Ammo from weapons dropped by enemies


Sep 14, 2003
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OK the thread title doesnt exactly flow but y'know how in half life 1 when you killed a soldier and ran over his weapon, if you needed ammo in that weapon (say the assault rifle) you would pick up 25 rounds and the weapon would disappear. Although this may seem a little thing it was one of the few things i felt were wrong in half not going to say unrealistic (we are talking about a game with zombies and headcrabs).

Any ideas if in Half-life 2 the weapon/ammo pick up is necessitated by 'using' the weapon on the ground, collecting any ammo in the gun but leaving the gun on the floor? Kind of like in Vietcong or maybe Call of Duty (I think, i may be mistaken on the last one)
Watch Tunnels: it opertates in the same way. We don't see if anything is left behind though.
dura said:
It works exactly like hl.
How do you know this? And if I think you are talking about what I think you're talking about then you're wrong.
Hes just annoyed that the player picks up the entire gun instead of just taking its clip. While that would be realistic, it doesnt really matter. I mean, come on you can hold like 15 different guns at once. how realistic is that. They would have to change it to a counterstrike style where you can hold a pistol and a rifle, which would be even more annoying than seeing the entire gun dissapear when you touch it for ammy.
vegeta897 said:
How do you know this? And if I think you are talking about what I think you're talking about then you're wrong.
Im assuming it works exactly like half life... most FPS games today do work like that, but i could be wrong... i havn't played the leaked beta like some of you (nor do i plan to, it just ruins the final project)
It's there for your own discretion. Take it or reject it and verify the results in the final product.
I would like it if they made it like halo, not in the two guns only regard, but if you had space for 2 bullets and you picked up a 25 round clip, you would't lose the remaining 23. The ammo pickup would remain on the ground, only now with 23 bullets in it.
FictiousWill said:
I would like it if they made it like halo, not in the two guns only regard, but if you had space for 2 bullets and you picked up a 25 round clip, you would't lose the remaining 23. The ammo pickup would remain on the ground, only now with 23 bullets in it.
That's the way it should be done.
look in the E3 vid... it will answer your questions... HL2 ammo/weapons work just like HL1... but thare might be a weapon limit
TrinityXero said:
look in the E3 vid... it will answer your questions... HL2 ammo/weapons work just like HL1... but thare might be a weapon limit
What part of the E3 vid? I think you're wrong, look near the end of the barricade video, he picks up ammo from a dead Combine and it says "18" That is an odd increment and he obviously had 18 less than max, and the weapon stayed. As said earlier, you pick up as much as you can, and it subtracts that amount from the weapon on the ground.
What part of the E3 vid? I think you're wrong, look near the end of the barricade video, he picks up ammo from a dead Combine and it says "18" That is an odd increment and he obviously had 18 less than max, and the weapon stayed. As said earlier, you pick up as much as you can, and it subtracts that amount from the weapon on the ground.

thats what i thought too. I think in HL2 when you pick up a clip, but cant store all of the bullets, it will give you the max, and put the remainder on the ground. Im pretty sure it did that in hl1...i really dont see a problem
i don't see any point in gettng more realistic than taking the whole clip, you wouldnt have time to indivdually take the rounds out of the clip and then put them in your half enpty clip, that would be dumb. The HL way was the best way. On the relaism note then do you want to see Gordan spending hours counting out rounds and putting them into clips every time you find ammo...i dont.
Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing a "rearrange clips" option in an FPS some time. For instance, you can carry a limited number of clips, say 30-round capacity, but ones you pick up have 12, 27, 21 and 9 in them. As you get through a firefight, you burn through the clip you have, and just dump it, completely, drop it on the ground and it disappears. Then you pop in the highest loaded clip, in this case the 27.

However, like how most games have a reload button now, you can have "hot-reload," like stated above, or "tactical reload," where maybe you don't have an animation but a progress bar, like loading a shotgun, and then when the clip is fully stocked it finishes the reloading animation.
i ahte that stuff though, i really liked the unrealistic way, made everything more fast paced
Having something like walking over the gun, collecting the ammo but upon looking at the gun again, you see the magazine has gone would be great. A mix of both realism and fast-pace action styles.
FictiousWill said:
I would like it if they made it like halo, not in the two guns only regard, but if you had space for 2 bullets and you picked up a 25 round clip, you would't lose the remaining 23. The ammo pickup would remain on the ground, only now with 23 bullets in it.

