Am I one of the oldest on that board?

I came here early 04, January'ish i believe. My first account i made never got a verification email, which i waited for ages for! So this is my second account, now the other one doesn't exist. August 04 was this one, i know it well.
I was here at Dec 04, but then never came to the site and forgot my password.

So I made a new one.
Nov/Dec 2004 = influx of people the 2003 members predicted would arrive with spam and silly questions.

Not that I would know much about those points.
Hectic Glenn said:
I came here early 04, January'ish i believe. My first account i made never got a verification email, which i waited for ages for! So this is my second account, now the other one doesn't exist. August 04 was this one, i know it well.

That's because Goethe stole it!
lol Munro joined or made the site in 1970 but his date of birth is in 1984
Im not sure when I joined...

...ah, september 2003 ... apparently
Darth Sidious said:
lol Munro joined or made the site in 1970 but his date of birth is in 1984

-- i have friends in high places lol

Heh, now I remember. Before I was on here I used to post in the now nonexistant Vivendi Universal forums (anyone else from there too?) till I got linked to this site, checked out new concept art I hadn't seen before, and finally joined in April '04.
Bah im june 04, but ive been on the forums just looking for a while before that. Took me awhile before I actually set up an account here.
I'm a 2003er. I wanted to get a different name because I don't like this one, but Munro never responded to my PM asking him to change it. I would just make a new account but I can't sacrifice this 2003 one. Come on, Munro, check your inbox!
I miss the old days from May 2003 to September 2003.
I was lurking when the site came to be back in May 03, didn't sign up till August though, been registered at SPUF for almost 3 years now too, wow time flys....
CptStern said:
hmmm that wasnt all that subtle now was it?

not until you uber-conservatives admit I'm right's my life mission and I'm not going anywhere till you say

"yes stern you were right, you were right all a long, you are so right that it would wrong to think otherwise, you righty-right guy you"

Seriously, what would you do if they all just said "Right, we give up, you win. No more arguing from us."?
my first account was June 03. got bannd 4 times. now its Augest 03.
Septih said:
Seriously, what would you do if they all just said "Right, we give up, you win. No more arguing from us."?

ummm jump for joy and do an "in your face right wingers" dance

this isnt the only place I discuss politics just happens to have politics/gaming all in one nice neat little package whereas the other places are mostly politics/world events

(tests age)

EDIT: yep, july 2003, exactley as I expected. sig is old too. I still have the excitement from the GOLD! stuff when hl2 went gold.

Feath said:
I miss the old days from May 2003 to September 2003.

lol, I remember a thread in 2003 arguing about the pronunciation of your name.
Let's see...

Hah, user #36. Think I got you all beat :)

Edit - Blast, Shippi posted already. Oh well, second \o/
I'm one of the oldest. Joined in the second month.
I miss those golden days of yore.
I joined August 8th '04 :D

I make on average .53 posts a day. 0_o

I lurked here from all the way back in '03 I believe, I was just too lazy to register until august 04.
How does one see which user number one is?

Oh, and I've always pronounced it faith. Yes, no?
I joined in 2003, but lurk a lot. I think I may have posted a little more often back then (but still not much). I came for the Info from Valve thread, back when you were supposed to be able to weld stuff together, and people thought you killed striders by holding a giant rope and wrapping it around its legs.
Ah yeah, and everyone was gonna glue i-beams to their buggies to make tanks. That was fun speculation.
The question is... who has the oldest signature? I've changed my signature often... but this signature I have has been around since the very beginning of when I joined. it was my first one I believe.
The speculation was awesome fun :D

And user #1 is Munro, duh.