Alyx's Comments

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Dec 28, 2004
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How cool were Alyx's comments in regards to things going on around you?

I thought it was pretty cool - For example, right before you meet Barney, in the little rebel hideout, I pulled out the TV that Dr. Kleiner was speaking on and she goes "Yeah, now isn't the time to be watching television."

Then we went up those stairs there into the building and we get attached by a bunch of things on the stairs... and then a headcrab missle comes in and destroys the top stairs.. I was wondering why none of the rebels came with me so I walked all the way back down to them and Alyx says to the Rebels, "I'd avoid the stairs if I were you".

I was pretty shocked by that last one since I really did have to backtrack a little bit and I can't see anywhere else in the game where she'd have to say that....


Any cool one liners that I missed? I'm sure there's plenty.
She is awesome. I liked it when she says "Is Dr. Kleiner really telling everyone to...get busy?"
Samon said:
She is awesome. I liked it when she says "Is Dr. Kleiner really telling everyone to...get busy?"

badabing to Samon, yup thats the best one, I love the way shes eyeing you when she says it lol.
My favorite Alyx Comment(tm) is probably in Lowlife, when she imitates the sound of a zombie, and if you turn around to look at her, she says "Heh, gotcha". Very nice detail, although I only heard her because of the subtitles.
My most favorite quote from alyx: "Leave the talking to me, Gordon..."
I love when she imitates a zombie, and then laughing at you and saying "Gotcha". Funny moment, even though she didn't succeed totally in imitating a real zombie. Maybe that's the funny part.
It's pretty neat how she responses to the situations she's placed in.
If you shine the flashlight in her eyes she'll swint and cover her face. Pretty cool. :)
When you shoot down the gunship and she suggests whacking it with a crowbar, just to be safe!
I always liked when she made the comments about you and vents, that cracked me up. But yeah, would have to say her response to Doctor Kleiner gets the gold. =D
At the very beginning of the Chapter Urban Flight, she'll tell you the phones aren't working if you attempt to have a "phone call".

tehsolace said:
My most favorite quote from alyx: "Leave the talking to me, Gordon..."
Eli - tighten your belt, you're a Vance, start acting like it :)
yep the zombine joke did it for me, just cuz her facial features and talking under her breath......perfectly executed
Ridge said:
When you shoot down the gunship and she suggests whacking it with a crowbar, just to be safe!
I jumped on the head of the Gunship and whacked it and the whole thing slide off the joists it was resting on. It was pretty neat. :)
I have whacked the gunship every time (although I did it in vanilla hl2 too)
it's a compulsion
However, a bit imperfect is that Alyx's moving routes are not reversible. For example, after Alyx crawl through a broken wall, she cannot crawl through it again and back to the former place. Instead, she would just teleport to the other side. I think this takes some mendings.
Samon said:
She is awesome. I liked it when she says "Is Dr. Kleiner really telling everyone to...get busy?"
I wanted to punch her when she said that, in fact, I think I threw the telly at her.
Dr. Zoidberg said:
Thats funny?

I dont think you could procreate with a bunch of polygons.

Thats funny?

You make girlfriend for procreation ONLY? That's a shame. All your minds are procreation, procreation and procreation!
bbson_john said:
Thats funny?

You make girlfriend for procreation ONLY? That's a shame. All your minds are procreation, procreation and procreation!

I dont recall ever making a girlfriend, I have been with one but never made one.

And no my mind is not on procreation because I am past the life stage were hormones over rule your brain.
Dr. Zoidberg said:
I dont recall ever making a girlfriend, I have been with one but never made one.

And no my mind is not on procreation because I am past the life stage were hormones over rule your brain.

I don't mean that. No need to defend yourself. I am just an otaku trying to defend Alyx:D

Still, it is rather sad that women in reality are worse than those in virtual
I thought so too.

bbson_john said:
I don't mean that. No need to defend yourself. I am just an otaku trying to defend Alyx:D

Still, it is rather sad that women in reality are worse than those in virtual

In what way(s) are they worse?

And what is a otaku?
GiaOmerta said:
Ridge said:
When you shoot down the gunship and she suggests whacking it with a crowbar, just to be safe!

I jumped on the head of the Gunship and whacked it and the whole thing slide off the joists it was resting on. It was pretty neat. :)

Yeah, I acctaully listened to her when she said it. I was compelled to for some reason :)
During the Final Moments of Episode One, When Gordon & Alyx were escaping City 17 on the train, During the Dark Matter explosion....Me(Gordon) Junped ontop of alyx while saying "Take Cover" while shielding alyx from the bright light of the explosion......Alyx see's Gordon ontop of her and She smile's while giving him "the Look" (the look she allways gives Gordon) then strokes her hair with her finger, then Gordon Realize's that he's ontop her then he gets up, helps her get back on top of her feet..Then its off to EP2.

Damn I wish that was the ending for ep1, that would ROCK!!!!

Oh yeah before I forget, During lowlife....In the dark, every time I turned off the Flashlight and ran away, Alyx would get scared and say: "Gordon, Dont leave me", "COME BACK!!!", "Hey Gordon?", "Where are you?", "GORDON!!!!", "HELP!"
bbson_john said:
Still, it is rather sad that women in reality are worse than those in virtual

I'm a woman and I'm not like that. Thought I would say much about me isn’t womanly besides looks. Women like myself a few and far between. To be honest with you I’m not sure how I’m still single…

Dr. Zoidberg said:
And what is a otaku?

And an otaku is a term used to describe a person extremely fanatic about a particular hobby. For example, Some Star-wars fans I’ve seen camped out the movie theater dressed in what I could only describe as Star-wars movie going day’s best. Who can tell you the back-story to every character and still yet tell you about the characters ancestral line all my memory.
To better term it, I would use the word 'Nerd'.
otaku is an anime/manga fan in particular
so correction: the worst sort of nerd
I can see from the voice-over files that Alyx would actually list the Combine regulations. However, I don't know how to trigger it.
I'm not quite sure you can, or lest I've yet to.

Could be something they where planning to put in, but giving the pace of the game thought it would slow down the action too much to have her list them all.

They had Merle voice quite a few things they never ended up using. It’s all still in the files. I do wonder why they didn’t put it in. Would had made the game longer…
Neko! said:
They had Merle voice quite a few things they never ended up using. It’s all still in the files. I do wonder why they didn’t put it in. Would had made the game longer…

And more interesting. It will be quite a pitty if the conversations are simply cut out.
when you go to the elivator in city 17 you know in the reacktor and she says i wish i could to soething more like that
When you crawl through a vent duct and it gives way, you land back in the room she is in and, "back so soon", she remarks. Made me chuckle.
When she said the Zombine joke, I felt like I was forced to watch a lame episode of Will and Grace.
The Zombine joke was pretty funny, not the joke it self but the way she said it and her reaction to gordon not laughing.
Dr. Zoidberg said:
The Zombine joke was pretty funny, not the joke it self but the way she said it and her reaction to gordon not laughing.


She seemed to be a bit embarrassed
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