America Wtf??

Ome_Vince said:
but hey, who cares about Africa aye, no oil there so.
There's lots of oil in African reserves it's just nobody cares about black people.
Ravioli said: freedom of speech? Did you miss the part where FBI threatened NWA from talking against the government? Did you miss the part where people are getting a foot in their ass for their sayings? Did you miss the KKK? Did you miss the right to vote? Did you miss the banning of certain anti-government music on the radio? Did you miss the police knocking on your door for saying bush is an asshole?

Best kind of freedom there is: secure.

There's lots of oil in African reserves it's just nobody cares about black people.

Lol. That reminded me of that guy.... whatshisname... uh.... some rapper guy.... forgot his name...
As for the US foreign policy vs India, isnt the US focussing more on India now instead of Pakistan? The Nuclear deal etc? 9\11 there seems to be warmer ties.hope it lasts.

And welcome to india!!
Ennui said:
Your superior condescending attitude is just as easy to dislike.

Don't get me wrong, I like you a lot, one of my more favored forumites here, but you really could use a healthy dose of perspective.
Actually, his assessment is actually fairly accurate. I think all he was missing from his rant was the term "inbreeds."
Beerdude26 said:
/me smells renewable new fuel source
Laivasse said:
By jove that's it...! Anti-american sentiment will save us from global warming! :p
/America lights match & destroys the world.

(just being funny)
CptStern said:
I think people from outside the US are pissed off because they all see what's happening in iraq but if you were to watch american media the exact opposite is true ..I mean even CNN sounds like a wartime cheerleader's pretty sickening most of the time
"CNN & Friends" has been a cheerleader for the terrorists in this Iraq war & it makes me sick. The US isn't perfect, but you can practically see the glee on CNN's faces every time a small group of soldiers in IRAQ mess up. They were practically jumping up and down when the 1000-dead mark was passed.

CrazyHarij said:
You just happen to have a whole lot of bad eggs shining through in media and internet forums etc, which have contributed to the general bad views on america.
While they may not constitute all of america and americans, there seem to be a ****load of them.
All our pathetic media does is hunt for rotten eggs, like a ****ed up Easter-egg hunt. When they can't find any, they decorate eggs to look like bad eggs and then bash them on the sidewalk without regard for the truth.
DeusExMachina said:
With Bush and Kerry, you don't have much of a choice I'm sorry to say. Wasting your vote on one of the other parties won't do anything.
I think America needed Bush during the time of 9-11-01 (/me puts on flame-suit). In the 2004 election, couldn't the democrats find a better candidate? I mean seriously, Kerry was damn close to a traitor if you dug into his past, didn't know what he stood for, and definitely wasn't smarter than Bush (better speaker, but not smarter).
99.vikram said:
A McDonalds drove my fav eatery out of business :frown:
Must not have been that good, because McDonalds really really sucks.
(just teasing :p)
sinkoman said:
Whenever I see somebody with an american flag on thier shirt/car/hat/bag, I always think "lol just keep thinking that you ignorant ****".
Is patriotism ignorant? We all take it for granted until something like 9-11-01.
Yup, i'm gonna say my country rocks, and it's totally gonna make a difference when the shit hits the fan.

Yup, wearing this shirt makes the cops smarter, the firemen stronger, and the armed forces more tactful.

Yup, when I put an "america pwns" bumper sticker on my minivan, it TOTALLY makes the economy go up!

There are different kinds of patriotism. Some people chose to say "I like living here, and I think i'll do something to improve the quality of living!" Others, buy a shirt that says "my god loves america".
That is not patriotism (God love america sweater).

Patriotism is joining the Army in wartime to fight against communist puppets at the age of 12.

Patriotism is blowing up enemy forces with homemade bombs.

Patriotism is wel.....
sinkoman said:
We have our perks.

Patriotism ... is a superstition artificially created and maintained through a network of lies and falsehoods; a superstition that robs man of his self-respect and dignity, and increases his arrogance and conceit.
Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.
During times of war, hatred becomes quite respectable, even though it has to masquerade often under the guise of patriotism.

