her toned physique. As far as game characters go she is definatley not bad, i'd give her a spin.

Do you people ever consider the idea that female characters are there for more than just sexual pleasure? Didn't think so.
Ghost Freeman said:
Do you people ever consider the idea that female characters are there for more than just sexual pleasure? Didn't think so.

Now why the hell would we think that?
azz0r said:
Yeah and thats why I dont believe the Alyx dies supposed spoilers, why create such a strong character to take her away in the first game, wouldnt make sense.

Hey ****head, I hadn't seen any spoilers about that. Way to go shit for brains.
cylyk said:
Hey ****head, I hadn't seen any spoilers about that. Way to go shit for brains.

I'm pretty sure thats a fake spoiler anyway
Valve said Alyx would be an even more important character in Half-Life 3.

So she obviously doesn't die...
It's a good thing none of you were up and around 7 years ago when Resident Evil came out and it was all, "Click this thread to find out how to get Ada naked!"

And let me tell you: You wouldn't want to see Ada naked - she didn't even have proper fingers :p .

I've yet to find a video game character that looks really good or anything, but now that we're close to the photo-realistic graphics, you people can settle down on the 'it's polygons!' stuff.

-The brain makes no destinctions like that, heck, there's even book based porn - and where are your pictures then?

-Even visual forms of porn are still 'not real people' sure, they could be real, or maybe someone just photoshopped some of them together and you can't tell the difference.

[How about that "See this celebrity nude!" crap?]

-You've all got pent up angst if your only reason for not caring how someone looks is because they 'aren't real'...because how many women that you see do you really think you'll get to sleep with?

Saying all that: [about that voice actor] pump some calogen out of those lips and maybe we'll have something to work with... [about Alyx] Nothing against the whole Mulatto thing, but she always seems to have messed up lip corners...along with some strange hair stuff going on.

Phallic wrench = Freud: "You want to have sex with your mother, don't you?"

...bah, phallic wrench, some twisted mind works there.
Sh4mp00 said:
Tight Jeans, a very phallic wrench, a sassy dashing look. And if you re-whatch the binks you realize she is a huge flirt with Gordon.. not only when it is recognized in the labs but in general like near the hydra the way she moves is as if Gordon is an sexual interest. I was raised by two shrinks so I may be over analyzing this but Alyx is quite obviously interested in Gordon and not only that but shows off her body and but quite a bit. As we all play i'm sure we'll realize that. I'm looking at my signed framed poster of Alyx and I see a total babe, not in the steryotypical sense of the word but she has curves holds a penis-like wrench, glares with beutiful eyes and holds onto her pant line with one leg extended showing off her toned physique. As far as game characters go she is definatley not bad, i'd give her a spin.

i agree. She is very flirtatious. But the thing you have to consider is, women are flirtatious as a matter of course to men they see as "alpha males" well, as the more dominant ones anyway, as a way to ensure they are "protected". :rolling:
Phallic wrench = Freud: "You want to have sex with your mother, don't you?"

...bah, phallic wrench, some twisted mind works there.

Yea its a freaking socket wrench... it doesn't look like a penis
OMG i though i was a nerd ...gosh u peeps think Polygons made valve is Hot ..AND ANT TO SEE HER NAKED!!! God Forbid u Have HUMAN girlfreinds. **leaves this thread knowing there are Many Wrong people in the world**
Sonduren said:
OMG i though i was a nerd ...gosh u peeps think Polygons made valve is Hot ..AND ANT TO SEE HER NAKED!!! God Forbid u Have HUMAN girlfreinds. **leaves this thread knowing there are Many Wrong people in the world**

mmm ok, this coming from Mr I have my PC specs as a Sig??

lol, this is a discussion board. i mean cmon (pure speculation now, thot id remind u) if Alyx was a real would! But she isnt, a lot like Lara Croft, so its left to the imagination. Please dont make generalised comments about forum members, i infact do have a missus, but at the end of the day, its all a big laugh on thie forum anyways. Lighten up doode.

//passes Sonduren some happy pills!!
DavE0r said:
mmm ok, this coming from Mr I have my PC specs as a Sig??

lol, this is a discussion board. i mean cmon (pure speculation now, thot id remind u) if Alyx was a real would! But she isnt, a lot like Lara Croft, so its left to the imagination. Please dont make generalised comments about forum members, i infact do have a missus, but at the end of the day, its all a big laugh on thie forum anyways. Lighten up doode.

//passes Sonduren some happy pills!!

he's right ...
aeroripper said:
In defense of internet porn, the girls in those pics are REAL girls not synthetic polygons... there's a difference

Well only part of them are synthetic in the real porn :-P

A "synthetic" polygon? WTF is that? a polygon made out of manmade materials????????????
has anyone else noticed that they have really changed Alyx's face since last year? i liked her old face better. . .
I remembered someone saying they had to reduce the realism of the
characters faces because it looked out of place with the rest of the graphics (clothes, etc).

*Hoping I am not starting some kind of cr@p rumor*
Goddamnit. There'll be frickinnn Jenna Jameson replacement custom models within a few weeks so you can replace "ugly" Alyx with some HOT BLONDE BITCH.mdl, and for Eon Blue i'm sure someone can make a Tony Danza -Alyx model.
Maybe in HL3 Alyx will have huge ugly nasty scars from some headcrab fight in hl2.
you people need girlfriends...

you either suffer from an oedipus complex or just spend too much time on computer games and porn.
groovy said:
you people need girlfriends...

you either suffer from an oedipus complex or just spend too much time on computer games and porn.

they want to have sex with their mothers?
Wraith said:
i recognized this instantly the first time i saw her "gordon you're staring at me again tee-hee-hee"

big deal

How about when she gets embarresed in front of her ol' dad :O

Something tells me she has told him about her interest in Gordon

She is too frightened to tell him.

I mean it doesn't help neither with the fact Gordon is wearing a bright Orange and Grey chastity suit :LOL: ;(
It makes up for the fact that Gordon has something very small
A Pen....................................................cil!
Kazreal said:
I remembered someone saying they had to reduce the realism of the
characters faces because it looked out of place with the rest of the graphics (clothes, etc).

*Hoping I am not starting some kind of cr@p rumor*

...funny, because that's what the Shrek commentary soundtrack says about Princess Fiona and that one short guy.
I think it'll be interesting to see where gaming goes with this whole issue of "sexy NPCs" or whatever u wanna call them.

Perhaps in the future when u pop ur character name in u'll have type in ur perfect girl/ guy too, and bingo the game generates it. Depends on where gamings going - and if some people are ready to admit that they want computers to make them feel loved.


To the pub! :afro:
Try peeking down the back of Alyx's jeans, she's wearing a red thong - and letting it show, the little slut!
Mr-Fusion said:
Goddamnit. There'll be frickinnn Jenna Jameson replacement custom models within a few weeks so you can replace "ugly" Alyx with some HOT BLONDE BITCH.mdl, and for Eon Blue i'm sure someone can make a Tony Danza -Alyx model.

Alyx is alot better looking than her.
rammstein said:
No way i would touch that...

black and asain?

no thanks

Tiger Woods!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gordon kills her at the end.............he catches her with another woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bounce: :thumbs:

RotorHead said:
Tiger Woods!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gordon kills her at the end.............he catches her with another woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bounce: :thumbs:


Now THAT'S a happy ending!! :thumbs: