Am I a bad student?

Jun 30, 2003
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During the summer, I thought about a few things. One of them was my high school career.
Last year, I had a blast, I thought I was going to have a hard time, but I didn't because things kicked ass, my friends weren't as annoying (one good and inspirational friend of mine attended the school but now he moved to Korea, I'm not sure which one) and the staff was nice and helping.
However, I wasn't very satisfied with my work habits and my school progress.
This year, I am trying to improve myself and make my parents proud, afterall, they did buy me my Radeon 9800 PRO.
I have improved myself. For example, I am more organized and I use my Agenda more. I have nailed (and by nailed, I mean recieved 90%+) all the current tests given. They weren't really quizzes so I shouldn't really brag, they were incredibly easy, at least to me. In English 9, Science 9 and Social Studies 9, I have homework in which I have a somewhat difficult time apprehending the excercise. In Science 9, the teacher doesn't come until 5 minutes after the bell has rang and I get help from my friends within the little time I have. It's not that I don't do my homework, I take out my text and note book and stare at my work and decide that I will try to get help tomorrow.Last year, I acted like this. I fear that I have not changed my work habits from last year, the only thing that I've changed is that now, I spend around 2-3 hours on my homework.
And in English 9, we are reading 'Cue for Treason' by Geoffrey Trease. I have a hard time staying focused on this book. I can't concentrate because I have no interest, my reading journal, which is mandatory in this class, has been filled with entries all about me not staying focused on the book. Why can't I stay focused?
I am starting to think I will suck at Grade 9 and get B's.
Fortunetly, I've been only in school for two weeks so the teachers aren't really checking our homework and counting the marks towards our report card, they probably will in the future.
Math I have no problem, I go to the back and check my answers and I get perfect, and if I can't understand anything, my mother is extremely good at math and helps me out so I'm not worried about math.
Here is my basic schedule:
2:40- I get dismissed from school and I workout at the fitness centre for an hour and fifteen minutes.
4:00- I use the computer to about 6:30.
7:00- I start my homework.
The problem here is, I end up finishing everything at about 10:00 and then I have to prepare for next day and do some things before I actually go to bed. Then I take another hour to actually fall asleep (I should really stop having fantasies of the U.S. women's gymnastics team).
Then I wake up at 7:30 AM, I stretch and do 50 pushups under a minute. Don't think that's's not, I take 3 second breaks every 10 pushups in the 'up' position of the pushup, but her, I don't know what the standard for 'impressive' is when it comes to pushups. At P.E., we were having a fitness test and I did 50 pushups and these kids (assholes?) next to me where bugging me and claiming that my pushups were not done properly. My partner didn't think I was doing them wrong and the teachers were watching us do pushups, I'm pretty sure they would've said something but they didn't, and all other signs were pointing to the fact that I did them correctly, and besides, those kids also admitted that they sucked at the pushups so I have detected a hint of jealousy.
Why did I bring this up and what does this have to do with my high school career?
Nothing, it was on my mind so I thought that I'd mention it.

Anyways, are my work habits bad? Is 3 hours on homework really enough? Is there anything I need to change?
Earlier, I was writing this and my internet messed up so I flipped out and threw things around. I really wanted to make this thread.

I case you're wondering why I flipped out, I have a bad temper, in fact, when I bump into a table or something similar, I get pissed and shout out:
"You ****ing piece of shit! How dare you predict the future and find out that I was going to go to that exact spot in this time and place! You can't do that, ****ing cheater! You stupid piece of Ikea reject.
That's how bad my temper.
3 hours on homework is way too much, you need to learn to manage your time better. I finished all my homeowork in school, and if I do get homework it is usually only every other week and only less than half an hours worth. I got a 3.4 GPA my first year in High School doing this, but I think I got a little over confident and didn't even do in class work my 2nd year, dropping my GPA to 2.4, and this year I am doing a lot better, hoping for mostly As.
Is 3 hours on homework really enough?

A day? o_O

I'm lucky if I reached that in a complete year on my previous school. Passed easily.

