America Wtf??


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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I really want to know why...

Why do you guys hold such prejudice against americans?

Why do you see all americans as stereotypical rednecks with too many guns?

Why do you think our country has so many problems, when you haven't even LIVED here?

I can see why you'd hate our SENATORS and our PRESIDENT, but I can't see why you'd hate US and our CULTURE so much.
Who exactly are you addressing? The rest of the world?
Um this is If there weren't a strong hatred for America what would we have left?
Cormeh said:
Who exactly are you addressing? The rest of the world?

Have you been under a rock?

Most of the European HL2.netters hate americans with a passion.
No I just hate the senators and the president and their followers. Intelligent Americans are outside of my field of hate (FOH :O)

Oh and I hate idiotic extremist Christians too
I like America, mainly because they have guns. And also because I've lived there.
I hate Americans. I also hate Koreans, Iracis, Danish, Austrailiens, Germans, Frensh people, British people, Black people white people, asian people, red people green people. And those damn Morlocks.
what? I dont see how you came to the conclusion that all hl2.netters hate americans ..I'm arguably the loudest critic of american foreign policy and even I dont hate americans.
Beerdude26 said:
No I just hate the senators and the president and their followers. Intelligent Americans are outside of my field of hate (FOH :O)

Oh and I hate idiotic extremist Christians too
8 years of Bush has really highlighted the shit that resides in your nation
CptStern said:
what? I dont see how you came to the conclusion that all hl2.netters hate americans ..I'm arguably the loudest critic of american foreign policy and even I dont hate americans.

Yeah, I'd say that most people here hate the policy but not the people.
john3571000 said:
8 years of Bush has really highlighted the shit that resides in your nation

2006 - 8 = 1998

Does not compute.
I hate Americans, Europeans, and Canadians.

Everyone else is cool though. That means you Numbers <3!
america is sound, its cool, one of the coolest, and im irish and proud of it! but its that bush who cant get his quotes right and CLEARLY cant lead a country
if theres one place i hate its england, they take football to seriously, and what business do they have taking the northern province of our country!?

then again every country is cool in its own way, bad in its own way, and has problems of its own
What did you hope to accomplish with a thread like this? It's just going to be a bunch of people saying 'I don't really hate America' until a couple of people actually answer your question and tell you why they personally dislike America, which will of course be followed by Americans saying 'we're not all like that/your country's just as bad/we are not our politicians/how dare you we saved your ass in WW2/LOL JEALOUS'. Highly flammable and unproductive.

Nevertheless, faced with an honest question I can't help but give an honest answer. I dislike the typical loudness and brashness of Americans, and I hate the Americanis(not z[ed])ation of the planet. Why do we hate your culture? What culture? Your culture is an absence of culture. When I was in Japan I couldn't move for the amount of MacDonald's and Denny's, plus the ubiquitous American exchange students who were commonly loud and irritating, oversensitive of the fact that they were American, and generally just pretty exhausting to be around. Similarly the exchange program over there was entirely geared towards Americans despite the fact that there were students from dozens of countries. Why is it based on the credit system instead of a system compatible with my home uni in the UK? Because that's the way it is in America. Why do we have to do so many presentations? Because US students (only) love to stand up in front of the class and babble on for as long as possible about nothing, no matter how bad they are at Japanese. In my lit class over there I asked why an author from the commonwealth was using Americanised spelling in her novel, to be informed that it was probably a decision on the part of the publisher after they received her manuscript.

When I got back home I was reminded that I live in a country whose politics in recent years have been dictated by America's bat**** insane foreign policy. There's nowhere I can go to escape. I don't harbour any particular ill will against America, I just wish it would piss off out of my face. And then you have all the crazy Christian and right-wing extremists...

I don't dislike all Americans, or anyone just because they're American. My best friend's American girlfriend is one of my favourite people ever. My favourite american exchange student was a bodybuilding loudmouth named Rocko who I HATED on first impression, then later came to realise the key difference between him and the stereotype was an excellent sense of humour and an ability to laugh at himself. In one email forwarded to all the exchange students he said how the govt were telling Americans to keep on the lookout for terrorists, and if he personally saw a terrorist he would punch them in the face - and he attached a picture of himself standing topless with a shotgun. Instead of that kind of self-effacing humour, in Americans what I see all too often is a massive persecution complex, of which this thread is one symptom.

For anyone getting a mistaken impression, I also tend to dislike my fellow Brits, Londoners especially, as well as most nationalities worldwide.
Beerdude26 said:
/me smells renewable new fuel source
By jove that's it...! Anti-american sentiment will save us from global warming! :p
Laivasse said:
By jove that's it...! Anti-american sentiment will save us from global warming! :p
Guess those stupid Americans are useful after all!

/me destroys entire argument of thread :p
I'm a Euro and i like americans :) But i "hate" their foreign policy and its current administration...
I frequently visit the states and work with americans, but i havent lived there.
Nevertheless, my impression of the Americans i met is that they are very friendly, and have great hospitality.

The US has got its problems, and its good to critisize i think, but yeah sometimes it looks like "certain forum members" turn it into a real obsession to bash the states on an almost daily basis..
Why do you guys hold such prejudice against americans?
I personally bear no prejudice against any American. I have worked over in the Gulf with many decent guys. Jesus I even spent New Year over in New Orleans a few years ago and had a great time.
Why do you see all americans as stereotypical rednecks with too many guns?

In the UK we don’t have guns as the norm and as such many of see this as slightly alien. We have a general unease about guns and as such, due our cultural differences find your right to bear arms slightly strange. That is not to say we condemn your right or even questions it, we simply see it differently.

