America Wtf??

I don't think so. Few great writers are appreciated on a major scale. How long did it take for Herman Melville to get recognition for Moby Dick? People thought it was a horrible book when it first came out.

And come on, I was about to break a tear writing all that, give me a break :p
With American culture, you have to dig through a lot of garbage to find a few gold nuggets.
DeusExMachina said:
I don't think so. Few great writers are appreciated on a major scale. How long did it take for Herman Melville to get recognition for Moby Dick? People thought it was a horrible book when it first came out.

And come on, I was about to break a tear writing all that, give me a break :p

huh? I wasnt refuting what you were saying ..I was adding to it :)

it's corporate media that stifles creativity not individuals
CptStern said:
huh? I wasnt refuting what you were saying ..I was adding to it :)

it's corporate media that stifles creativity not individuals

Oh no question. How many of Sam Peckinpah's films had to be ruined because studios kept on cutting stuff out? Well...just about all of them. Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia was the only film that came out the way he intended it. People have to wait what, over 20, 30 years for the movies to be reissued the way it was intended.
ya but peckinpah was a long time ago ..back then the US was leading the charge in terms of real cutting edge cinematography (till everyone else caught up) ...hollywood has almost become a blockbuster churning machine with few artisitc films to fill in the void, it's truely a cultural wasteland of formulatic movies meant to fill theatres. I dont know if any of you are old enough but I remember a time when movies were in theaters for months not weeks ..if I recall correctly Star wars was still playing in major theaters a year after it was released adays if a movie doesnt have a good opening weekend it's considered a failure and is dropped by the following weekend

however there's always sundance, independent film
There is a big difference between "prejudice" and plain old "judgement".

Yes, we hate your leaders and your idols.

But who elected them?
With Bush and Kerry, you don't have much of a choice I'm sorry to say. Wasting your vote on one of the other parties won't do anything.
I don't hate Americans, but given the incredibly idiotic presumptions that started this thread I'm inclined to hate you, Sinkoman. Only inclined, though :)

15357 said:
Yeah, I'd say that most people here hate the policy but not the people.

See, numbers can even make this basic distinction.
i love the people and culture very much, im dressing like americans and liste to your music(note my avatar), love yourmovies etc etc. But i dislike the govermnet very much (hate is a betOhter word)

however some people groups i dislike in America, the weird people.
Ome_Vince said:
The US has got its problems, and its good to critisize i think, but yeah sometimes it looks like "certain forum members" turn it into a real obsession to bash the states on an almost daily basis..
I can sure think of a few. :)

And regarding culture, foreigners seem to not comprehend the fact that we are a young country; one of immigrants at that. Many other countries are much older than us on a scale of thousands of years. The mass immigration to America has brought many beneficiaries; forming it to what it is today. Our culture is a mass orgy of the best of the best. The worst of the worst luckily for the most part is swept away.

I'd take a helping from the melting pot over the tossed salad any day.
DeusExMachina said:
With Bush and Kerry, you don't have much of a choice I'm sorry to say. Wasting your vote on one of the other parties won't do anything.

Of course, the reason your vote for another party wouldn't count is because every other person like you would think the same thing...

:dozey: Whoops
One of the main thing that comes out to the rest of the world is the un-educated masses; FFS people have labeled Australia as North Korea on an empty world map...

I'm not saying other countries don't have un-educated people, but it seems the it will be many years before America can clean it's image.

Also part of this is the fact that it's 'culture' is choking many other cultures, true in many cases this are the gems of their industries - but i almost feel like screaming everytime i see someone who only watches the OC and other US programs while top notch Local dramas can never get off the ground for lack of support...
I hate americans, and I'm american.
So you are a self-hater, Mr. Tr0n?
Ok, so it seems that there are two different views on America.

One side thinks "I love you guys, I just hate your leaders!" and the other thinks "you guys are majority dumb****s, have no culture, and are taking over everything, yet that doesn't mean there aren't a few good men in the herd".




:laugH: :LOL: :LOL:
CptStern said:
this pic sums up some people's attitude towards the US

seriously wtf?

I'm sure the British or Aussies or Canadians have made the same kind of contact lenses with their flag in it. I'm sure America even produces said contact lenses for people to wear here as well :dozey:.

Llama said:
Of course, the reason your vote for another party wouldn't count is because every other person like you would think the same thing...


I'm talking about the Green Party or the Libertarian Party or Socialist Party. I'd love for the Libertarian Party to take control of the government. But, that's not going to happen, you have to be realistic.
DeusExMachina said:
I'm sure the British or Aussies or Canadians have made the same kind of contact lenses with their flag in it. I'm sure America even produces said contact lenses for people to wear here as well :dozey:.

no this is the extent of it ..we're nowhere near that patriotic wouldnt sell
So? People like it. Some will buy it, some won't. I'm not understanding the point here. So patriotic people will buy it. K, good for them. I'm not going to hound them for it. Just because someone wears it doesn't instantly mean they're a war mongering Christ fearing conservative who believes they live in the greatest country on the planet.
all I'm saying is that patriotism/nationalism is muuch more apparent in the US ..stop thinking everything I say is negative


In an effort to assist the victims of September 11 and their families, CooperVision has introduced a new design to its novelty lenses--the American Flag lens. Cooper Vision will donate all the net proceeds generated from sales of this lens through President's Day (February 18, 2002) to the United Way September 11th Fund.
I think the world would like the US of A a lot more if shot Anne Coulter in the head.
CptStern said:
all I'm saying is that patriotism/nationalism is muuch more apparent in the US ..stop thinking everything I say is negative


I apologize, I'm a cynical person. I think patriotism/nationalism is ridiculous in itself so I'd agree, but hey people do what they want. US has always been a bit like that. Some take it too far.
Nationalism is a good way of riling up the proletariat into fighting for you.
Whenever I see somebody with an american flag on thier shirt/car/hat/bag, I always think "lol just keep thinking that you ignorant ****".
sinkoman said:
Whenever I see somebody with an american flag on thier shirt/car/hat/bag, I always think "lol just keep thinking that you ignorant ****".

Keep thinking... what?
sinkoman said:
That this is the greatest country in the world.


And just in case you want to argue that, just because someone puts a sticker of an apple on their PC doesn't mean they think Macintosh is the greatest computer company evar.
Macintosh is the greatest computer ever...
pvtbones said:
I think the world would like the US of A a lot more if shot Anne Coulter and George Bush, Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft and every other corrupt politician in office in the head.

Fixed. :p
Zombie said:

And just in case you want to argue that, just because someone puts a sticker of an apple on their PC doesn't mean they think Macintosh is the greatest computer company evar.

Wearing an "I LOVE AMERICA!" or "GOD BLESS AMERICA" shirt does.
sinkoman said:
Wearing an "I LOVE AMERICA!" or "GOD BLESS AMERICA" shirt does.

Nevermind, this isn't even worth arguing about. The United States of America is the greatest nation on the Earth. I'd rather argue about that and not about social commentary.
Zombie said:
Nevermind, this isn't even worth arguing about. The United States of America is the greatest nation on the Earth. I'd rather argue about that and not about social commentary.

I love how you edit your entier post before anybody can see it.
I can't tell if Zombie is being sarcastic or not :|