America Wtf??

sinkoman said:
I love how you edit your entier post before anybody can see it.

If you read my original post, you would have read that you're probably the stupidest person I know.
Zombie said:
And just in case you want to argue that, just because someone puts a sticker of an apple on their PC doesn't mean they think Macintosh is the greatest computer company evar.

I keep reading that, and every time my brain tries to flip itself over in my skull.
What makes a nation great?

Depends on the definition of great.

The people do for the most part, though, and I have to say this nation is not that great. I hate a lot of people. I don't hate a lot of foreigners. That could be because I don't know any and they don't piss me off around town, but if I can't love my own countrymen, they must be assholes. :|
saying that america is the best country in the world is an insult to other countries.
"great" simply means one does great things, it doesnt mean they're a good country per se. You could argue that stalin was a great man, but not a good man, just as you can argue america is a great country, but not neccessarily a good country. One can do great things, but they can also be terrible things.

Greatness - the state or status of something as being large, and therefore by implication powerful, majestic, trancendent, or divine.

The USA has alot of power, which does, by definition, make us "great" but with our military industrial complex, we are abusing that power mightily.
Yeah. Everyone knows that the ROK is the best.
The United States of America is the greatest nation on the face of the Earth.

If you don't think your nation is, why are you still there? Everyone should feel proud of their nation.
RakuraiTenjin said:
The United States of America is the greatest nation on the face of the Earth.

Why? In what way?

RakuraiTenjin said:
If you don't think your nation is, why are you still there? Everyone should feel proud of their nation.

Personally, i'm still here because its my home, I was born here and I feel comfortable living here. I just think that feeling proud of your country just because it's your country, without giving reasomns for it is pretty damn stupid TBH.
gick said:
Why? In what way?

Personally, i'm still here because its my home, I was born here and I feel comfortable living here. I just think that feeling proud of your country just because it's your country, without giving reasomns for it is pretty damn stupid TBH.
The greatest freedom of speech, right to bear arms, the best culture blend, the finest military, fair courts, minimal socialism, etc.
Right to bear arms is a subjective issue. Discounted.

Culture? I personally find little worth savoring. Discounted.

Military? The ability to crush other nations may be great in terms of power, but I don't see how that directly factors into living quality. Discounted.

Fair courts? Well, that's assuming you actually get a fair trial or are instead shipped off to a fringe shithole with no charges. Discounted.

Minimal socialism? Subjectivity again. Discounted.

I guess I could grant you the freedom of speech bit, but then I can't really see how it's better than numerous other countries. If anything, I find there are more social sanctions for certain ideas.

Not saying USA is shit, but this stupid notion of the "best" country is completely dependent on the POV.
Ludah said:
Right to bear arms is a subjective issue. Discounted.

Culture? I personally find little worth savoring. Discounted.

Military? The ability to crush other nations may be great in terms of power, but I don't see how that directly factors into living quality. Discounted.

Fair courts? Well, that's assuming you actually get a fair trial or are instead shipped off to a fringe shithole with no charges. Discounted.

Minimal socialism? Subjectivity again. Discounted.

I guess I could grant you the freedom of speech bit, but then I can't really see how it's better than numerous other countries. If anything, I find there are more social sanctions for certain ideas.

Not saying USA is shit, but this stupid notion of the "best" country is completely dependent on the POV.
What the ****? Obviously everything is going to be subjective in supporting arguements for an arguement of what is "greatest."

You can't prove "Greatest, best, funnest, etc" with values and numbers, unless there are set rules for determining what is better. (IE: a basketball game, you can say a team is better by point scores etc)
RakuraiTenjin said:
The greatest freedom of speech, right to bear arms, the best culture blend, the finest military, fair courts, minimal socialism, etc.

