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I Wass Wondering Why Alyx Is White When Her Father Eli Is Black.
Shouldnt She Be Black Too Then??
Can Somebody Answer Plz.
She is cross between black and white, her mother was most probably white, so Alyx's skin would be much lighter then an average black persons.
Orrrr she just has lighter skin. It's not unheard of, people.

This thread is nothing but trouble. :rolleyes:
I'm pretty sure she half black / half withe, with some hispanic blood too, but anyways, Alyx is an haitian name (and was a french name before) AFAIK
i thought she was half black/oriental, like the woman who does the voice for her.
Wow, this is a great thread, she is most likely mixed, and there are light skinned black people, are you sheltered or what.
Hehe ... anyways, this has been discussed before - use the search thingy.
And yes, she is a mix of black and white parents, so has tanned skin. Shocking.

[Maybe this isn't the place to say it, no offence to tehoen, but truly the forums are getting to saturation point now with the same stuff coming up again and again - it was ok last week, but posters, even those are quite active here, insist on making new pointless threads. It makes me want to cry! Rant over]

EDIT (see msg below):
The CS-Source forum is the second worst culprit, I reckon, with far to many threads for a game we've seen 2 minutes of, and not much else ... let it die whilst there's no more news, please! It's not as if it's going away if u leave it be ...
Kirkburn said:
[Maybe this isn't the place to say it, no offence to tehoen, but truly the forums are getting to saturation point now with the same stuff coming up again and again - it was ok last week, but posters, even those are quite active here, insist on making new pointless threads. It makes me want to cry! Rant over]

I fully agree with Kirkburn. :thumbs:
Kirkburn said:
Hehe ... anyways, this has been discussed before - use the search thingy.
And yes, she is a mix of black and white parents, so has tanned skin. Shocking.

[Maybe this isn't the place to say it, no offence to tehoen, but truly the forums are getting to saturation point now with the same stuff coming up again and again - it was ok last week, but posters, even those are quite active here, insist on making new pointless threads. It makes me want to cry! Rant over]

Err, I did say I wasn't having a go at you, nor was I suggesting what you seem to think I was. Please, don't shout ... it hurts my ears :(

[To mods: sorry about going off-topic]

[To everyone: what have I started!? Already three posts below not even mentioning the thread name ... i'm sorry, i'm so sorry]
On the cover of one of the magazines... The UK one.. I don;t remember the name, oh PC Zone! She looks VERY asian in that picutre.

So I am saying her mother is Asian. That makes the most sense no? It makes sense with the color too. :)
tehoen said:
actually that's not too bad of an idea imo

or just leave the info from valve thread open :afro:
or we could delete all the other threads and then everything we say will be cutting edge discussion :naughty:
tehoen said:
I Wass Wondering Why Alyx Is White When Her Father Eli Is Black.
Shouldnt She Be Black Too Then??
Can Somebody Answer Plz.
Not every person of African descent has dark skin. It's simple genetics.
Krynn72 said:
or we could delete all the other threads and then everything we say will be cutting edge discussion :naughty:
LOL thats good.

So... I wonder what Alyx's mothers first name was... :cheese:
OCybrManO said:
Obviously she's Afrijaspanifrenglitalian.

really? :dork:
i suck at geography.. can u point out what part of the world (or universe) is that culture from? :LOL:
It's a new word that means "someone whose ancestors came from ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, and ___."

I'll leave it up to you to break down the word and find out which countries fill those blanks.

Example: I call my friend a Puertalian (or an Italiarican) because his mother was from Puerto Rico and his father was from Italy.
Razor said:
She is cross between black and white, her mother was most probably white, so Alyx's skin would be much lighter then an average black persons.

No, both parents were black but they did it with their white dresses on, thus Alyx is a bit lighter than it should be.
dunno if this was mentioned, but didnt we decide the photo in the E3 2004 video in eli's lab was of him and a white oriental woman.
Dr0ndeh said:
i thought she was half black/oriental, like the woman who does the voice for her.

Oriental is a flavor not a racial specification. She's half asian.
Oh come on now.... micheal jackson had black parents and now hes a white woman....

but seriously Black people loose their colour if they dont stay in the sunlight enough....

EG. if Halle berry worked outside all day she would be very black or "tanned".

just like a white person goes very pale if they dont get enough sunlight.
there's an albino asian in my university. he is full-asian but his skin is totally pink/white, and his hair is blonde as blonde can be!!!!! its a real freak out actually. and he always wears sunglasses because i guess his eyes must be super duper sensitive, and maybe look a little strange.
albinos scare me!
luckily i have been seen an albino black person before.

and at my old high school there was a girl who was full or half asian, but she had brown hair and blue eyes!!! whats up with that!
denzelr said:
Oriental is a flavor not a racial specification. She's half asian.
Well, actually it sort of is seeing as if you say "Asian" you could also be referring to Indians, Pakistanis, Burmese th list goes on and on. And God help you if you call an Indian person a Pakistani or vice versa.
In short this thread is rubbish and I'm amazed and very happy that no-one's said anything racist yet - there are many retards on forums. Just look at me.
valve made her half black half chinese and half white so everyone would like her.

just a reminder, (im sure its been mentioned a thousand times lol) but the voice actress for alyx is being interviewed on HL radio tonight.
and at my old high school there was a girl who was full or half asian, but she had brown hair and blue eyes!!! whats up with that!

It's called genetics, sherlock.
FoB_Ed said:
It's called genetics, sherlock.

but you see, her facial structure and features looked EXACTLY asian, just with brown hair and blue eyes. and skin was pink. i still wonder if she was half asian or if something was flipped out with her dna.

by the way fob_ed, may i quote your old signature?
"9/30... in gabe we trust"
call me crazy, but she looks a bit asian to me...
I think I remember reading somewhere that her dad was african american and her mom was asian (Im not sure)
Who cares, she can be martian... she is not even a she, it is a computer character ffs...
Her mother is white I believe, you can see a picture of her in the E3 vid around 18:08. I belive its her and Eli in the pic.
her mother died in black haven't seen her mother i don't think

OCybrManO said:
Example: I call my friend a Puertalian (or an Italiarican) because his mother was from Puerto Rico and his father was from Italy. of my friends is "the hispasian" :D
that lady in the e3 vid isn't her mother, her mother died in black mesa.
To all who say there are light skinned black people, you're wrong. Besides very VERY few, there aren't. Take a look at the people of Africa. They are not light skinned at all - just as British people are not naturally tan. It doesn't happen.
Wesisapie said:
but you see, her facial structure and features looked EXACTLY asian, just with brown hair and blue eyes. and skin was pink. i still wonder if she was half asian or if something was flipped out with her dna.

by the way fob_ed, may i quote your old signature?
"9/30... in gabe we trust"

*sigh* there is no carbon-copy race, everyone is different...

like, lets say Y is Yellow hair, and y is brown hair

if Parent A has brown hair, and his father had brown hair, but his mother had yellow hair, then his hair genetic code would be Yy (heterozygous dominant)

if parent B has yellow hair, and so did her mom and dad, her code is yy (homozygous recessive)

so if they mated, and had 4 children, it would come out to something like this:

and that code is repeated MILLIONS of times, for everything from height, to skin tone, to depression, its mathematically impossible (except in the case of identical twins, which split after these calculations are done) for 2 people to look exactly the same...
Be-vishead said:
that lady in the e3 vid isn't her mother, her mother died in black mesa.

I didnt say the lady thats talking to you, I said the woman in the photograph on the table. It shows a younger looking Eli with a woman beside him, supposedly his wife.
:O She's a ****in ALIEN! That is why we can't tell for sure what the hell she really is!
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