Why do you think our country has so many problems, when you haven't even LIVED here?

America is now seen as the world police man and as such as taken centre stage when it come to looking after the rest of the world. It is difficult to accept but many of America’s policies resonate around the world. America is a big player in many issues and as such they are open to criticism.

I can see why you'd hate our SENATORS and our PRESIDENT, but I can't see why you'd hate US and our CULTURE so much.

I don’t. When I condemn the US it is for their polices and as never been or will ever be their people.
sinkoman said:
Have you been under a rock?

Most of the European HL2.netters hate americans with a passion.

I never said I hate Americans, I just don't like the attitude that the President and Senators take regarding tomorrow's issues
Why do you guys hold such prejudice against americans?

I don't :)

I've travelled a lot to the US (I've been in 14 states), and I really like it.
You'd be bitter, too, if you lived in Arkansas and had an IQ higher than room temperature.

Too many rednecks, too many Republicans, too many churches, too much homophobia, too many people who don't even know the rights guaranteed them by the Constitution, too many people who think the Spanish language came from Mexico, too many people who think CNN is a respectable news source...
...because, while not all americans are that way, it's the stereotype of the 'typical, patriotic' american. I know I've seen/experienced them firsthand, and it's a funny stereotype, too.
Raeven0 said:
You'd be bitter, too, if you lived in Arkansas and had an IQ higher than room temperature.

Too many rednecks, too many Republicans, too many churches, too much homophobia, too many people who don't even know the rights guaranteed them by the Constitution, too many people who think the Spanish language came from Mexico, too many people who think CNN is a respectable news source...
Your superior condescending attitude is just as easy to dislike.

Don't get me wrong, I like you a lot, one of my more favored forumites here, but you really could use a healthy dose of perspective.
Oh, one other thing I will mention. Sitting over here in Scotland you guys do seem to have a large percentage of kooks, cranks and crackpots. More worryingly they seem to attract large audiences.
Hey, you guys live in a big country, freedom of speech and all that.
I think people from outside the US are pissed off because they all see what's happening in iraq but if you were to watch american media the exact opposite is true ..I mean even CNN sounds like a wartime cheerleader's pretty sickening most of the time
I like Americans individually, but not as a group. The chanting gets a little repetitive after a while.
Well, I promise you, I hate the f*ckheads running this place more than ANY Brit. Wanna know why? Because I have to live with them! Even the ones who claim to 'oppose' those assholes are just as corrupt and self-serving. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

*tears hair out
Rizzo89 said:

People are one thing, but hating innocent pastries is unforgivable! D:<

Oh, and while I'm here,

Rizzo89 said:
Iracis, Austrailiens, Frensh people

Iraqis, Australians, French people.
As a typical person in sweden these are my views on it.

First of all, I pretty much agree with what laivasse said and this will be sort of a copy of it.

There's just so much of it, all the commercialism and capitalism taken to the extreme every-****ing-where, heck the american shows that come over to this side of the pond give me a headache.
It's all about instant "entertainment", etc etc. "god bless america" and "the right to bear arms".

Like laivasse put it, in my opinion the american culture seems to be a complete lack of culture.

The extremist fundamentalist christian movements that have way too strong a hold for a sane nation, homophobia and the way A LOT seem to think that the US is the god given world protector etc.

It's like, you know, I really dont dislike americans, but I dislike the american government and stupid americans (either rednecks, christian extremists or generally just ****ing dumb american people).

You just happen to have a whole lot of bad eggs shining through in media and internet forums etc, which have contributed to the general bad views on america.
While they may not constitute all of america and americans, there seem to be a ****load of them.

But then again, if the worlds views on sweden would be true, we'd basically be a bunch of meatball-eating gay vikings named sven or nudist witches named inga. i saw a british travel show on sweden once and it was completely ****ing ridiculous

I've talked personally with alot of americans, mostly over the net, and alot are just like anyone else, completely sane people.

The world views on america are probably influenced by media which highlights all the bad eggs and wahtever catches ones attention.
But then again there are alot of people on forums like these who display the same "qualities" of the bad eggs.
and let's not forget the wonderful site protest

Anyway, conclusion? Are the bad eggs a majority or are they just louder than the sane people? Stay tuned. [/american show-style]
America sucks.

Hell, planet Earth sucks, I mean it's nice to visit... but you wouldn't wanna live here. D:
I think America does have a culture. You can't really see much of it now, but it was there, back in the day. You can see it in our good movies, hear it in our good musicians, read it in our good books. Our entertainment is our culture. We create rich and fascinating works, much different than other countries (not saying better, different, keyword, get off my back). The folk singers, Jazz musicians, country singers, Elvis Presley, they paved the way for modern music globally. The silent era, black and white films, film noir paved the way for modern film (good or bad). The pulp magazines from the 30s and 40s paved the way for modern mystery/thriller/science fiction/fantasy. If I had to choose a place to get my movies/books/music from, it'd be America.

Our culture was our lives, our history. The American Dream, something all Americans would love to have, but few achieve. The Revolutionary War, celebrating the 4th of July, our founding fathers, the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, our Bill of Rights. Our cities and their architecture...walking around New York or Washington D.C. is breathtaking.
Yes, our country is being run by morons and there's plenty more cheering them on, but the beauty and the culture's still me anyway.
the US has great artists/writers/film/musicians etc ...however watering down these cultural strengths to appeal to the masses has almost erased all traces of some of the greatest achievements (in media) that originated in the US ...I mean casablanca is overshadowed by American Pie, or Seinfeld is lost in the sea of American Idol/reality shows crap ..or writers like Vonnegut are drowned out by hacks such as Stephen king