
Get on! Cheers for the link, I was looking forward to reading about Adam Fosters' trip
Yeah, I can't wait to see what actualy happens though,
Maybe Eli gets captured and turned into a stalker? :p
Doubtful considering the scheme of things. (Citadel exploding, evacuating the city), there'd be no time for such a procedure.
Oh for..they may aswell just TELL us she dies or something. Hell, saying 'all i can say is...poor Alyx..' is either the dumbest give away ever or a clever trick to throw us off course as to what we are expecting/predicting.
As Samon, the poor schmo, has the facts to support this, that rules it down to two options; She looses her Black Mesa hoodie, or someone close to her dies. So it's the hoodie, daddy, Kleiny or Doggy.
Maybe she has her period about a third of the way through the game, one that was long, long repressed due to the Combine suppression field. That would indeed warrant a "poor Alyx" comment, and would definitely be the most disturbing scripted sequence I've ever seen in a game.
Okay... Nice info btw.

Damn i gotta stop reading these stuff!
Z0mg Alyx dies? And btw check out the Steam status page. Another huge content update for Episode 1 is coming.
Hondo said:
Maybe she has her period about a third of the way through the game, one that was long, long repressed due to the Combine suppression field. That would indeed warrant a "poor Alyx" comment, and would definitely be the most disturbing scripted sequence I've ever seen in a game.

Lauging my f'ing ass off at this!!!!
Maybe she gets her face burned off or something. That'd be extreme.
Maybe she eats pie
I wouldn't mind if something happened to Alyx. I'm sure she's not human. I hope she bites it. :p
well I doubt she has a visa to be working in unnamed eastern european state
She doesn't need one since she's underground with the resistance.
There's something extraterrestrial about her, though. She gives me the creeps, she doesn't look human.

You'll know what I mean if you've tried the Alyx-nude mode.
Okay, thats a little wired Hullu.
I dont think she is alien, but there is something fishy about her.
Unless of course she eats fish while the're alive and uncooked. That I would find fishy. :)
I think she's hiding something.
"Don't listen to him Gordon!" Aaaah i don't know. She's up to something.
She isn't up to anything. She's just trying to protect you from Breen - Gordon, at times, is easily led. She is just treating Gordon like the human being he is.

"He's bluffing Gordon don't listen to him!"

It's an alien reactor and Breen isn't bluffing. Gordon might have second thoughts - he might think screw Breen, I want to get out of here.
Hullu said:
There's something extraterrestrial about her, though. She gives me the creeps, she doesn't look human.

You'll know what I mean if you've tried the Alyx-nude mode.
Sometimes Samon, you speak as if you know stuff... As if you have played the coming episodes already or have heard an info leak.
Rizzo89 said:
Sometimes Samon, you speak as if you know stuff... As if you have played the coming episodes already or have heard an info leak.
I've got news for you, or rather, Samon does...
Arrrgh... Dog get destroyed...poor alxy (makes soo much sense anyway this was soo easy just peice some clues together...)
I think what is more interesting in that blog post is that he suggests that Minerva now fits in somewhere in the HL universe..... :eek: