Am I sick?


Jan 19, 2004
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I'm 6 feet and weigh about 145. I've never been that hungry of a guy and I've always been able to control my hunger pretty well but lately.....

Normally i'm never that hungry I eat throughout the day and I feel great.... well for almost the past week now I am constantly hungry. No matter how much I eat I feel hungry to the point where I feel like i'm going to puke. I feel like I have a ton of energy... I mean I am just hungry and my stomach feels like it is pushing down on itself. Sometimes I will start eating then a half n hour after eating I will feel like my stomachs full and I want to puke, then another half n hour I am hungry. My poops a bit bigger than usual but other than that it's fine.

I have no idea WTF is going on, my guess is for some reason my Metabolism went wack and is now causing me to digest things real quick. I think I should see a doctor.
keep eating. if you're not gaining a ton of weight you're probably not in danger...

though i think certain parasites (tapeworms maybe?) can cause you to be really hungry because they leech off you or whatever, but i have no idea if that's true and you shouldn't freak out anyway.

still, maybe talk to a doctor?
Sounds like you may have a tapeworm. I'd talk to a doctor, to be safe.
I was thinking the same thing right away Chris, it's possible you could have a tapeworm of some kind. They can sit in your stomach & intestines for some time, and feed on your food. It's more likely to be a changing in metabolism, but you don't know. Have you eaten any semi-cooked dodgy red meat recently? Have you eaten raw fish?

You'll pass it eventually if it is parasitic, just keep having a look down the loo afterwards, mmmmm! But yeah, keep check on your weight levels. How old are you now? Past puberty? Do you have an active job? Life situations changed recently? If you are very concerned just go to the Doctor immediately.
Go to the doctor. They will issue a kit where you have to gather poop samples to determine what is in your poops. if joo are lucky they will gather up datas confirming worms of tape!
was thinking the same thing right away Chris, it's possible you could have a tapeworm of some kind. They can sit in your stomach & intestines for some time, and feed on your food. It's more likely to be a changing in metabolism, but you don't know. Have you eaten any semi-cooked dodgy red meat recently? Have you eaten raw fish?

You'll pass it eventually if it is parasitic, just keep having a look down the loo afterwards, mmmmm! But yeah, keep check on your weight levels. How old are you now? Past puberty? Do you have an active job? Life situations changed recently? If you are very concerned just go to the Doctor immediately.
It may have started after lunch one day.. I didn't eat much as I didn't like anything that was there. Maybe some bread and this ice cream bar. Although that was just a slight discomfort in my stomach afterwards, I really wasn't "hungry" afterwards though. Although that night I did come home and eat some Taco's... I hate about idk twice as much as usual because I didn't eat that much for lunch....heh there wasn't that much left for everybody else.

Although nothings changed much besides that I had a root canal. I turned about 16 a few months ago. My weight usually fluxuates 5 pounds around 145, although I just checked me weight and it was around 148/149 which seems good as long as it starts going down.

A more unlikely possibility
Although a few weeks ago something bit me, like a Tick or Spider or something. I noticed it when I was looking in the mirror. It was stuck in me. It had bit me and was pointed at a 90 degree angle against my skin(it basically was coming out of me vertically, it's legs were not touching me) It seemed a little big for a tick and it's wrong time of year. It was about 1cm and had idk 6 legs? I had to pull it out and it took a little force. The area was almost on the bottom of my rib cage. While it didn't leave any big mark, a small 1cm diameter circle was left of the healing spot. Idk if that could be the cause of anything. Afterwards my chest hurt but that went away when I woke up.
Oh, I know what it is... you're going through what we call a "period".
how old are you? could just be hormones kickin in. Your weight sounds a little on the low side.
how old are you? could just be hormones kickin in. Your weight sounds a little on the low side.
I'm 16 about 6ft tall. I'm a soccer player and I run a lot.
It may have started after lunch one day.. I didn't eat much as I didn't like anything that was there. Maybe some bread and this ice cream bar. Although that was just a slight discomfort in my stomach afterwards, I really wasn't "hungry" afterwards though. Although that night I did come home and eat some Taco's... I hate about idk twice as much as usual because I didn't eat that much for lunch....heh there wasn't that much left for everybody else.

Although nothings changed much besides that I had a root canal. I turned about 16 a few months ago. My weight usually fluxuates 5 pounds around 145, although I just checked me weight and it was around 148/149 which seems good as long as it starts going down.

A more unlikely possibility
Although a few weeks ago something bit me, like a Tick or Spider or something. I noticed it when I was looking in the mirror. It was stuck in me. It had bit me and was pointed at a 90 degree angle against my skin(it basically was coming out of me vertically, it's legs were not touching me) It seemed a little big for a tick and it's wrong time of year. It was about 1cm and had idk 6 legs? I had to pull it out and it took a little force. The area was almost on the bottom of my rib cage. While it didn't leave any big mark, a small 1cm diameter circle was left of the healing spot. Idk if that could be the cause of anything. Afterwards my chest hurt but that went away when I woke up.

I'd guess it's just a temporary phase, based on your age (16, you said?). If you're too nervous about it, seeing or calling a doctor probably wouldn't be a bad idea.

Have you made any changes in your routine lately? Started playing a sport, or something, anything physical that you do more now than you did before this problem started? Any changes in your diet?

Has anyone else around you (friends, family, anyone near you often) starting having similar problems, or any kind of illness, lately?
I'm 16 about 6ft tall. I'm a soccer player and I run a lot.