But now I actually enjoy the stuff I do at school, so I practice it for fun, don't see it as homework. It's now all my own responsibility if I study or not.
i do most of my homework in classess. i end up only doing 1.5-2 hours of homework each night, because im in hard classes.
I do all my homework in school the next day..usually in study halls.. I cant see how people can have a schedule like yours Tredstop.. where does fun fit in there? and just time to "kick back" and relax?
wow... I can't believe I took the time to read your long-ass post. Anyway, gr. 9 shouldn't be hard but it all depends on your school/teachers. Furthermore, 3 h of hwk doesn't really mean anything. It all depends on how efficiently you're working. For me, I can do 3 h of hwk when I'm tired and get done 10% of what I would have if I wasn't tired. Generally, 3 h of hwk is a little on the high side but whatever works for you - every person is different! And for the concetration part, I just try to relate everything to myself and make it interesting so I can I stay on task. Hope that helps, and keep us updated. :cheers:

p.s. don't go crazy on school (don't be a nerd for the marks). try to enjoy it and participate in other activities as well (join a sports team or something).
As a senior this year, i have 4 classes. 2 classes a day, and i get out at 10:05 AM everyday during the week. My classes are Cybercorps, Auto Tech 3, British Lit, and Government. No honors, and i dont care. I think people that fill their schedules and take all AP classes just to impress colleges are idiots (and none of them even know what they want to do). Both of my core classes are taught by 1st year teachers, and neither of them like giving homework. I guess i dont have too much room to talk, i have a pretty easy schedule. Even though i have ALL DAY to do any work that is rarely assigned, i still wait to do it the day that it is due in the class before it. Hey, procrastinating is okay. Not doing it is bad. When you procrastinate, it gets done. Just later. :naughty:
I think, from other posts do, you're putting a bit too much thought into and caring too much about what other people say.

The asshole thing bugged you too much. The correct response is "whatever." (or something with the same meaning but less annoying, etc, if that doesn't float your boat.)
3 hours of homework a night?!

I did less than half of that in grade 12 and now I'm in a well known Ontario university.

Buddy you have excellent work habits, your only problem I think is that you are too tense, you worry too much and its causing you to lose concentration it is probably not helping your temper and if you are like me a few years ago then you probably feel like your mind is slowly being eaten away as well.

I used to worry all the time and have a temper that was basically the exact same as yours (you should see the dents in my walls and the cracks in my N64), and I can tell you that I grew out of it. I stopped worrying all the time and now I am always calm and rarely get upset at anything.
Swany4287 said:
When you procrastinate, it gets done. Just later. :naughty:

lol yea, later and rushed. spread out your work (assignments and projects) over days so each time you come back to it you get new ideas and look at it with a new perspective.

The Mullinator said:
I did less than half of that in grade 12 and now I'm in a well known Ontario university.

UFT, York, Ryerson, McMaster, Queens, Waterloo... ? What are you studying?
Don't work too hard, my friend did that until he went insane..seriously. He had perfect grades but all he did was homework, all day. All of a sudden one day he comes to school with a razor blade and he is carving swastikas into his skin, when he got home he would carve it in with a knife and then press it against a hot peice of metal. A week later he was expelled from the school for carrying weapons(at the time they caught him he had one knife and a bunch of razor blades). Moral of the story, don't be like Josh...err...don't work too hard.
nick_t said:
lol yea, later and rushed. spread out your work (assignments and projects) over days so each time you come back to it you get new ideas and look at it with a new perspective.

UFT, York, Ryerson, McMaster, Queens, Waterloo... ? What are you studying?
Western, Computer science.
look, no hate to you but its stupid that you come on here and complain about things that you JUST NEED TO DEAL WITH. get over your stuff, its your life and thats how it is.
Tredoslop said:
During the summer, I thought about a few things. One of them was my high school career.
Last year, I had a blast, I thought I was going to have a hard time, but I didn't because things kicked ass, my friends weren't as annoying (one good and inspirational friend of mine attended the school but now he moved to Korea, I'm not sure which one) and the staff was nice and helping.
However, I wasn't very satisfied with my work habits and my school progress.
This year, I am trying to improve myself and make my parents proud, afterall, they did buy me my Radeon 9800 PRO.
I have improved myself. For example, I am more organized and I use my Agenda more. I have nailed (and by nailed, I mean recieved 90%+) all the current tests given. They weren't really quizzes so I shouldn't really brag, they were incredibly easy, at least to me. In English 9, Science 9 and Social Studies 9, I have homework in which I have a somewhat difficult time apprehending the excercise. In Science 9, the teacher doesn't come until 5 minutes after the bell has rang and I get help from my friends within the little time I have. It's not that I don't do my homework, I take out my text and note book and stare at my work and decide that I will try to get help tomorrow.Last year, I acted like this. I fear that I have not changed my work habits from last year, the only thing that I've changed is that now, I spend around 2-3 hours on my homework.
And in English 9, we are reading 'Cue for Treason' by Geoffrey Trease. I have a hard time staying focused on this book. I can't concentrate because I have no interest, my reading journal, which is mandatory in this class, has been filled with entries all about me not staying focused on the book. Why can't I stay focused?
I am starting to think I will suck at Grade 9 and get B's.
Fortunetly, I've been only in school for two weeks so the teachers aren't really checking our homework and counting the marks towards our report card, they probably will in the future.
Math I have no problem, I go to the back and check my answers and I get perfect, and if I can't understand anything, my mother is extremely good at math and helps me out so I'm not worried about math.
Here is my basic schedule:
2:40- I get dismissed from school and I workout at the fitness centre for an hour and fifteen minutes.
4:00- I use the computer to about 6:30.
7:00- I start my homework.
The problem here is, I end up finishing everything at about 10:00 and then I have to prepare for next day and do some things before I actually go to bed. Then I take another hour to actually fall asleep (I should really stop having fantasies of the U.S. women's gymnastics team).
Then I wake up at 7:30 AM, I stretch and do 50 pushups under a minute. Don't think that's's not, I take 3 second breaks every 10 pushups in the 'up' position of the pushup, but her, I don't know what the standard for 'impressive' is when it comes to pushups. At P.E., we were having a fitness test and I did 50 pushups and these kids (assholes?) next to me where bugging me and claiming that my pushups were not done properly. My partner didn't think I was doing them wrong and the teachers were watching us do pushups, I'm pretty sure they would've said something but they didn't, and all other signs were pointing to the fact that I did them correctly, and besides, those kids also admitted that they sucked at the pushups so I have detected a hint of jealousy.
Why did I bring this up and what does this have to do with my high school career?
Nothing, it was on my mind so I thought that I'd mention it.

Anyways, are my work habits bad? Is 3 hours on homework really enough? Is there anything I need to change?
Earlier, I was writing this and my internet messed up so I flipped out and threw things around. I really wanted to make this thread.

I case you're wondering why I flipped out, I have a bad temper, in fact, when I bump into a table or something similar, I get pissed and shout out:
"You ****ing piece of shit! How dare you predict the future and find out that I was going to go to that exact spot in this time and place! You can't do that, ****ing cheater! You stupid piece of Ikea reject.
That's how bad my temper.

What a weird and totally uninteresting post, sorry just my opinion.
Sgt.Igneri said:
look, no hate to you but its stupid that you come on here and complain about things that you JUST NEED TO DEAL WITH. get over your stuff, its your life and thats how it is.
... And people can't come on and seek advice?

I like helping people so when someone comes on with problems in their life I like to try and help them in whatever extremelly limited way I can.
Tredoslop said:
Anyways, are my work habits bad? Is 3 hours on homework really enough?
Nah man, I'm a senior in high school and i'm in all AP classes and I still have trouble concentrating on those books that they think are good for you, but they're really garbage. (Use sparknotes for books =) ) Weird though, I have only about an hour of homework a night, but I do it in school whenever I have time free (excluding luch, thats when I hang with my homies). I get all A's and B's, which I'm happy with.
Last year the only time I did three hours of homework in a day was if I was writing a big paper... that I had put off...
do you even know tred personally? do you think ANYONE is going to come to a forum, ask for advice, get answers from some completely RANDOM person, then go out and just happen to change his life around? you forget what these people say anyway because YOU DONT KNOW THEM. if you need help with something in life talk to someone you know personally, maybe that is people on these forums but it makes a lot more sense to do that on AIM or something.

whatever, <33

oh and 3 hours of hw as you can see is an assload... i doubt you actually have 3 hours worth of hw each night. your working TOO hard but i guess for a freshman thats what happens in the beginning of the year till you figure everything out. btw asking if 3 hours of hw is a lot or a little is a lot better then asking random people to change your life.
I do most of the homework at school, save all 10 mins of math homework for home, go to bed around 10, wake up at 4:30 and brew some coffee.

Quit bitching, be glad you pass, learn to live with it.
Sgt.Igneri said:
do you even know tred personally? do you think ANYONE is going to come to a forum, ask for advice, get answers from some completely RANDOM person, then go out and just happen to change his life around? you forget what these people say anyway because YOU DONT KNOW THEM. if you need help with something in life talk to someone you know personally, maybe that is people on these forums but it makes a lot more sense to do that on AIM or something.

whatever, <33
Alot of the time the best way to talk about your problems is when you are anonymous.

