American Cultural Dominance?


Jul 11, 2003
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I've been meaning to make a thread about this for a while now.

What do you guys think about the exportation of American culture? For instance, how do you Brits feel about being forcefed American movies, music, television, magazines, fastfood, softdrinks, celebrities, corporations, products, etc?

From Spiderman to Linkin Park to The Simpsons to Entertainment Weekly to McDonalds to Coke to Ben Affleck to Time Warner to Microsoft Windows it seems that America dominates world culture more and more everyday. Personally I think it's a travesty. I visited Australia a few years ago expecting to have a unique experience. What I found was essentially little carbon copies of US cities everywhere I went. It was profoundly depressing.

Sure, the rest of the world hates our government. But they absolutely cannot get enough of our stuff. As an American, I see it as a very disturbing trend. This homogenization is destroying what was once awesome and special in every corner of the globe. Popular literature is just about the only thing that America has yet to corner the market on (thank God).

So, go at it.
i like many things about american culture (and some things i hate, such as fast food and much of our music), but i'm also fascinated by european culture. i really would like to tour europe some day.

moby - nearer
DarkStar said:
I've been meaning to make a thread about this for a while now.

What do you guys think about the exportation of American culture? For instance, how do you Brits feel about being forcefed American movies, music, television, magazines, fastfood, softdrinks, celebrities, corporations, products, etc?

From Spiderman to Linkin Park to The Simpsons to Entertainment Weekly to McDonalds to Coke to Ben Affleck to Time Warner to Microsoft Windows it seems that America dominates world culture more and more everyday. Personally I think it's a travesty. I visited Australia a few years ago expecting to have a unique experience. What I found was essentially little carbon copies of US cities everywhere I went. It was profoundly depressing.

Sure, the rest of the world hates our government. But they absolutely cannot get enough of our stuff. As an American, I see it as a very disturbing trend. This homogenization is destroying what was once awesome and special in every corner of the globe. Popular literature is just about the only thing that America has yet to corner the market on (thank God).

So, go at it.

the US doesn't have as rich a culture as other countries, since it's a relatively new nation. other countries have richer and ancient cultures full of interesting and different past times. the thing about the US, is that it offers money to others, so they'll naturally adopt all their exports.

of course, when you go to other countries, you're expecting something different. i just came back from Jordan/Iraq and they're exactly how i imagined. and you can begin to understand why most middle easterners don't want 'cheap western exports' to ruin their culture.

anyway, i can honestly say that not everyone likes american exports. personally i don't like many things from the US (movies, music, television, magazines, fastfood, softdrinks, celebrities, corporations, products etc) mainly because they just don't appeal to me. nothing against america, i'm just not very interested in those things so i'll ignore them. and most other people will feel like that. i guess most people have no imagination and would rather lose the use of their brain, than actually make an effort and seek out more rewarding entertainment.

but i guess it's nothing to worry about. the only two exports i can't live without are games and porn. i'll have those happily. :)
DarkStar said:
^^ You're saying you don't watch American movies?

heh, yeah i do watch em, just not all of them. :) *hides*
I quite like America, and i like the fact its a new country. Tradition is great, but every country has their traditions which make no sense and are just annoying.

The only probably I have with America, is the country's tendancy to Americanise everything. Good examples would be franchises like McDonald's and the comepany Wal Mart which ahs really changed the way ASDA (A supermarket chain it bought out) runs. I personally feel its a lot worse than it was, especially with its treatment towards staff which is quite franky apauling in many cases.

I like to be able to pick and choose what comes from a country, rather than be completely flooded by it.
I think that you cant really equate companies like Mc Donalds Wall Mart or microsoft as "american culture", they may have originated as american companies but they all have little to do with culture. To me american culture is cowboys, blue jeans, jazz, Humphry Bogart, Jimi hendrix, big cars and baseball among other things that speak to me of the american experience.
They are a lot to do with the culture, that style of marketing and profeteering is very American, and people have been influenced by that. (Ok, so it started out in the countries where AMericans originated, but they had really developed it). A lot of people round the world will automatically think fo McDonald's etc when they think of America. The brand name(Not McDonald's but actual brand names) in general is practically a symbol of America
CptStern said:
I think that you cant really equate companies like Mc Donalds Wall Mart or microsoft as "american culture", they may have originated as american companies but they all have little to do with culture. To me american culture is cowboys, blue jeans, jazz, Humphry Bogart, Jimi hendrix, big cars and baseball among other things that speak to me of the american experience.

You are wrong, a company like Walmart (sadly) represents American culture.
CptStern said:
I think that you cant really equate companies like Mc Donalds Wall Mart or microsoft as "american culture", they may have originated as american companies but they all have little to do with culture. To me american culture is cowboys, blue jeans, jazz, Humphry Bogart, Jimi hendrix, big cars and baseball among other things that speak to me of the american experience.

I think everthing is part of culture. How is food not a part of culture? In my view, exporting the hamburger all over the world is one of the most major cultural "contributions" America has made to the world.
Walmart represents a segment. I have heard of people whose town revolves around the Walmart, while I, thankfully have never even seen one.
Our culture is pretty mixed. We take things from every culture, American, European, Asian (Anyone going to Tokyo Style in Gothenburg/Stockholm? ;)) and so on. We still have out own culture. Most summer songs are in swedish (thats a good thing IMHO), and you dont have to go far if you want to see the old swedish countryside.

The American culture do get a lot of space, but I try to stay away from the mainstream as much as I can.
Farrowlesparrow said:
They are a lot to do with the culture, that style of marketing and profeteering is very American, and people have been influenced by that. (Ok, so it started out in the countries where AMericans originated, but they had really developed it). A lot of people round the world will automatically think fo McDonald's etc when they think of America. The brand name(Not McDonald's but actual brand names) in general is practically a symbol of America

yeah good point. it's interesting what Bill Hicks said when asked what country he was from, "United States of Advertising."

i think the fact that so much of american culture is exported means that it has an affect on the countries that consume them. so every little mistake the companies or corporations gets amplified. which means the companies in question come under even more scrutiny and criticism than they normally would. which may seem unfair but i suppose that's how it has to be.

it is funny though, i can't for the life of me think of something that's gone the other way, and been imported into the US. i mean, japanese culture has a strong influence globally and inside the US too..but apart from that i can't think of anything. interesting.
ShadowFox said:
Walmart represents a segment. I have heard of people whose town revolves around the Walmart, while I, thankfully have never even seen one.

You and Paris Hilton. Are you like super-super rich or something? You may have never seen a Walmart, but have you seen a Target? Or a Kmart? Or a ShopKo?
and uh, valve/half life hehehehehe they are american too
DarkStar said:
I think everthing is part of culture. How is food not a part of culture? In my view, exporting the hamburger all over the world is one of the most major cultural "contributions" America has made to the world.

I agree but a hamburger from say Licks (real meat, real buns etc ..only in canada) is not the same as a burger from McDonalds. So you could say that hamburgers are a part of american culture but not necessarily McDonalds hamburgers
DarkStar said:
You and Paris Hilton. Are you like super-super rich or something? You may have never seen a Walmart, but have you seen a Target? Or a Kmart? Or a ShopKo?
There just aren't Walmarts around here. I have never even heard of ShopKo. We do have Targets and Kmarts though. I'm not a huge fan of either though.
Dedalus said:
it is funny though, i can't for the life of me think of something that's gone the other way, and been imported into the US. i mean, japanese culture has a strong influence globally and inside the US too..but apart from that i can't think of anything. interesting.

I think you'd find that American culture has a far larger stranglehold on Japan than Japanese culture has on mainstream America.
ShadowFox said:
There just aren't Walmarts around here. I have never even heard of ShopKo. We do have Targets and Kmarts though. I'm not a huge fan of either though.
we have a walmart, target, and k-mart here. :|
i really hate wal-mart because everybody from west virginia comes to shop here (sorry to any west virginians here). target is alright, but they have a shitty music collection. they carry some pretty nice clothing.
and k-mart just blows.
all i really need is a best buy and a barnes & noble (with a starbucks cafe) :cheers:
The thing about American cultural dominance (I don't mean this in any kind of bad way), but its very superficial. Most influence by another country you can see is American...Yet there is so much influence coming from other places that we don't really hear about.

Japanese culture is interesting, because they have basically been Americanised and been under their wing since WW2, and in fact they only now seem to be making an effort to go it on their own.

I think the UK (My country :D) while still retaining a lot of its own, has been Americanised more than other parts of least in a fasion. Being English speaking has of course been a major factor in that. However, like i said we have been exporting stuff out to the US, but it just doesn't get noticed so much.
DarkStar said:
I think you'd find that American culture has a far larger stranglehold on Japan than Japanese culture has on mainstream America.

well i was talking more about the niche market, ie. animé, which has single handedly influenced a bucket load of films and tv series etc.

but yeah you are correct with that statement.
Farrowlesparrow said:
However, like i said we have been exporting stuff out to the US, but it just doesn't get noticed so much.