I have not notice it yet, but I completely agree with you. This is very realistic way.

To add more on the first post. I played COD, I noticed that my associates in the single player when they catch shots and they are close to a health ammo package they won't pick it up to fix their health.......this is very unrealistic method of creating AI. I hop this won't be implemented in HL2.
I think the part of the E3 vid they're talking about is Traptown if I recall correctly.
RblDiver said:
I think the part of the E3 vid they're talking about is Traptown if I recall correctly.
Don't know about that but I mentioned the end of Barricade.
what was with that bit in traptown where he threw the shotgun away? proabby already been answreed hundreds of times...
Rupertvdb said:
what was with that bit in traptown where he threw the shotgun away? proabby already been answreed hundreds of times...

Seem like at that stage of the game (may have changed) you could only hold one shotgun/rifle/submachinegun etc.
Triggerhappy41 said:
Hes just annoyed that the player picks up the entire gun instead of just taking its clip. While that would be realistic, it doesnt really matter. I mean, come on you can hold like 15 different guns at once. how realistic is that. They would have to change it to a counterstrike style where you can hold a pistol and a rifle, which would be even more annoying than seeing the entire gun dissapear when you touch it for ammy.

the HIV suite has spaces for the gun, atleast, that's what they told me in the hazard course 4 years ago :p
Abom said:
Seem like at that stage of the game (may have changed) you could only hold one shotgun/rifle/submachinegun etc.

how about a pistol and a primary weapon?

i wouldnt like it if you could only carry 1 gun :'(
ferd said:
how about a pistol and a primary weapon?

i wouldnt like it if you could only carry 1 gun :'(

Nah, what I meant was at that time, it seemed you could carry only one weapon from each category - One melee weapon, one pistol, one 'medium' weapon (rifle/shotgun/submachinegun) and one heavy weapon, like the RPG. Grenades as extra, possibly.

This system may have changed though, but that's how I saw it back then... which is why he had to throw one gun away to pick up another.
One other thing that I don't like is that in most games you reload like uber-fast.. I mean you basically drop the clip just to catch it in mid-air and put it back or something. In real life you gotta take the clip outta your pocket or something and put it in your firearm.. I like games where the reload time is a bit longer, it's pretty tense then if an enemy is approaching or something.
CrazyHarij said:
One other thing that I don't like is that in most games you reload like uber-fast.. I mean you basically drop the clip just to catch it in mid-air and put it back or something. In real life you gotta take the clip outta your pocket or something and put it in your firearm.. I like games where the reload time is a bit longer, it's pretty tense then if an enemy is approaching or something.

lets just say Gordon is pretty handy with guns :p
Abom said:
Nah, what I meant was at that time, it seemed you could carry only one weapon from each category - One melee weapon, one pistol, one 'medium' weapon (rifle/shotgun/submachinegun) and one heavy weapon, like the RPG. Grenades as extra, possibly.

This system may have changed though, but that's how I saw it back then... which is why he had to throw one gun away to pick up another.

In the E3 video a shotgun is thrown away and replaced with the RPG, so perhaps it doesn't matter if it's a medium or heavy weapon. I'm sure experimental weapons such as the manipulator and gauss gun will be able to be carried all the time though.
looks like you can play with your weapons like in an rpg

you can mix the gauss with a car ... maybe you can make a manipulator with a pistol on it or something
to make it realistic: A human being could carry an bazooka (on his back) 2 pistols (on his hips) 1 knife and an mp5 or shotgun on his shoulder.

Or maybe, the HIV suits can carry 13 weapons

With grens and ammo included, you would barely get past the US borders
whats all this talk about HIV suits? i think an HEV suit would help you out more in city-17. at least more than a deadly virus suit.
kaf11 said:
whats all this talk about HIV suits? i think an HEV suit would help you out more in city-17. at least more than a deadly virus suit.
Someone mistyped. You didn't pick that up? This is a forum! ;)
mistyped every time? Doubtful.

Anyway, realism is good but not at the expense of gameplay and fun.

