Amazing primitive tribe discovered!

They were shooting at the chopper. that right there doesn't scream co-exist.

We don't know if they realized there were humans piloting the machine or ...

maybe they think of the chopper as alien visitors.

either way. shooting at it = either they felt threatened by it, or they want nothing to do with us and want us to die or go away. I doubt they could see metal as food.
There was a movie like this, wasn't there? Like, they found a caveman preserved in ice, and they thawed him out and revived him, and let him loose in this simulated habitat they constructed... I think the ending scene was him screaming at a helecopter, lol.

I saw this movie in school. Man, I want to see it again now. Anybody know the name?

There was a movie like this, wasn't there? Like, they found a caveman preserved in ice, and they thawed him out and revived him, and let him loose in this simulated habitat they constructed... I think the ending scene was him screaming at a helecopter, lol.

I saw this movie in school. Man, I want to see it again now. Anybody know the name?

Iceman. I'm 90% sure this is what you are talking about.....It was a weird movie....
Considering this is one of the last "isolated" tribes, we need to mind**** 'em.
Serously, how many more times are we gonna' get the chance to play with these people; no less the fact that you could easily turn this sort of stuff into a reality show that would be popular without a gay guy.
Think about it; you leave regular items in the middle of their town every night, and set up a hidden camera. The thing would play itself out, and the budget would be practically nonexistent.
You could play with them by using a remote control car or something and everybody would love it.
Leave a message telling them something stupid that most Americans/Europeans could relate to like "you're gay lol", and they'd think of it as a message from the gods, and you could have footage of prayers or something.

From a rational and humane viewpoint, I think we should either leave them alone, help them whenever they need it (vaccinations, food supply, etc. however this could be dangerous as they might get paranoid), or offer them the choice to learn of the world at their own rate.
Disease can spread both ways, but at least we have more advanced medical science and containment/quarantine procedures to cope.

True, but given the land area and exposure to environments that the rest of the world has, it is doubtful that this little tribe has diseases we have not already been exposed to. That said, they probably have zero immunity to cowpox, chickenpox, smallpox, influenza, measles, cholera, tuberculosis, or even several breeds of the common cold. This is because this tribe has never been exposed to cows, horses, chickens, or any other disease-carrying animal aside from llamas and guinea pigs.

But, if we must contact them, there is the possibility of immunizing all of them before they come into major contact with other human beings. Otherwise, they'd all die of smallpox or some other dreadful disease that most of us are immunized to as soon as they shook hands with some of us.
But, if we must contact them, there is the possibility of immunizing all of them before they come into major contact with other human beings.
I can't imagine that going down too well, bunch of guys in hazmat suits trying to inject needles into people who have no concept of the idea behind it.
best just to observe them from a distance (for educational and entertainment purposes) and treat them like wild animals.
Considering this is one of the last "isolated" tribes, we need to mind**** 'em.
Serously, how many more times are we gonna' get the chance to play with these people; no less the fact that you could easily turn this sort of stuff into a reality show that would be popular without a gay guy.
Think about it; you leave regular items in the middle of their town every night, and set up a hidden camera. The thing would play itself out, and the budget would be practically nonexistent.
You could play with them by using a remote control car or something and everybody would love it.
Leave a message telling them something stupid that most Americans/Europeans could relate to like "you're gay lol", and they'd think of it as a message from the gods, and you could have footage of prayers or something.

From a rational and humane viewpoint, I think we should either leave them alone, help them whenever they need it (vaccinations, food supply, etc. however this could be dangerous as they might get paranoid), or offer them the choice to learn of the world at their own rate.

I can guarantee that you'd never be able to sneak into their village undetected. Remember, these are people who have lived for untold generations in the jungle.
I say we pick them up with our UFO's and drop them off on another planet, and then return every so often from our other travels to see how they are doing.
It's Amazon. If it's true UN should protect that area by some really good system and laws.

I support the notion of declaring Amazon a forbidden zone and chop off the hands and penises of all those violating it by cutting down trees and clearing terrain, poaching and basically, doing harmful things to one of the most important ecosystems in the world.

Why penises? So that their vile genes will not spread.
The modern world is pretty s***, and I bet they're all happier and healthier than any of us are. Jeez I wish I could have my memory wiped and be raised in a tribe...

:rolleyes::rolleyes:. People like you, nostalgic of the distant past never cease to amuse me. By all means if you think they're so happy, join them...

Have fun wiping your ass without toilet paper:laugh:
the goverment of brazil decided to avoid any contact whit the tribe and the place will be preserved

not just disease will affect the tribe but also things like people that send hitmens whit guns to kill all the tribe so they can claim that there is not tribe there to exploit the place

also the reason why they have red and black colors is cuz the ariplane where the pics where taken did a flyby 2 times,in the first one they were normal doing theyr things,when they noticed the planes they painted theyr bodies,male whit red and female whit black cuz it seems to be theyr warpaints or somehting like that

it should be awsome to be one of them and them see a shiny flying monster hovering over you

Have fun wiping your ass without toilet paper

they dont need toilet paper,they use squirrels, is more confy
And then they get bitten on the ass by the squirrels! Painful!!
Of course, they would just use leaves!!!!

no because they grab them by the heads and legs at the same time and use mostly the back but generaly they use the whole animal,they dont waste anything, and the squirrel dont die
I think if the squirrel was going to end up covered in shit, though, it probably would rather die!!! BUT I DO NOT WISH ANY HARM TO COME ANY SQUIRRELS!!!
I support the notion of declaring Amazon a forbidden zone and chop off the hands and penises of all those violating it by cutting down trees and clearing terrain, poaching and basically, doing harmful things to one of the most important ecosystems in the world.

Why penises? So that their vile genes will not spread.

Holy shit, your avatar is so large. I'm jealous. :|
And from the sh*t a new squirrel rises, like a phoenix.

a mutant squirrel that will multiply in trillons and dominate the world

and we will have to found the tribes to learn its weakness to know how to rub the squirrels on our anus covered whit shit so they burn and die
a mutant squirrel that will multiply in trillons and dominate the world

and we will have to found the tribes to learn its weakness to know how to rub the squirrels on our anus covered whit shit so they burn and die

Dammit, RJMC, I was gonna come up with a witty response!!! It just took too long to think one up!!!
I try but fail spectacularly, or miserably, i'm not sure which one!!
Oh my god... it was a hoax!

Even in an age when cynical sleuths can hyper-analyze stories for truth and accuracy, the occasional hoax still slips through the cracks. Such was the case with a so-called "lost Amazon tribe."

A few months ago, mainstream news outlets (including, ahem, Yahoo!) reported that a photographer had found a lost tribe of warriors near the Brazilian-Peruvian border. Photos of the tribe backed up his claim.

As it turns out, the story is only half true. The men in the photo are members of a tribe, but it certainly ain't "lost." In fact, as the photographer, Jos? Carlos Meirelles, recently explained, authorities have known about this particular tribe since 1910. The photographer and the agency that released the pictures wanted to make it seem like they were members of a lost tribe in order to call attention to the dangers the logging industry may have on the group.

The photographer recently came clean, and news outlets, perhaps embarrassed at having been taken for a ride, have been slow to pick up the story. Now, the word is starting to spread and articles in the Buzz are picking up steam. Expect a lot more brutal truth in the coming days.

Makes sense though... because there are pretty few to almost no actual 'uncontacted' tribes.

thought this shit was fake at first, didn't you guys? COme on.

1) It would have gotten massive attention from scientists and media
2) They had paint on their bodies, like they've been watching too much sportscenter. Just kidding, but it's not a very original idea for an isolated tribe. I would have been convinced if they we all gigantic, or had tails or had evolved in a slightly different way than the rest of the world
3) They had bows and arrows. Sure they could have also figured it all out, but it was just one more flag
4) ???


thought this shit was fake at first, didn't you guys? COme on.

1) It would have gotten massive attention from scientists and media
2) They had paint on their bodies, like they've been watching too much sportscenter. Just kidding, but it's not a very original idea for an isolated tribe. I would have been convinced if they we all gigantic, or had tails or had evolved in a slightly different way than the rest of the world
3) They had bows and arrows. Sure they could have also figured it all out, but it was just one more flag
4) ???


5) Profit.


thought this shit was fake at first, didn't you guys? COme on.

1) It would have gotten massive attention from scientists and media
2) They had paint on their bodies, like they've been watching too much sportscenter. Just kidding, but it's not a very original idea for an isolated tribe. I would have been convinced if they we all gigantic, or had tails or had evolved in a slightly different way than the rest of the world
3) They had bows and arrows. Sure they could have also figured it all out, but it was just one more flag
4) ???


Wait, what? Gigantic, tailed, evolved natives? Right... :hmph:

- Pax
I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

- Pax
I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

- Pax

Even then, I'd put up a barrier made of that police tape to cordon off the area for a bit, just in case.
At least he was man enough to eat bananas while..
Can't remember