America Wtf??

America is really good. I like it. I moved here from Germany. Germany wasnt anything like America.
MTG_Maro said:
Ok, I see.

Ok for the Racist thing. By "definition", a Racist hates PEOPLE because of Race, Religion, Culture, Ethnicity. And what I am saying would be just like telling your friend what he said was dumb, doesn't make me a Racist. You have over implicated a False Truth opon me. And when I say a False Truth, I mean for me it's False. Sure I hate some forms of culture, like Dictatorship, Monarchy, Anarchy, etc. But that is purly the form or ruleing, not the people themselves.
Okay, sorry, then you are ethnocentric, which is just as bad. Every culture has different values and beleifs, but it doesn't make them wrong or stupid. To them, everything they do has true value. You can't call someone else stupid just because their culture is different than yours.

But when others say they hate America because of it's people, it's very provoking and agitating. How come we don't have the problems of the world if we are so bad? Why are we a First World if we are so bad?
America is made up of people. America is constituted entirely of people. Most people don't hate america for her ideas, but for her attitudes.

We do have problems. We have hatred, poverty, war, opression and many other problems that many countries face.

I don't think you understand the concept of First, Second and Third worlds. First world means that the country was an indstrialized country allied with the united states during the cold war, second world means they were industrialized countries allied with the Soviets during the cold war. Third world means that the countries were not industrialized, or were just becoming industrialized during the cold war, and most were ruled or trading with the united states or the soviet union during the cold war, but were not allied with them.

The reason they are third world is 100 percent due to lack of money. Without capital they can't build factories, without factories they can't sell goods and without goods they can't get capital.The political opression rises from this as a side effect. The west effecitvley made all of the third world countries the way they are today through colinization. Europe colonized all of africa and broke it up into single-resource colonies supplying the greater empire. When colonization ended, each newly independent nation was faced with the fact that they only had one raw resource to export, and could not become industrialized, and most importantly, their countries were divided completly differently from their ethnic and national groups, leading to civil war and genocide.

The exact same thing happened in the middle east, and in the balkans. In order to help third world countries, we should not invade them and give them reason to hate us, but give them aid, capital and incentive to start companies and produce goods.

That's nice. This is obviously a refrence to WW2, and America, England, Russia won WW2. And talking of terrorists motives have abosolutly nothing do with why I am stating why people hate america. And it's not only the terrorists that hate us. But this only proves that America must be a nicer country because we haven't had this happen to us. And don't say 9/11 was it. We lost 3 buildings and many lifes. That wouldn't be them sweeping and taking all our possesions and Freedom.
not even close, I was talking about the current Iraq war. I was speaking from the point of view of an iraqi insurgent.

Yes we do, the war on terrorism is a perfect example. If we don't fight back, they would jump at the chance to destroy America and or take it over. So we are fighting for revenge, sure, but if we don't fight, there will just be more attacks, and then we will lose the country in the long run.
Since when have we ever bombed things just because? Pearl Harbor: Fighting Back WW2: Fighting for Freedom Vietnam: We were being bombed, so we bomb back. War on Terrorism: We have the option to irradicate the threat without the expense of more soldiers.
Third world nations have not the means to "take over" our country or do anything of the sort. Their actions are clearly criminal, and not military. You see, if we do fight, if we do invade countries, we give them far more incentive to attack us. Instead of blindly attacking them, we must find out the true causes of their anger, and fix the problems through diplomacy and economy. Every person is a potential terrorist, and killing a few just makes more.

Yes WWII was an example of the US fighting back against a foreign agressor. But that agressor was a real threat, a real industrialized military power, Iraq is not. In vietnam we were not bombed, we were supposedly providing aide to south vietnam, but mainly we were trying to assert our military dominance against the Soviet union, something that we failed miserably at. The "war on terrorism" is so vauge and misguided that it can't even be considered a war, but a mandate for imperialism.
Thin?! Patriotism is something that keeps us going in war. And your right, but since when does war ever have any Honor. And we never started any wars, we are defending our selves or helping our friends whom are in need. And saying because we are bullies is why people don't like America is just a sweeping generalisation like I was flamed for, but not you
Yes, patriotism is the opiate which keeps our eyes closed and keeps us going in war. War has honor when it has meaning, when there is actually a threat, when the combatants are equal on the battlefield.