Three best quotes to describe patriotism.
".....Patriotism, what is patriotism? This is a question that many people ask. Patriotism is the will to do the right thing; to fight against all enemies, external and internal, to recognize and to act to protect the nation's interests. It is not only the big acts of righteousness that count, but also doing the duty as a citizen of the nation, paying taxes, reporting spies, and supporting the troops in the frontline GPs. It is also the feeling of proudness when there is a national achievement. But the great deed of patriotism lies not in these things, but sacrifice. Sacrifice is a duty that not many people will to do. To make the sacrifice for the nation, to do what is right, that is the real test of a citizen, and a human being. May righteousness prevail. May the fatherland prevail."

-Excerpt from the retirement speech of General Oh Sung Min, 1998 (Translated by me)

Many different ideas on what patriotism is, I see.
sounds more like blind patriotism ..a patriot imho holds his country above the people who rule it .."by the people for the people"
phantomdesign said:
"CNN & Friends" has been a cheerleader for the terrorists in this Iraq war & it makes me sick. The US isn't perfect, but you can practically see the glee on CNN's faces every time a small group of soldiers in IRAQ mess up. They were practically jumping up and down when the 1000-dead mark was passed.

are we watching the same CNN? try watching something outside of the US for a change ..CNN is by no means a one sided critic on the war on terror ..I mean for gods sakes they have(had) tucker carlson cant get anymore staunch conservative than that. The most respected media outlets in the US (NY Times, Washington Post ) apologised for making biased news reporting during the build up to war ..if that doesnt tell you the media is hardly "cheerleaders for terrorism" I dont know what would

phantomdesign said:
All our pathetic media does is hunt for rotten eggs, like a ****ed up Easter-egg hunt. When they can't find any, they decorate eggs to look like bad eggs and then bash them on the sidewalk without regard for the truth.

if there's some good news coming out of iraq I'd sure as hell like to hear it ..but to be fair CNN does show US soldiers helping in the rebuilding process ..they just omit the part about them causing the destruction in the first place
RakuraiTenjin said:
There's lots of oil in African reserves it's just nobody cares about black people.

you're wrong ..the powers that be are very interested in parts of africa (specifically sudan (there be oil ..lots of it ..untapped)) fact certain global powers have become recently interested in the turmoil in that part of the world ..not that they ever concerned them before because a nation in disarray makes good business sense (cant nationalise the oil industry if you cant pay for it) ..but make some noise about terrorism and throw in a few choice words like "genocide" and "humanitarian relief" and you have to building blocks for future invasion/humanitarian missions

edit: damn triple post ..I meant to combine this one with the last one
I cant say i have seen much "interest" in the various African attrocities.

Darfur is a stage for genocide with only "minimal attention" in the form of "hippies", yet when bad boy Saddam has chemicals dating back to 1990, we all seem interested.

I'd be all for an invasion in Sudan to end this madness..

The Sudanese Government, using Arab "Janjaweed" militias, its air force, and organized starvation, is systematically killing the black Sudanese of Darfur.

And if the west needs to tap some oil from Sudan, in order to feel the need to invade (which is sick) by all means go for it, just end the madness there thats all that counts..
I'd hate to look back and be ashamed i lived during periods of mass genocide and tell newer generations excuses like "i didnt know" or "there was nothing we could do".

He, this is turning into a speach, lol, sorry guys i'm a bit stressed ;)
If there's one place America should even be poking their noses in, its Africa. Matter of fact, I think freeing Africa from all the corrupt warlords is every major nations responsibility. We sit back and bicker while genocides, civil wars, and mass murders are happening over there.
But that's just my opinion.
And I like the NY Times. And the Asbury Park Press. They give me my news :).
Tr0n said:
Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.

Isnt that a Hitler quote?
it was actually hermann goering during the nuremberg trials ..but it's still appropriate today (ahem)
I always thought that most people hated America and its people due to our Freedom, Nuclear Missle dominance, and the wars we have fought.

Personally, I think all people who hate America are entitled to their opinions. But I feel the same way about other countries, most countries have ways of life that are just plain retarded. I mean, some involve pure Male dominance, some with dictatorship, and some are about your Race. I can never see any other way of life other than Freedom. But people totally don't gather the concept that Freedom isn't Free. Besides, the Mexicans are gonna over run us up in America, and we are going to go down to Mexico. ( NO FOR THE LAST DAMN TIME, THAT IS NOT RACISM, DON'T TRY AND TELL ME IT IS!!!! )
MTG_Maro said:
I always thought that most people hated America and its people due to our Freedom, Nuclear Missle dominance, and the wars we have fought.

^ - kneeslappingly funny :LOL:
Yea it is...almost seems like he's being sarcastic.
MTG_Maro said:
I always thought that most people hated America and its people due to our Freedom, Nuclear Missle dominance, and the wars we have fought.

Personally, I think all people who hate America are entitled to their opinions. But I feel the same way about other countries, most countries have ways of life that are just plain retarded. I mean, some involve pure Male dominance, some with dictatorship, and some are about your Race. I can never see any other way of life other than Freedom. But people totally don't gather the concept that Freedom isn't Free. Besides, the Mexicans are gonna over run us up in America, and we are going to go down to Mexico. ( NO FOR THE LAST DAMN TIME, THAT IS NOT RACISM, DON'T TRY AND TELL ME IT IS!!!! )

wow either you are joking or you really are....

well you're alot of things.

People hate america because of people like you, that much is clear.

What is your sig, btw? My best translation is "the giant of 1000 pwns, catches with a something headshot"
Things i generally dislike about America (not saying im hating the place):

The patriotism (the most patriotic country in the world)
The ignorance
The Religious belief (nothing wrong with religion, but there have to be some limits on it...)

I like to read about people who think Europe is some kind of wasteland. I met a guy who was completly astonished by the fact that we have Lans here (we have worlds largest lans here too...). He didnt think we had the economy to get equipment (routers, switches, servers etc) to host the lan. Oh how I love the ignorance in some people :)

Edit: Just to make clear, not ALL Americans are like this (obviously), but thats the general idea of why so many people dislike america.
theotherguy said:
wow either you are joking or you really are....

well you're alot of things.

People hate america because of people like you, that much is clear.

What is your sig, btw? My best translation is "the giant of 1000 pwns, catches with a something headshot"

Racist.... wow, did I just say that im not? I think I did. But what I said is true, I can't see life being any other way. And what your saying is that people hate America because people like me hate their way of life, and we don't appriciate how they hate us. So really that only would be saying people hate each other because one hates the other, or because we are different. That would be just like saying, we hate you because you don't wear the same clothes, eat the same food, etc. And we say, well we hate you for hateing us. And so on.

But I'm curious to know how many people here are actually from America and are just going with the crowd. But just because we think things are differently doesn't give any reason for other countries to hate us. Because we have different laws and culture shouldn't be a reason. What should be a reason is the fact that we are using our Nukes and telling people not to use theirs or we will use ours. And other things of that variety. But what your saying is that we are hated for how we think. And if someone comes up and says "Why can't we just be friends?". What we have here is the answer. Because of peoples actions, is why there is such hate. And no, I am not saying that we should just have peace, that can and never will happen. Peace is dream that can NEVER be realised. And I will state for the last time, I AM NOT A RACIST!

Oh, and my sig is German for "The Journey OF 1000 Pwns, Begins With A Single Headshot.
MTG_Maro said:
But what I said is true
Then I will take this opportunity to throw your entire post to the dogs.

MTG_Maro said:
I always thought that most people hated America and its people due to our Freedom, Nuclear Missle dominance, and the wars we have fought.
Pure ignorance. Have you ever stopped to compare American freedom to European freedom? No? Here are some places to start: women's rights . . . gay rights . . . racism . . .

MTG_Maro said:
most countries have ways of life that are just plain retarded
Sweeping generalisation of the entire rest of the world. Ignorant statements like this are why you're hated, not the freedom you think you have.

MTG_Maro said:
But people totally don't gather the concept that Freedom isn't Free. Besides, the Mexicans are gonna over run us up in America, and we are going to go down to Mexico.
Hooray for out-of-place sentences that aren't relevant to the discussion at all!

MTG_Maro said:
But what I said is true, I can't see life being any other way
"My way is the ONLY way. I must impose MY ideas on the ENTIRE REST OF THE WORLD!"

