AMAZING H-L2 screens !


May 28, 2003
Reaction score
First, let me start by once again compliment the Source engine for the awesome graphics it produces whilst keeping the framerate up at an incredible level ! Truly amazing work by Valve !

These three screens below are taken with the following settings:

Resolution: 1600 x 1200
Visual settings: ALL Maxed out !
Anti-Aliasing: 6x
Anistrophic Filtering: 16x
Aspect Ratio: 4:3

What is so amazing is that, even at these settings, the engine still manages to deliver framerates averaging around 100 - 150+ fps. In action packed situations, the fps drops to around > 50 - but I've never seen it below that. I mean, use the same graphical settings in FarCry and the fps would rush down to 15 - 25 - and you wouldn't even get as great graphics as in H-L 2 !

Well, enough talking about how pleased I am with the Source Engine and over to the ART ! 56 k surfers beware !

I have to apologize for the dullness of these screens and I want you to pay attention to the lack of jagged edges.
Please copy and paste the following URLs into your browser since there's something weird going on with direct linking. (1600 x 1200, 290 kB) (1600 x 1200, 291 kB) (1600 x 1200, 498 kB)

I will be adding more High-Quality screens later on as I get to more interesting places with better views (depending on the response of this post of course).
I guess a lot of you know where I'm at in the game and if you want H-Q screens of anything in particular, please let me know.

Thanks for your time !
The links to the screenshots are dead. Try using ImageShack instead. :)
They do... read whut he said: copy/paste the link in a new window.

OT: That last shot is at the place I hated most... down that well, sh*tloads of headcrabs down there...*shudder*
I don't mean to be rude, but essentially this thread is you showing off, yes?
right so wts so good about these pics cept the hig res?
None of them work. If I copy and paste in the field I get this:

This page is missing.
To open a free hosting account (100 MB space, MySQL, PHP, Perl, FrontPage) click here
el Chi said:
I don't mean to be rude, but essentially this thread is you showing off, yes?
Hehe - well please try and believe my answer here;

What I really want to mediate here is the tremendous graphics from the Half-Life 2 engine. I have been gaming my entire life and I am just stunned with the visual quality this game presents !
Besides, I did not create, build nor invent the Radeon x800 XT PE card nor any other part in my computer, so I can not really see myself taking any credit for the visual quality I get, nor for the high FPS count that my system gives. I think the ones who should get all the credit for that is Valve and their engine as well as the people who built the stuff in my rig.

(Seriously, all I had to do was to go out and buy it and enjoy it - that's as far as I'm involved =)

And thanks so much everyone for giving me alternate places to upload images. I appreciate it very much !
Also remember, copy the links and paste them into a new window. Sorry for the inconvenience.
The_Monkey said:
None of them work. If I copy and paste in the field I get this:

This page is missing.
To open a free hosting account (100 MB space, MySQL, PHP, Perl, FrontPage) click here
Yeah, you need to right-click on the link and choose "Copy Shortcut" or whatever it says. If you just mark and Ctrl + C you don't get the entire address.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience.
It doesnt work. And you dont need to bold words for people to be able to read them ffs. Always annoys me when people do that.. not to take it out on you btw im just in a bit of a shitty mood.
u could have at least taken screens of good looking areas. a door, the mine shaft, and the floor arent exactly the best places to show off source.
Click and drag the link into your address bar, always works. I can never believe how many people never know how to do that...
Take shots of better areas, such as that first red barn you see the Gman in during Water Hazard, or the combine citadel.
"Better" areas are coming up within the next 12 hours. Unfortunately I have a pretty jammed schedual atm.

I will go back and take some screens with much better view - so anyone who have gotten to Ravenholm do not need to worry about any spoilers. I'm just telling you, the X800 XT PE and the Source Engine gives you something you never thought was possible in games before !
Alternatively, copy the link to the address bar, and add a space to the end of the URL, and it'll work.
try these:
in the links he posted, it says "...eens" instead of "hl2screens".
No offense, but some of the most BORING and EMPTY screenshots ever taken.

They really don't show off much of anything since they're basically flat, blank walls.