We never started any wars? Need I remind you of the Mexican war, and the current Iraq war, as well as the countless other "interventions" over history in which we went in, secured land, and left? America likes to pretend that it does not start wars, but we often manuver ourselves into position for war, and then wait for the opening shot.
theotherguy said:
Okay, sorry, then you are ethnocentric, which is just as bad. Every culture has different values and beleifs, but it doesn't make them wrong or stupid. To them, everything they do has true value. You can't call someone else stupid just because their culture is different than yours.
But people that hate America have the right to say that, you not even striking those who honestly do hate us due to culture. Instead, you go and attempt to lecture me on a problem that has been around for many years, but directed towards America.

theotherguy said:
America is made up of people. America is constituted entirely of people. Most people don't hate america for her ideas, but for her attitudes.

We do have problems. We have hatred, poverty, war, opression and many other problems that many countries face.

Our attitudes are only directed from a small portion of people who are generally true Racists in most eyes. You are putting an absolute statment implicating that America's population is thinking alike. Comparing us to most countries, we have nothing of the sort. Our poverity can be considered good living in Africa, and India. Sure we have hatred, but when is the last time you heard about the KKK going and causing public unrest, when is the last time you heard about a Racist going and causing anything that you can call a hatred problem. There are many more countries where they are oppressed due to race. You have even stated yourself : "Have you had your home and possesions taken away from you?" Well I can tell you that hasn't happended in America. The wars we face can't be considered even close to the wars that are going on in other countries, not counting World War 2. Our problems are not nearly as "big" as most countries.

theotherguy said:
I don't think you understand the concept of First, Second and Third worlds. First world means that the country was an indstrialized country allied with the united states during the cold war, second world means they were industrialized countries allied with the Soviets during the cold war. Third world means that the countries were not industrialized, or were just becoming industrialized during the cold war, and most were ruled or trading with the united states or the soviet union during the cold war, but were not allied with them.

I purely do understand the concepts. And there is much more to it than refrencing to a specific war that was not violent of the sort. From what I recall, that war was about us becoming worried that Russia was planning to use nuclear subs against us, so inturn, we prepared a counter attack. Forgive me for leaving our so much detail.

theotherguy said:
The reason they are third world is 100 percent due to lack of money. Without capital they can't build factories, without factories they can't sell goods and without goods they can't get capital.The political opression rises from this as a side effect. The west effecitvley made all of the third world countries the way they are today through colinization. Europe colonized all of africa and broke it up into single-resource colonies supplying the greater empire. When colonization ended, each newly independent nation was faced with the fact that they only had one raw resource to export, and could not become industrialized, and most importantly, their countries were divided completly differently from their ethnic and national groups, leading to civil war and genocide.

I realize this, but what does how a world becomes industrialized and Africa's problems have anything to do with why we are hated by those living in Third World countries. May it be that you think because we are industrialized, and the countries that hate us aren't, is the reason for their distaste in us?

theotherguy said:
The exact same thing happened in the middle east, and in the balkans. In order to help third world countries, we should not invade them and give them reason to hate us, but give them aid, capital and incentive to start companies and produce goods. {/QUOTE]

Speaking purely of the Middly East. We have not "invaded" them because we want enemies, if we don't stop the terrorist threat, what do you think will happen? Take this for example, if someone shoots you and then gets away, wouldn't you want to extract revenge?. How could you possibly try to be friends with someone who deliberatly attacks you, due to you culture and beliefs. And when I say attack, I mean a physical attack. What I don't grasp, is why you think we are "invading" them. They are happy for our help, would they rather live with terrorists bombing them, Saddam Huessain dictating them to their deaths? Or have us remove this threat. And who says we aren't helping them?. Ridding the terrorists is a big help.

theotherguy said:
not even close, I was talking about the current Iraq war. I was speaking from the point of view of an iraqi insurgent.

How would you know, have you ever been an Iraqi insurgent?

theotherguy said:
Third world nations have not the means to "take over" our country or do anything of the sort. Their actions are clearly criminal, and not military. You see, if we do fight, if we do invade countries, we give them far more incentive to attack us. Instead of blindly attacking them, we must find out the true causes of their anger, and fix the problems through diplomacy and economy. Every person is a potential terrorist, and killing a few just makes more.

They do have the means if we don't take action. They started this war, not us. We didn't bomb them just because, they bombed us. How can you call the loss of thousands of lives and destruction of major buildings of international trade and intellegence "criminal". Sure it's not military, but that's why they are called TERRORISTS. Sure everone is a potential terrorist, but they need an obvious reason to be one. if no action is taken, they aren't terrorists. If they keep what they think to themselves, that's not terrorism.
How do we make more? There were already an unknown number to start. If we kill a terrorist, they will fight back because of there misguided assumptions, and what they were imposed to believe during the rule of Saddam. They will fight back thinking that we are the terrorists, but when we are fighting them back for what they did. They don't have the right to attack us, and we don't have the right to invade. But your forgetting that these terrorists have affected other countries. This is being directed towards America. How do you know that it isn't us that made them upset.

theotherguy said:
Yes WWII was an example of the US fighting back against a foreign agressor. But that agressor was a real threat, a real industrialized military power, Iraq is not. In vietnam we were not bombed, we were supposedly providing aide to south vietnam, but mainly we were trying to assert our military dominance against the Soviet union, something that we failed miserably at. The "war on terrorism" is so vauge and misguided that it can't even be considered a war, but a mandate for imperialism.

