Alyx's Comments

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Alyx has a nice ass, I noticed, for a pixilated character. As for her comments,

"Gordon flash that light on me"
*While she is getting mauled by zombines*
I like when she comments about the water and how nasty it is, then asks if there is room for her in the HEV suit.
Perhaps a request for The G-Man:

I found that as a POTD on
HAHAHA! I almost puked I was laughing so hard throughout this thread. ^^

Threads like these are why I generally lurk. I don't want to waste time posting when I can read these gems. Overzealous nerds...

Hahaha! When you really sit down and think about it, people are pretty ****ing weird.

Oh, to everyone involved: Get a grip. Crowbar is mildly retarded, Neko is bitter, and Zoidberg apparently doesn't like pixelated females. End of story.

Hahaha... I'm still giggling about this.
Though not quite on topic, it was interesting to hear the rebels talking from downstairs (in the rebel hideout). Does anyone know if Alyx comments to you on anything you both overhear?

i.e. She could get indignant about the "Who made Klienner boss?" comment from one of the rebels. Pretty sure it doesn't happen, but it'd be pretty cool.
"why do we always have to wear these rediculious ties." even though its not its in ep1 I thought it still was funny.
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