Who's Line is it Anyway! :E
Heh, I wasn't thinking of TV (since most of our programmes that go over there are remade and ruined :() but i suppose it counts :)
Farrowlesparrow said:
Heh, I wasn't thinking of TV (since most of our programmes that go over there are remade and ruined :() but i suppose it counts :)
i listen to a lot of british music.
Farrowlesparrow said:
However, like i said we have been exporting stuff out to the US, but it just doesn't get noticed so much.

the beatles
Rolling stones
the Who

the list goes on and on

oh and dont forget brit seems almost every successful US tv show is based on some british sitcom or comedy
Farrowlesparrow said:
Heh, I wasn't thinking of TV (since most of our programmes that go over there are remade and ruined :() but i suppose it counts :)
They show the original with Anderson on Comedy Central. Much better, IMO.
Oh wacko...:)

Do you have The Office over their yet? I heard they had done a remake for America, but I don't know anything about it.
Its just our natural tendancy as humans to emulate one another. Personally I don't see it as a problem. We are drifting into "Americanism" because America is the most powerful country in the world. In fifty years china will be the world's largest superpower and we'll all head in that direction. Culture has never been a massive issue for me. In the UK culture and history just means we have cities that where designed for horses and carts, buildings we can't improve, and crazy traditions.
Yeh apaprently Brad Pitt is playing Ricky Gervaises character (they just dont get it)
I wouldn't say we will all drift towards China, because they don't (at least at the moment) appear to be in a state of mind to export all that is their culture...Instead, in their effort to become powerful they have emulated alot of western culture. Since the US appitamises western civilisation, then many culture drift towards that.

Its interesting that you point out the natural tendancy to emulate others, because its also natural for some humans to try and impose their type onto others. Humans just naturally want to be part of a group and emulation/imposing yourself are ways of doing that.

My reasons for wanting to keep my culture are many, but one of the most basic is the want for diversity (sounds almost contradictive). I dont want the world to become one big USA. The UK, in particular England as it is, is very cosmapolitan. It encompasses many many cultures, and this goes back thousands of years since we were first invaded. Now instead of invasions, its immigrants, and just prior to that it was imports from the Empire. There are still "pure" places in the UK but when you really look the country has been changed dramatically (for the better) by other cultures.

Brad Pitt? Are you sure, that just sounds like a silly rumour...If it is true though, then that just doesn't make sense.
yes I heard the Brad Pitt rumour too.

I just wouldn't work. The reason that Gervais is so laught-until-you-are-doubled-over-coughing-and-vomiting funny is becasue he is a guy you would just have NO RESPECT FOR if he was your boss. Maybe it's me but Brad Pitt doesn't seem to fit into that role in my mind.
what the fook?! why are they remaking The Office?! that's just dumb. seriously. are they dumbing it down or something?

anyway, China are possibly the oldest nation and culture in the planet i think. they've been around since roughly 3000BC, and they haven't made a concious effort to export their culture, as far as i can see. but they've definitely got a very rich culture that i wouldn't mind experiencing and possibly adopting some of their better past times like theater for example.
The thing about The Office is that Ricky Gervais was The Office. Ok everyone else was funny, but he brought it all together.

Yeah traditionally China was very insular looking and considered the rest of the world too inferior to care about. China, to them, was the centre of everything. Things have changed now, but some aspects of culture never truely die.

Hmm...There seems to be a problem. It isnt showing that I was the last person to post....Instead it says you were Dedalus.
China has never expanded in economic terms, (despite thier, at one time, massive technological advantages) because of their persistent deferment to highly authoratititve rule. I.e. Extremely powerful leaders, which leads to complete control (and thus suppression) by the state.

Now that digital and mass media has arrived, the leaders can no longer keep the population isolated from the outside world. This leads to knowledge and choice, which is the basis of free-market (capitalist) economics. Already China is sucking up resources like a Sponge. My freind recently returned from Shang-hai and his pictures show a City which is like one large contruction site. Fifty years ago, there was little but rice fields there.

They have the land, they have the manpower (boy do they have the manpower). Expect China to explode into an increadible industrial and technological revolution.
If china was to turn to a democracy...they would be biggest economic superpower. :|
I kinda feel like i live in america in one way, about 50%(if not more) of whats shown on television here is american shows. We have McDonalds, Burger Kings and all that..(but not KFC and Taco Bell, i want to try that..KFC food look really tasty). I love Hollywood movies, I like many american artists etc..and by watching tonight shows like Leno and Conan i know pretty much whats going on over there..well with one weeks delay that is..:)
What i dont get is why everyone in America wants to have guns, and why guns is so important over there. Get a rifle when you buy a used car or open up a bank account..come on..thats sick! I have barely seen a real weapon IRL. I just dont see the point of letting everyone run around with guns, that just put the crime rates and accidents through the roof..

But America is a cool country. I hope i can visit sometime..
That is another stereo type.We don't all own guns let alone want one.I for one do own one...only for protecting the household and hunting.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Oh wacko...:)

Do you have The Office over their yet? I heard they had done a remake for America, but I don't know anything about it.
Never heard of The Office.. but I was watching Fawty Towers the other day if that means anything.
Tr0n said:
That is another stereo type.We don't all own guns let alone want one.I for one do own one...only for protecting the household and hunting.

well Bowling on columbine was on tv today thats why i brought it up. And protecting the household from what? Aliens? Ze Germans? Crazy HL2 fanboys?
Uhhh....Well for one robbers.We already had money lots of money stolen from us.Also people that hate me... aka ex druggie friends etc etc.But of course you live in sweden so you wouldn't understand.Just stick with your swedish meatballs... ;)