Quit directing this towards Iraq, it's not just Iraq. As much as you may dislike Iraq, they aren't the ONLY country with terrorists. And how can you say we were trying to assert military dominance, did you ask anyone?
And yet again, we are fighting this war so we don't get attacked by the terrorist threat to our country.

theotherguy said:
Yes, patriotism is the opiate which keeps our eyes closed and keeps us going in war. War has honor when it has meaning, when there is actually a threat, when the combatants are equal on the battlefield.

If we didn't have Patriotism, this country would have been lost to a foreign nation long ago. What's the point of fighting a war if everyone is equal? There is no honor in fighting. Fighting in itself is unhonorable. Honor has become misshapen over the long years. It's no longer what it used to be. And ned I remind you, that if we don't assert ourselves, this country might as well just quietly give up. That is not an option.

theotherguy said:
We never started any wars? Need I remind you of the Mexican war, and the current Iraq war, as well as the countless other "interventions" over history in which we went in, secured land, and left? America likes to pretend that it does not start wars, but we often manuver ourselves into position for war, and then wait for the opening shot.

Sure the Mexican war, I'll give you that. But as for the Iraq war, we did not strike first. The Twin Towers is what provoked this war. Had the terrorists stayed away from us, there would be no war. We had no reason to fight them, untill they provoked us into a fight that we will win.
Hello!?!? Iraq had absolutley positively nothing to do with the terrorist attacks on 9/11. exactley ZERO of the terrorists on those planes were iraqis, and in fact, the vast majority of them were saudi arabians.

I throw the iraqi war into it because it is the number one reason people hate america right now, because it was a baseless war. Iraq did absolutley nothing to us, they didn't even have weapons of mass destruction, didn't support al-queda and never attacked us.

How many countries must we invade before bush is satisfied with his war on terror? Iran? North Korea? The entire middle east? The point of terrorism is that it is not a solid entity. You can't attack an idea with military force. You can't attack terroism by invading a country any more than you can attack nihilism or cubism or any other vauge idea.
MTG_Maro said:
lol ppl are like just fightin' us cuz theyr dumb n ignorant and we will show them freedom AND THEY WILL TAKE IT AND THEY WILL LIKE IT

Pretty decent paraphrase, innit?
theotherguy said:
I throw the iraqi war into it because it is the number one reason people hate america right now, because it was a baseless war.

HELLO!!? You can't say that people hate America because of the majority of Americans and then say this. The vast majority of Americans are against the war.

theotherguy said:
How many countries must we invade before bush is satisfied with his war on terror? Iran? North Korea? The entire middle east? The point of terrorism is that it is not a solid entity. You can't attack an idea with military force. You can't attack terroism by invading a country any more than you can attack nihilism or cubism or any other vauge idea.
We are already just waiting for the right time to leave at this point, from Iraq at least. The main thing going on now that the U.S. army is inciting, or making the moves in, or not merely reacting to attacks is hunting Osama. The point of terrorism is not that it is not a solid entity, it is to create terror. We are not attacking the idea of terrorism, we are attacking the people who attacked us, they happen to be terrorists.
미국 제국주의놈들은 심판을 받으리라!

Ok, I'm gonna wait for the guys in black to come.
I think that peeple expect to much of America and gets pissed when they underdo/overdo stuff.
Ludah said:
Pretty decent paraphrase, innit?

Please don't infer and quote something I did not say. Just because you don't like the way I think doesn't give you reason to implicate me of a false statement.
15357 said:
I think that peeple expect to much of America and gets pissed when they underdo/overdo stuff.

Sure, that seems fair to me. At least it ends this arguement. .....Hopefully
Listen, I've travelled around the globe. I thought Europe was far more beautiful and had far more culture than America. I thought the people were more sophisticated and seemed to all be more "in tune" with life.

America may not be the best country, for many different reasons. But I can tell you now, I'd rather live here, than anywhere else in the world. It's my ****ing home, and I'm proud to be a part of it. Even if we have dips like Iraq, or Vietnam, we still have highs like the moon landings. That's what I think of when I think of America.