I sure as hell would never have talked about problems I had in my past with anyone I knew, I never had anyone to talk to about things like that. Good thing for me though is those problems don't exist anymore.
Foxtrot said:
Don't work too hard, my friend did that until he went insane..seriously. He had perfect grades but all he did was homework, all day. All of a sudden one day he comes to school with a razor blade and he is carving swastikas into his skin, when he got home he would carve it in with a knife and then press it against a hot peice of metal. A week later he was expelled from the school for carrying weapons(at the time they caught him he had one knife and a bunch of razor blades). Moral of the story, don't be like Josh...err...don't work too hard.

lol, is that true? Man, in that case, I don't think I'm ever gonna work again. :thumbs:
venting to anonymous people feels good and makes you feel better i guess. but did you ever actually listen to some random person on something thats apparently effecting your life a lot, and then go out and change your life around?
Tredoslop said:
Is there anything I need to change?

Yes. Write things in paragraphs please.

Sgt.Igneri, I think sometimes people just like to use a forum as a sounding board. I don't see any harm in it.
The Mullinator said:
Alot of the time the best way to talk about your problems is when you are anonymous.

I sure as hell would never have talked about problems I had in my past with anyone I knew, I never had anyone to talk to about things like that. Good thing for me though is those problems don't exist anymore.

So where did you hide the bodies? Ahahahahaha...



Oh come on, thats good.
Sgt.Igneri said:
venting to anonymous people feels good and makes you feel better i guess. but did you ever actually listen to some random person on something thats apparently effecting your life a lot, and then go out and change your life around?
No, but it can help push someone in the right direction. It will always have a small effect on them which can cause them to start fixing things for themselves.

dart321 said:
So where did you hide the bodies? Ahahahahaha...



Oh come on, thats good.
:eek: Uh oh, my past is comming back to haunt me!!
tredoslop said:
I case you're wondering why I flipped out, I have a bad temper, in fact, when I bump into a table or something similar, I get pissed and shout out:
"You ****ing piece of shit! How dare you predict the future and find out that I was going to go to that exact spot in this time and place! You can't do that, ****ing cheater! You stupid piece of Ikea reject.
That's how bad my temper.

oh ok .

You seem to work out a lot for a 14 year old, or maybe it just seems a lot to a lazy bum like me :p

3 hours a night is what most A-Level students (16-18 year olds) are advised to do.....not a single person I knew doing them reached that target on a daily basis, about 99% didn't even try to (me included).
dart321 said:
lol, is that true? Man, in that case, I don't think I'm ever gonna work again. :thumbs:
Yup, and after he got expelled his parents got him a personal tutor, and a pyschologist, who brainwashed him into wanting to work and that is all he does now. I think he sold his gaming comp and xbox, he wants to become a doctor...what a poor misguided fool.
I don't really care much about my grades, as long as I pass.

I can always fall back on the military.
Dalamari said:
I don't really care much about my grades, as long as I pass.

I can always fall back on the military.
Or Brown...
Homework is meant for the drive to school in the morning. If this isnt possible (aka you drive) then do it the block before the class. Night is meant for having a good time. Still have a 3.6-7 in my Senior year too- taking mostly Honors classes. 30 mins max unless it is an essay due the next day.
sorry to see thats all you had to say, tred, i gave you all the help i could give and i dont even think you read it. all you want is attention, not cool.
3 hours is the recommended amount of time we should spend on homework. In reality, I spend at most about 30 minutes a night doing anything. Most of the time I do it in school or don't do it at all, and just pass tests. Especially this year (senior in HS), I want to have fun more than getting good grades so my priorities are a bit off. I'm a major procrastinator/slacker but manage to get by pretty well.
:thumbs: Ever since I moved to Wilson, I have improved in time management, organization, studying skills- those I think are key elements to doing good. I take AP Language, AP English, AP U.S. History, AP Chemistry, and to cream the cake I have Algebra 1-2 in the ****ing 11th grade! I am telling you peeps man math and me just don't mix! Oh, I really have 7 classes, other two are electives which are AVID and Draw & Painting, uber uninteresting classes. Wowser 4 AP classes, I have to pay like $50 bucks each for a test, hey it's college credits though for taking AP =). Last year I got like a 3.2 GPA, hopefully this year I do better, like a 4.0! I also really need to join clubs, sports eh... I don't plan on playing anymore school sports, too busy for that. I've only played football in 9th grade as an RB.
3 Hours? Perhaps thats just Scare tactics. Cram the first mounth of school full of Homework, then ease up. I know my Teachers did that to me! The first week of school I had 3 reports assigned and due the same week (Or the following monday).After that I basicly only get Adv. Algerbra Homework everynight. And all my classes are CP. Cept computers, Ya know.