not that I'm disagreeing with your assertations but cant say the best cultural mix ..I've been to the US you're not all that diverse: you're also a melting pot while we're (for the most part) a mosiac ..not in comparison to canada or even some pockets of europe. Your other points are mostly unsubstainable opinion I dont see how minimal socialism is a positive (healthcare being the most obvious example)
CptStern said:
not that I'm disagreeing with your assertations but cant say the best cultural mix ..I've been to the US you're not all that diverse: you're also a melting pot while we're (for the most part) a mosiac ..not in comparison to canada or even some pockets of europe. Your other points are mostly unsubstainable opinion I dont see how minimal socialism is a positive (healthcare being the most obvious example)
Well as you think that socialized medicine is a positive that goes to support you believing Canada is the greatest nation, and I would expect you to. If you didn't I would wonder why you still live there if you have the means to live in other places. If I thought there was somewhere better than the US and I had the financial means to live there, I would. But I don't feel there's anywhere better than the US.
but I dont think canada is the greatest nation ...I couldnt care less about those distinctions because it doesnt matter to me ..what does matter to me is my level of personal freedom ..

and yes socialised healthcare is a positive ..for me personally were I living uninsured in the US I'd owe medical bills to the tune of $400,000 - $800,000 in the last 3 years alone healthcare for all citizens is a big positive in my book
You'd have medical insurance, from what you've said here about your job you work for a decent company- they'd offer it. If it's a small company or they don't, there are dozens of health insurance companies designed for small business owners/their workers to sign up for. If you don't work there are also health insurance companies suited specifically for individuals. So many companies tailored exactly to different types of people. And while people do scream "OMG NO HELP IN USA BESIDES INSURANCE" there are countless federal and state programs dealing with health that pretty much can pay for some health services. You're never really left completely out in the cold.

What country do you think is greater than Canada? And if you think so why don't you want to live there? (If you do want to and something is preventing you from it excuse my presumption)
it doesnt cover it all ..there could be limits in terms of coverage ..they could waive certain coverage due to medical history etc it could severly cripple my family ..In one of the textbooks I have on premature babies published in the US it has a section on arranging payment schedules with the hospital ..a chart put the estimation of my bill at $300,000 broken down in payments over a span of 25 years ..that's a freakin mortage for a house could the average person afford that feed his family and purchase a house?

..45 million americans are uninsured, that's got to tell you something

it's not that any country is neccesarily better than canada it's that they may offer different things. I've been to spain and I'd live there but that doesnt mean I prefer it to canada. I'd also live in the UK and parts of Europe (finland would be interesting would sweden/germany/france etc etc ) ..I hear the island of mauritius is pretty nice ..hey australia I'd love to go there I'd live there for awhile
Raeven0 said:

CptStern has a job with a company. I'm assuming he's not job hopping, and he's been there / staying there for a while. Thus in America he'd have health insurance (very very slim chance a company like that wouldnt have it on employee benefits.)

CptStern said:
it doesnt cover it all ..there could be limits in terms of coverage ..they could waive certain coverage due to medical history etc it could severly cripple my family ..In one of the textbooks I have on premature babies published in the US it has a section on arranging payment schedules with the hospital ..a chart put the estimation of my bill at $300,000 broken down in payments over a span of 25 years ..that's a freakin mortage for a house could the average person afford that feed his family and purchase a house?

..45 million americans are uninsured, that's got to tell you something

it's not that any country is neccesarily better than canada it's that they may offer different things. I've been to spain and I'd live there but that doesnt mean I prefer it to canada. I'd also live in the UK and parts of Europe (finland would be interesting would sweden/germany/france etc etc ) ..I hear the island of mauritius is pretty nice ..hey australia I'd love to go there I'd live there for awhile
We've got Blue Cross Blue Shield and it covers almost everything, at the most we generally have to pay $500 for something, tops. And this is a family that's had a lot of health problems. Both my parents had Hep C and did interferon treatments until it was cured, I was born with Chronic Bronchitis and dealt with that until I was about 13 and it mostly went away. My mom had a spinal fusion for a blown disc in her back, gallbladder taken out, my nephews with dozens of problems etc etc. You're not dead in the water here is just what I'm saying, if you end up having to pay anything you can get a lot of it waived with programs at the federal, then state, then private, then hospital level.

On countries- Great places to visit, but not as great as good old home USA.
it wouldnt cover it all have a certain amount each year depending of healthcare plan ..once you exhaust that amount the insurance company only pays a certain amount the rest comes out of your pocket ..most families wouldnt be fully covered because the premiums are prohibited. Or from the onset the insurance company pays a certain amount say 80% the rest you pay ..20% of $300,000 is still a lot of money. BTW these figures are arbitrary, I'm just using them to illustrate my point

an online friend of mine from illinois has a similiar job but only had limited coverage when the same thing happened to him ..he had to fork over $5000+ when his baby was born a few weeks early
We're not going to agree on socialized medicine definately anyhow, but even then after you put forth those, I still can't see why you don't find your nation greatest then.

For me there's no where I'd rather live than the United States.

Now, STATE wise in the US, that's another issue. I mean I like Arizona a lot but there are some mean and close competitors out there. It's tough for me to make a call on that one, and when I do I'll move to the one I choose (after job obligations etc are done with.)
RakuraiTenjin said:
We're not going to agree on socialized medicine definately anyhow, but even then after you put forth those, I still can't see why you don't find your nation greatest then.

but it's lacking in other things ..qualities that may be found in other countries that are just as appealing

RakuraiTenjin said:
For me there's no where I'd rather live than the United States.

I cant help but feel that's more from lack of experience than anything else

RakuraiTenjin said:
Now, STATE wise in the US, that's another issue. I mean I like Arizona a lot but there are some mean and close competitors out there. It's tough for me to make a call on that one, and when I do I'll move to the one I choose (after job obligations etc are done with.)

heh for me it would be easy ;) freedom of speech? Did you miss the part where FBI threatened NWA from talking against the government? Did you miss the part where people are getting a foot in their ass for their sayings? Did you miss the KKK? Did you miss the right to vote? Did you miss the banning of certain anti-government music on the radio? Did you miss the police knocking on your door for saying bush is an asshole?
sinkoman said:
One side thinks "I love you guys, I just hate your leaders!" and the other thinks "you guys are majority dumb****s, have no culture, and are taking over everything, yet that doesn't mean there aren't a few good men in the herd".
"Oh we don't hate America! We just hate your leaders....and your foreign policy....and your soldiers...and your screw it we hate America but we do like some Americans! We are quite fond of Michael Moore and Alex Jones."

yes because that's exactly how every last one of us nonamericans think :upstare:

pathetic that some of you play the victem earned the hate
CptStern said:
yes because that's exactly how every last one of us nonamericans think :upstare:

pathetic that some of you play the victem earned the hate
Please point out where I said where every non American thinks that way, Stern.
pathetic that some of you play the victem earned the hate
And let me guess, we deserved to die too?
French Ninja said:
Please point out where I said where every non American thinks that way, Stern.


French Ninja said:
"Oh we don't hate America! We just hate your leaders....and your foreign policy....and your soldiers...and your screw it we hate America but we do like some Americans! We are quite fond of Michael Moore and Alex Jones."

and I meant non american members who posted in this thread, just as you suggested by the above post

French Ninja said:
And let me guess, we deserved to die too?

please point out where I say that

had you hunted those responsible and not taken a sidetrip to iraq you'd have a lot less people hating you
Hahaha French Ninja, you ****ing tard. :)

Invoking 9/11 ftw. Chemicals under the sink await you.
I got no problems with the USA, but we are a bit full of ourselves at times
Ravioli said: freedom of speech? Did you miss the part where FBI threatened NWA from talking against the government?
That's not what happened.

Ravioli said:
Did you miss the part where people are getting a foot in their ass for their sayings?
Yes, I did miss it because it's not happening. No one is being prosecuted for their sayings.

Ravioli said:
Did you miss the KKK?
Um? While the KKK is horrible it's a prime example of people exercising free speech. They can rant about Catholics, Jews, blacks, and Mexicans all they want- they only become criminal when they make plans for violence.

Ravioli said:
Did you miss the right to vote?
No I didn't miss it, I plan to exercise it as soon as I turn 18. :rolleyes:
Ravioli said:
Did you miss the banning of certain anti-government music on the radio?
Yes, because that never happened.
Ravioli said:
Did you miss the police knocking on your door for saying bush is an asshole?
Never happened.

GG for posting a bunch of random bullshit that never happened.

Did you miss the Clinton administration funding a gay sex library with tax dollars? Did you miss Clinton throwing a dildo during his campaign in 92?