We weren't the first into space, but you bet your asses we were the first to the moon. =) :thumbs:

I'd argue France started the modern ideas of individualism and what not. (Voltair was his name? Can't remember.) and America is what erupted in its purest form. (At the time.)

Now, like I said, I'm not claiming that America IS the best country, nor the greatest country. But it's sure as shit my favorite.
jibcart said:
HELLO!!? You can't say that people hate America because of the majority of Americans and then say this. The vast majority of Americans are against the war.

not true ..the majority perhaps see it (now) as a needless war but that could hardly be construed as "anti-war" ..if that were true the US wouldnt have invaded iraq in the first place. Over 70% supported the war in mar 2003 at the time of invasion

MTG_Maro: there's quite a few factual misconceptions littered throughout your posts ..first of all 9/11 had absolutely nothing to do with iraq, second there was next to no terrorism is iraq during saddam's reign (Iraqi National Accord (made up of cia bankrolled dissidents) not withstanding as well as other small paramilitary groups that saddam kept in check) ..the war on terror perpetuates terror ..the war on terror increased terrorism not decreased it. The war in iraq was based on lies
Then explain to me why we "invaded" Iraq. And we were hunting for Saddam and Osama through out the middle east, Iraq is part of the middle east.

And as for fighting the terrorists causing more terrorists. Were we supposed to just ignore the 9/11 attacks? That would have inquired that we were a weak country, and thus more attacks would ensue. So the war on terror isn't exactly a bad thing. If we don't fight back agaisnt the terrorism, we would have been attacked quite more often.
we invaded Iraq to secure the american dollar as the standard of oil commerce, for bush to get revenge for saddam evading his father in the first gulf war, and to provide a mass profit for war contractors.

Invading Iraq because its "part of the middle east" would be like invading china after pearl harbor because its "part of the far east" the government of Iraq was actually the sworn enemy of Al-quadea, the people that we actually should be hunting.
MTG_Maro said:
Then explain to me why we "invaded" Iraq.

no, you explain it to me

MTG_Maro said:
And we were hunting for Saddam and Osama through out the middle east, Iraq is part of the middle east.

excuse me? you invaded Afghanistan because the taliban was harbouring saddam (or so your government says) ..are you saying that the invasion of iraq was for the same reasons? then what about all that nonsense about WMD?

MTG_Maro said:
And as for fighting the terrorists causing more terrorists. Were we supposed to just ignore the 9/11 attacks?

what did Iraq have to do with 9/11?

MTG_Maro said:
That would have inquired that we were a weak country, and thus more attacks would ensue.

so you're saying pride led you to invade Iraq?

MTG_Maro said:
So the war on terror isn't exactly a bad thing.

you dont seem to be paying attention here ...the war on terror perpetuates terror are creating it, Iraq is one huge freakin recruiting camp

MTG_Maro said:
If we don't fight back agaisnt the terrorism, we would have been attacked quite more often. invading iraq? you invaded under false pretenses, you created a situation where the danger to americans increased dramatically and sooner or later it will come to collect it's deadly toll ...think about that the next you think about supporting this idiotic war
Stern, save your strength. He clearly he has no idea what he's talking about, and continuing your wrath could become abusive in an almost illegal fashion. :(

Think of the children.
lol! I'm prepared to give the children a bitch slap if they deserve it ;)
Is it just me or does anybody else think that MTG_Maro is in actuality the most sophisticated AI yet created for the purpose of passing the Turing Test? I feel like some programmers are testing out their cutting edge AI on us unbeknownst.
No he invaded Iraq for the Shoarma, seriously, Shoarma is slowly conquering the world. We dutch have succumbed to it, and were forced to surrender to this... delicious... tasty.... food... :)
heh bush wouldnt be able to pronounce it much less know it's edible

"shaw-warmy? sounds like a country we should invade? are there a-rabs living in shwarmy-town?"

btw shoarma is turkish not iraqi
America is made up of people. America is constituted entirely of people. Most people don't hate america for her ideas, but for her attitudes.

We do have problems. We have hatred, poverty, war, opression and many other problems that many countries face.

Proof of the oppression on the scale 'most countries' have? Are they're wars in our backyard? Poverty - yes. Many other problems that other countries face? Yes.

But for the others ... not so much. Not much at all, I'd say.
CptStern said:
heh bush wouldnt be able to pronounce it much less know it's edible

"shaw-warmy? sounds like a country we should invade? are there a-rabs living in shwarmy-town?"

btw shoarma is turkish not iraqi

lol i remember that video where Bush was trying to pronounce "Abu Ghraib" i think => "abu uhh abu gaab" :angel:
CptStern said:
btw shoarma is turkish not iraqi
Bush was hoping to find Show-warmers in I-wreck, but his bad geography failed him again...
So, you guys are implying that if you can't pronounce a certain place or word , you shouldn't be a president and/or you're an idiot?