****, when I was 16 I could hoover the entire fridge and then ask for some ice cream to tide me over and I'm only 5' 10". I think being constantly hungry is the curse of your teenage years... that and acne, and social akwardness, and feeling like you don't belong in society...

but mostly hungriness
Have you made any changes in your routine lately? Started playing a sport, or something, anything physical that you do more now than you did before this problem started? Any changes in your diet?
Soccer ended in mid October so I haven't been nearly as active and it's been really cold(winter). My diet hasn't really changed and has been basically the same.

Has anyone else around you (friends, family, anyone near you often) starting having similar problems, or any kind of illness, lately?
Not really.
****, when I was 16 I could hoover the entire fridge and then ask for some ice cream to tide me over and I'm only 5' 10". I think being constantly hungry is the curse of your teenage years... that and acne, and social akwardness, and feeling like you don't belong in society...

but mostly hungriness


Pretty soon you'll start noticing girls are kinda cute and find yourself waking up wet...
You're growing.
If you're that concerned, ask your doctor. He'll tell you the same thing.

About your insect story: I'm no entomologist, but I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with anything. Since that was a couple weeks ago, it's def not going to kill you and unless the bite site is infected, I'm sure you don't need to worry.

Now remember to drink your milk.
I'm 6 feet and weigh about 145. I've never been that hungry of a guy and I've always been able to control my hunger pretty well but lately.....

Normally i'm never that hungry I eat throughout the day and I feel great.... well for almost the past week now I am constantly hungry. No matter how much I eat I feel hungry to the point where I feel like i'm going to puke. I feel like I have a ton of energy... I mean I am just hungry and my stomach feels like it is pushing down on itself. Sometimes I will start eating then a half n hour after eating I will feel like my stomachs full and I want to puke, then another half n hour I am hungry. My poops a bit bigger than usual but other than that it's fine.

I have no idea WTF is going on, my guess is for some reason my Metabolism went wack and is now causing me to digest things real quick. I think I should see a doctor.

If it's causing serious problems, go to the doctor.
I suspect it's a hormone disruption, causing problems with digestion and metabolism, i had something similar when i was 18, i had caused it by overtraining and lack of sleep, it's bad for your health.

Get some good quality food in you, plenty of protein, good fats and lots of veg and fruit, if you need any tips on what to eat, just ask.
Make sure you get 8hrs sleep a night, same time.
Well if it is worms, educate yourself....

gives you a good idea of what your intestine might look like... ICK

HAHA one comment says
"I love how the guy has his wife come in to assist. Hey honey! Look at this worm hanging out of my asshole!! lol. "

Best comment ever.
Pretty soon you'll start noticing girls are kinda cute and find yourself waking up wet...'s been like that since the fourth grade...

Now remember to drink your milk.
Considering the amount of milk I drink, I probably take in a good 150% of my daily satured fat and about 200% of my daily protien....err... I drink a lot of milk...

maybe you're pregnant.
I was thinking that up until I looked down....then I kinda realized I had the wrong part for that.

Anyway, thanks all. I'll just keep on eating. As long as my weight doesn't hit 155 I shouldn't have a problem.
That insect thingy makes me think tapeworms.

See a doctor.
yeah pregnant. i think pregnant girls are beautiful, there's something spiritual about them, beautiful lovely glowing pregnant women. healthy beautiful lovely loving love OH MY GOD i miss my girlfriend so much!! bloody africa, bloody one more month.
yeah pregnant. i think pregnant girls are beautiful, there's something spiritual about them, beautiful lovely glowing pregnant women. healthy beautiful lovely loving love OH MY GOD i miss my girlfriend so much!! bloody africa, bloody one more month.
you just wish YOU were pregnant so i'd like you. admit it.
Nevermind. I thought you had Hemorrhoids and was going to recommend Preparation H.
****, when I was 16 I could hoover the entire fridge and then ask for some ice cream to tide me over and I'm only 5' 10". I think being constantly hungry is the curse of your teenage years... that and acne, and social akwardness, and feeling like you don't belong in society...

but mostly hungriness

****, when I was 16 I could hoover the entire fridge and then ask for some ice cream to tide me over and I'm only 5' 10". I think being constantly hungry is the curse of your teenage years...

Yes. Teenage years. Not that I do that now. No. Not at all.
****, when I was 16 I could hoover the entire fridge and then ask for some ice cream to tide me over and I'm only 5' 10". I think being constantly hungry is the curse of your teenage years... that and acne, and social akwardness, and feeling like you don't belong in society...

but mostly hungriness

never felt awkward personally, or that i didn't belong in society. hang on, can we take it that by 'not belonging to society' means you were, you know, alternative?

you were an individual right? you don't conform, the way you dress is individual and no one else likes your cool misunderstood music. except of course the thousands of other morons who think they're also the first people to be a teenager.
no you're not i'll, just hungry, don't worry.

loss of appetite is actually more of a concern.
cue Cole dying

rambler: "just kidding"
Sometimes when I wake up, I feel so incredibly sick from lack of food that it is almost debilitating. Even after eating, it can take an hour or two before i'm feeling fine again.
wow that's hardcore. sometimes when i don't eat i get a migraine.
The feeling of hunger you are experiencing is most likely caused by excess stomach acid - usually caused by stress, but there are many other causes. The solution is simple - Antacid tablets or antacid liquid. Just take one or two of these and your hunger will be gone, as will the sicky sensation.

I get like this when i'm nervous or stressed out, but I control it with tablets.