MTG_Maro said:
And what your saying is that people hate America because people like me hate their way of life, and we don't appriciate bleh bleh bleh non sequitur bleh
No one said that. No one said anything that could even be misconstrued to mean that. You made it up.

MTG_Maro said:
But what your saying is that we are hated for how we think.
Yeah, pretty much.
Oh good God. Let's r4pe t3h US nubcake. I guess this is to be expected seeing as how it seems my defense of America will cause reply.... Shall I start from the top?

First quote: My bad

Second quote: We are hated because our way of life is retarded in their eyes

Third quote: That was my ending statement, but I'll give it to you, it was out of place

Fourth quote: How am I imposing anything of any sort!, I am stating I could only see the way I live as being a decent way of life. Would you want to live in a dictatorship third world hell hole?

Fifth quote: Must I repeat what he said?, I have simply givin a refrence to what he said. Ex "Dad, I want more allowence", "Well son, what if I went to my boss and just demanded a raise?"

Last quote: I am not implicating that he is a terrorist, you have made that up.

EDIT: Those of you who don't like America because of me or just me in particular, whatever. I can see I will get nowhere because there are more people here who are against America rather than for America. OMFG IM NOT RACIST, STFU. God
MTG_Maro said:
Oh good God. Let's r4pe t3h US nubcake.
Arkansas is an American State as well. I just despise nationalism and insubstantiated patriotism.

MTG_Maro said:
Second quote: We are hated because our way of life is retarded in their eyes
Another sweeping generalisation of the entire rest of the world.

MTG_Maro said:
Fourth quote: How am I imposing anything of any sort!, I am stating I could only see the way I live as being a decent way of life. Would you want to live in a dictatorship third world hell hole?
Viewing your way as the only correct way comes with the implication that every other way is incorrect and should be fixed. Contrapositively, if you don't want to go out and fix the rest of the world, then the rest of the world must not be so bad. I would not be fond of living in the third world, but dictatorship, no matter what propaganda you're taught in school, is not necessarily bad.

MTG_Maro said:
Fifth quote: Must I repeat what he said?
Usually a good idea, like I'm doing here; otherwise you get this big mass of words and no one knows what you're talking about :p

MTG_Maro said:
Last quote: I am not implicating that he is a terrorist, you have made that up.
I was rebutting your disbelief that the world hates us for what we believe by providing one of our ridiculous, logically invalid "beliefs".

MTG_Maro said:
Those of you who don't like America because of me or just me in particular, whatever.
Hating an entire nation because of one misguided citizen is unfair. My distaste has been honed over years of forced interaction with people much, much worse than you--and even I don't hate America per se; just America's stupid people.

Yet again

I don't need to generalize, I am refrencing to those who hate America

Yes, I view Freedom as the only right way of life. But I am not saying that the rest of the world needs to be fixed. I don't accept how most laws may not be our way of Freedom. As for the 3rd world, most people that hate us are from 3rd world countries.

I know it's accepted, but I didn't want to repeat or quote what somebody said. I didn't see it as being required

I never "claimed" it as a belief, I am contradicting what he said.

And I am talking to those who distaste America because of me, or just me.
There is no such thing as freedom, son. Nothing is free as the age old saying goes.
CptStern said:
you're wrong ..the powers that be are very interested in parts of africa (specifically sudan (there be oil ..lots of it ..untapped)) fact certain global powers have become recently interested in the turmoil in that part of the world ..not that they ever concerned them before because a nation in disarray makes good business sense (cant nationalise the oil industry if you cant pay for it) ..but make some noise about terrorism and throw in a few choice words like "genocide" and "humanitarian relief" and you have to building blocks for future invasion/humanitarian missions

edit: damn triple post ..I meant to combine this one with the last one
I wasn't being serious.

DeusExMachina said:
If there's one place America should even be poking their noses in, its Africa. Matter of fact, I think freeing Africa from all the corrupt warlords is every major nations responsibility. We sit back and bicker while genocides, civil wars, and mass murders are happening over there.
But that's just my opinion.
And I like the NY Times. And the Asbury Park Press. They give me my news :).
We have, and very recently. Liberia.
MTG_Maro said:
Racist.... wow, did I just say that im not? I think I did. But what I said is true, I can't see life being any other way.