There are just hundreds of thousands of people who can't pronounce correctly because of speech impairment or some cause, but they do know a lot. It would just be wrong to suggest that one who can't pronounce is ignorant and to make fun of a person just becasue they can't say a certain obscure word correctly is simply idiotic.

No, but somebody who can't locate every country on the globe should not be President.
15357 said:
So, you guys are implying that if you can't pronounce a certain place or word , you shouldn't be a president and/or you're an idiot?

There are just hundreds of thousands of people who can't pronounce correctly because of speech impairment or some cause, but they do know a lot. It would just be wrong to suggest that one who can't pronounce is ignorant and to make fun of a person just becasue they can't say a certain obscure word correctly is simply idiotic.


uhm, might be handy before a speech to reherse the "difficult" words. :angel: Especially if that president is "involved" in that country, and that prison is allready pretty "famous", it does indeed look dorky if the nations leader cant even pronounce the name.
We're not going to agree on socialized medicine definately anyhow, but even then after you put forth those, I still can't see why you don't find your nation greatest then.

For me there's no where I'd rather live than the United States.

Now, STATE wise in the US, that's another issue. I mean I like Arizona a lot but there are some mean and close competitors out there. It's tough for me to make a call on that one, and when I do I'll move to the one I choose (after job obligations etc are done with.)

I like MN though I don't live there but it's simply rocks!!!
many peoples or u can say countries hate America in many ways..................

Americans do not bow to international law means to whole country...

they are destoying the enviroment and preventing the rest of the world from their gallant efforts to fix it.

they don't have any progressive ideas anymore.

Doesn't this all sound familiar? It should. These are the same tired, "progressive" slogans of socialism that the left has been using for the last 50+ years.

some peoples hate America because America continues to be successful -- unlike most of the rest of the world.

Asians hates America because, despite their religious belief that it would all come tumbling down (remember Marx's predictions?)--it hasn't and its economy still leads the rest of the world.

In America everyone who lives there is getting richer, and the "poor vs. rich" meme doesn't play as well as it does in the the 3rd world that's another reason.

Some peoples hate America because they believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

They have not yet succumbed to their ideology and their far-from progressive ideas.

And to destroy America, it is first necessary to destroy their history; to deconstruct the Founding Fathers and insist that they were evil and racist and sexist and probably homophobic too. It is necessary to make us guilty for creating all the problems in the world; and it is necessary to pretend that the rest of the world is so much better (or at least Europe, I guess).
Americans do not bow to international law means to whole country...
you got that straight.

they are destoying the enviroment and preventing the rest of the world from their gallant efforts to fix it.

Pretty much

they don't have any progressive ideas anymore.
Conservatism is by definition anti-progress

Doesn't this all sound familiar? It should. These are the same tired, "progressive" slogans of socialism that the left has been using for the last 50+ years.

No, they are the opinions of the entire international community since WWII, you know, the whole preventing facism thing.

some peoples hate America because America continues to be successful -- unlike most of the rest of the world.

Omg, they are so totally jealous! America pwns the world at everything, even though we are ranked like 22nd in education!

Asians hates America because, despite their religious belief that it would all come tumbling down (remember Marx's predictions?)--it hasn't and its economy still leads the rest of the world.

Yes, because Asian religioin totally speaks of the US like that :| Marx was a social scientist, not an oracle, he made a few good assertions on society and a few wrong ones.

In America everyone who lives there is getting richer, and the "poor vs. rich" meme doesn't play as well as it does in the the 3rd world that's another reason.

Um...the gap between the rich and poor continues to grow wider. Almost all of the money gained since the recession has gone into the hands of the rich.

Some peoples hate America because they believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Yes, because no other country in the world likes life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness :|

They have not yet succumbed to their ideology and their far-from progressive ideas.
We continually swing on our political pendulum away from progressive socialism and towards neo-conservatism. We were once much more progressive, but we are not now.

And to destroy America, it is first necessary to destroy their history; to deconstruct the Founding Fathers and insist that they were evil and racist and sexist and probably homophobic too. It is necessary to make us guilty for creating all the problems in the world; and it is necessary to pretend that the rest of the world is so much better (or at least Europe, I guess).
The founding fathers are portrayed in an overly idealistic sense by our propagandistic history books. They were simple farmers who didn't want to pay taxes. That is all. We do create alot of problems in the world. Two European currencies are more powerful than ours, Many European countries lead us in all areas of education, literacy, social welfare, life expectancy and per capita income.