Oh wait you did miss them because they never happened. Saying random shit is retarded.
No I just hate the senators and the president and their followers. Intelligent Americans are outside of my field of hate (FOH )

Oh and I hate idiotic extremist Christians too

They're in your country just as much as they are ours. BTW, hating they're followers just proves your ignorance. You don't even know who they are, and you don't even ask why you hate them -- you just do.

pathetic that some of you play the victem earned the hate

Hate is not something thats earned, deserved or respected, its something thats applied irrationally or without a good sense of morality and deducing logic.
heh ..apply that to your hate of palestinians/muslims ..or as a jew apply that to the nazis ..hate is most definately earned (justified or otherwise)
You think its hate?

Odd. My hate is of the terrorists, not of the people. Hate is most definately not earned, and is most definately not justified.

To believe hate is something thats rational or should be a part of everyday calm and logic, is to also believe in conflict. Hate is not an excuse. Logically think out your problems. Its through logic peace is possible. But its through hatred ... well, look at the world and tell me what you see?

I'll tell you what I see. Hundreds of people. Angry. Full of rage and hatred. They demand solutions, instantly. They want power, money, and justice. But what else do I see?

No solution.
I think people from outside the US are pissed off because they all see what's happening in iraq


just one example

double standards.

in the 80's and 90,s, numerous terrorist camps were being run in pakistan and in the 90s in afghanistan too.these guys used to come across the border and blow up our school buses.

Leaders in India where shouting themselves hoarse at every international forum on these terrorists, the need to declare both as state sponsors of terrorism.
What does pakistan get........military handouts from the US.When Pakistan bought missile technology from china and NK,US turns a blind eye.

( Pakistan claims their missile technology is indegenously developed.The only thing indegenous about them is the green paint.They come from china and nk painted red, the pakis just paint it green)

what does taliban and afghanistan get.....US just looks the other way.

what does India get........being vetoed by the US at every forum where we wanted to pass a resolution condemning pakistan.Massive pressure, including threat of sanctions in case India went afer these bases in Pakistan.

Until 9\11 and the hurt came home.

so its not just about iraq,its about the double standards of american leaders over decades.

No-one in the world has anything personal against any american.Its the morons they elect that we object to.

I dont think domestic freedom, creativity and enterpreneurship seen in the US is matched by any country in the world.
Namasthe Hari! :p
I'm currently in India a few months for my work, and what i must say shocked me a bit was that i get the idea a religious stage is being planted to suit other people's need.
I walk to my work and see the American Jesus Christ people walk around in suits, perfect haircuts with bibles in their hand like they're Agent smiths on their way to convert another 1000 people, and on the other end i see Imams wonder around with suited people and ragged women doing similar stuff. :S
I guess that pisses people off. :S
Though i havent spoken an Indian yet that generalised Americans for this, perhaps thats due to the large amount of US companies and investors here.

As for the US foreign policy vs India, isnt the US focussing more on India now instead of Pakistan? The Nuclear deal etc?

The thing with the US is alot of things they do are more "shallow" and cought up by the media. In that case it seems like its more open.
If you compare Iraq for instance with Chechnya, where both sides litterly piss on the Geneva convention and human rights mean nothing and are being violated beyond anything we know, and on top of that the Russians are still occupying it, it sickens me to see it hardly makes any international media or action/protest. :(
Is everybody so afraid of the ruskies that only a "that is a bad thing you guys are doing there" is all we dare to do/say?
If i remember correctly, the last i heard of the conflict (which is still going on) is during the Beslan siege......

Where's France here? They surely opened their mouth enough to the US for Iraq, why not be the good guy and "bash"/protest/sanction the russians for Chechnya which is arguably worse in human rights violation?
Compared to the protest Iraq got, its peanuts..

Is it because we Euro's need the Russian gas? :(
Dont know but ah well, thats a bit offtopic, but the point is, if we are so focussed on fighting attrocities vs civilians (as if the world is black and white), why not fight the ones where we have no financial interest? -> like Africa?
but hey, who cares about Africa aye, hardly oil there so.
Sure I'm proud of my country, but if my country just walked into another country to take it over, I'd be pissed. Besides, if Canada did that (God Forbid), the goverment would be overthrown within a week and a new one established. That's what I like about Canada, it can throw out a government whenever it does something completely stupid. In America however you have to live with the bullshit for 4 years, like you are now with Bush. And that's the only thing I see annoying with America. Everything else is great, except for the goofy reality TV shows, those also piss me off.