Oh, and my sig is German for "The Journey OF 1000 Pwns, Begins With A Single Headshot.

oops, I confused "reise" with "riese" and "f*a*ngt" with "fangt" arg, its been a long time since I've been in a german class.

and yes, your statements that the lifestyles of the rest of the world are "retarted" automatically makes you a racist.

By definition the racist sees the lifestyle and features of people like him to be superior to all others. He doesn't neccisarily hate everyone else, he just sees himself as superior. You have no empathy, you cannot see things from other people's eyes and realize that their values are just as valid as yours, and that does in every sense of the word make you a racist.

Have you ever lived in a foreign country? Have you ever faced utmost poverty and political repression as a foreign army rolls across your soil and bombs your houses and takes everythign that was once dear to you? If not, then you can never fully understand the motives of terrorists.

We do not fight for "freedom", because no other nation has challenged our "freedoms". Only our own government has the power to do that. If you wanted to fight for freedom, you would enact political reform, not bomb other countries for the hell of it.

We fight for politics, we fight for money, we fight for land and oil and goods and trade, but we do not fight for freedom or democracy. In afghanistan we fought for revenge, in Vietnam for supremecy, in Iraq for economy, but we have never fought for freedom since the civil war, or perhaps World War II.

These wars sit under the thin veil of patriotism, but there is no honor in them, we're simply being bullies. That is why people don't like america.
theotherguy said:
and yes, your statements that the lifestyles of the rest of the world are "retarted" automatically makes you a racist.
Hey, man hating cultures has nothing to do with racism. Some countries do have "retarted" governments and lifestyles. All he said is that, in his opinion, freedom is better than a dictatorship, which is usually bad.
Ok, I see.

Ok for the Racist thing. By "definition", a Racist hates PEOPLE because of Race, Religion, Culture, Ethnicity. And what I am saying would be just like telling your friend what he said was dumb, doesn't make me a Racist. You have over implicated a False Truth opon me. And when I say a False Truth, I mean for me it's False. Sure I hate some forms of culture, like Dictatorship, Monarchy, Anarchy, etc. But that is purly the form or ruleing, not the people themselves. But when others say they hate America because of it's people, it's very provoking and agitating. How come we don't have the problems of the world if we are so bad? Why are we a First World if we are so bad?

theotherguy= said:
Have you ever lived in a foreign country? Have you ever faced utmost poverty and political repression as a foreign army rolls across your soil and bombs your houses and takes everythign that was once dear to you? If not, then you can never fully understand the motives of terrorists.

That's nice. This is obviously a refrence to WW2, and America, England, Russia won WW2. And talking of terrorists motives have abosolutly nothing do with why I am stating why people hate america. And it's not only the terrorists that hate us. But this only proves that America must be a nicer country because we haven't had this happen to us. And don't say 9/11 was it. We lost 3 buildings and many lifes. That wouldn't be them sweeping and taking all our possesions and Freedom.

theotherguy said:
We do not fight for "freedom", because no other nation has challenged our "freedoms". Only our own government has the power to do that. If you wanted to fight for freedom, you would enact political reform, not bomb other countries for the hell of it.

Yes we do, the war on terrorism is a perfect example. If we don't fight back, they would jump at the chance to destroy America and or take it over. So we are fighting for revenge, sure, but if we don't fight, there will just be more attacks, and then we will lose the country in the long run.
Since when have we ever bombed things just because? Pearl Harbor: Fighting Back WW2: Fighting for Freedom Vietnam: We were being bombed, so we bomb back. War on Terrorism: We have the option to irradicate the threat without the expense of more soldiers.
theotherguy said:
These wars sit under the thin veil of patriotism, but there is no honor in them, we're simply being bullies. That is why people don't like america

Thin?! Patriotism is something that keeps us going in war. And your right, but since when does war ever have any Honor. And we never started any wars, we are defending our selves or helping our friends whom are in need. And saying because we are bullies is why people don't like America is just a sweeping generalisation like I was flamed for, but not you

Tr0n said:
There is no such thing as freedom, son. Nothing is free as the age old saying goes.

I already F**ing said that. God
Tr0n said:
There is no such thing as freedom, son. Nothing is free as the age old saying goes.

Free things are as communistic as comunistic can get. :)