There were certainly moments when the engine looked incredible, but these aren't them.
Ahnteis said:
No offense, but some of the most BORING and EMPTY screenshots ever taken.

They really don't show off much of anything since they're basically flat, blank walls.

There were certainly moments when the engine looked incredible, but these aren't them.
Yeah, I know - I just tried the screenshot feature for the first time - wanted to see how it worked and stuff. =)

Here are five more after my little stroll through the canals.
I want you to pay attention to the water - the Source Engine makes water look so real that it's almost unbelievable (kinda like what FarCry did to black smoke).
And remember, drag, or R-Click --> copy shortcut --> paste into new window to load the screens. (535 kB) (390 kB) (337 kB) (385 kB) (480 kB)

I'll start looking for a new image-host shortly since my current one only gives me 1 GB traffic / month - which will empty pretty quickly.
I will check out some addresses you gave me on page one, and if you have any other good suggestions, please let me know. Thanks !
Incoming said:
I want you to pay attention to the water - the Source Engine makes water look so real that it's almost unbelievable (kinda like what FarCry did to black smoke).
yeah, except for the sea which looks shit.
You sure you got it on 6xAA there, because I run it on 4xAA and it looks smoother then that.
Animal said:
You sure you got it on 6xAA there, because I run it on 4xAA and it looks smoother then that.
Yeah ? Why don't you post a couple of pics then ?
Maybe I'm not even playing in 1600 x 1200 - maybe I'm just resizing the screens...
It's not my problem that you don't believe me, nor is it my obligation to prove anything to you (but sure, tell me how I can prove my settings in my screenshots and I'll do it !).

You mind telling me what resolution you use, the size of your monitor and what graphical settings you use, as well as what graphicscard you're gaming with ?
nice pics ive got the same settings as u..not sure what card u run on but i got a 6800ultra overlocked and i can really see the effectiveness the source engine can do
Animal said:
You sure you got it on 6xAA there, because I run it on 4xAA and it looks smoother then that.
Hold your mouse over the picture, then click on the small box that pops up in the bottom-right corner. That will keep IE from resizing the picture.
hey 1st post

anyway :( ffs im so sick of hearing people with similiar systems to me gettin 110-150 fps with max detail and 6aa and 16af

i have a 3.2ghz p4,256mbx800xt 4.12 betas,1gb ddr2 ram,xp etc and im lucky to get a solid 50 fps

my settings are all high with 4 aa and 16af and vsync enablled w/1280/960 res and my performance sucks,anytime theres an explosion i get stutter,my worst fps is 15 at water hazard when being attacked by a chopper

out of all the 'next gen' shooters(far cry,doom3)this 1 performs the worst with fc the best with everything maxed,neway :rolleyes: im ranting so its a good game eh?
More HQ-screenshots in here. They were taken at 1600x1200 but I resized some of them so they would be allowed with the IMG-tag on certain forums.
Thanks for the tip Mountain !
However, I think I'm gonna try as suggested by X2Cube.

Burning Fish;

Your screens look very good.
Did you do anything special to get the screen clean from the HUD ?
NOt bad screens but i hate the 1600 res. TO BIG.
Incoming said:
Burning Fish;

Your screens look very good.
Did you do anything special to get the screen clean from the HUD ?

There are some cvars/commands you can enter in the console to clear the HUD. search the forums for cvar.
um...what the crap?

I'm thoroughly confused by the existence of this thread. There are thousands of really amazing screenshots out there already.

This thread is just...odd.

no offense, or, this is silly.
No offence to the original poster, but anyone with a DX9 card and a good monitor can take screenshots in that resoultion.... And when he has something other than a wall, his FPS drops from 100+ to 50ish, and then to 40ish in another.
Even my 9800pro keeps a solid 60+fps.... i only run with 2xAA on, but i run in 1024x768 with 16xAF, Max Visuals and in motion, it rarely drops below the 60fps mark...
ShinRa said:
u could have at least taken screens of good looking areas. a door, the mine shaft, and the floor arent exactly the best places to show off source.

Perfect places for him to show off his fps, though. Which is the point of his thread. His e-penis is huge.