I think the best way would be to leave guns on the ground, it wouldn't be difficult to print a little "Empty" on the screen to indicate there is no ammo to be taken from it.
HybridM said:
mistyped every time? Doubtful.

Anyway, realism is good but not at the expense of gameplay and fun.

I think the best way would be to leave guns on the ground, it wouldn't be difficult to print a little "Empty" on the screen to indicate there is no ammo to be taken from it.
I know it wasn't mistakenly mispelled every time, the first guy mispelled it and all the others kinda made fun of it. There is no HIV suit. God...

EDIT: And I like your idea, that way your allies could pick it up and find ammo elsewhere. :thumbs:
Yeah the allies grabbing guns thing sounds pretty cool, the only problem is implmenting a new weapon system may be somewhat expected but it does change the fundamental pace of the game, as soon as you start having limits and different reload times, guns for your allies and systems for ammo collection, you have changed what hl is about.
taking individual bullets out of a clip is less realistic that picking the whole thing up . . . you will NEVER EVER stop and pick up a clip, shake three rounds out, and put them in your current clip. you would either grab the whole damn thing, or you wouldn't touch it.

what i wouldnt mind seeing(makes things more tactical, but still keeps it fast paced(in some ways more fast paced, although not UT no reloading fast paced)) is a system where if you reload, every bullet left in that clip is lost(you could also have a clip limit(instead of ammo) and only have that 9 round clip left(unless you switched it with a full clip) but that might slow things down quite a bit(operation flashpoint style), but then if you really needed them, you would still have those 9 bullets.

i seriously want to ask you guys, have you ever loaded a clip? a 30 rd banana for an AK? the fastest time ive seen anyone get those 30 rounds in is well over a minute or two(he wasnt trying really hard, but still). you have to push each individual bullet down against the spring, alternating sides. its not a fun fast thing. 120 rd drum? f' that. no one, i repeat NO ONE, would sit through that in a FPS. they would get up and get a drink.
EXAMPLE: I'm assuming you've all played halo. ever reloaded the shotgun(or the pump in CS)? 8-12 shots, one at a time, into a slot. it takes about 15+ seconds. now compare reloading a shotgun to packing 5.56x45mm rounds into a 30 rd clip. it takes much longer than 3x as long, because the bullets are 4-5x smaller, and you have to press down evenly, not simply slide them into a tube.
Originally Posted by CrazyHarij
One other thing that I don't like is that in most games you reload like uber-fast.. I mean you basically drop the clip just to catch it in mid-air and put it back or something. In real life you gotta take the clip outta your pocket or something and put it in your firearm.. I like games where the reload time is a bit longer, it's pretty tense then if an enemy is approaching or something.
while i can testament to the immense difficulty of simply slipping the magazine in(especially if its a random one you picked up off the ground), they do have plastic clips that go on the magazines, so you can clip 3+ together and simply flip or slide the whole assembly and reattach(ive seen up to 4 magazines, alternating up and down, attached together; or 3 going the same direction).

to make it realistic: A human being could carry an bazooka (on his back) 2 pistols (on his hips) 1 knife and an mp5 or shotgun on his shoulder.
well, technically, i'd say you could carry: RPG on back(iffy, they weigh a helluva lot, you wouldnt be able to run) assault rifle or shotgun slung on shoulder, two small smgs(ie mp7/uzi/mac10/tmp) clipped to a belt(grab with opposing hand and pull), two pistols on thighs, two more on a shoulder harness, and a boot knife. depending on what you were wearing you could probably stash a few revolvers somewhere else.
Consider of course that you would have practically no room for more ammo. maybe three clips for the assault rifle(in the manner i described above) or extra cartriges attached to the shotgun, and maybe a few smg or pistol clips in some random places(instead of revolvers). oh, and about four grenades on a combat vest. give the rifle an attached grenade launcher(the H&K kind, not M203), and you could stuff some 40mm grenades in your pockets(they wouldnt need to be easy to reach). I guess you could even load up IGGYS-style(I'm Gonna Git You Sucka) with like 24 revolvers and two shotguns, but thats a little overboard.

and you would be carrying . . . oh, minus the rpg about 40+ Lbs, plus clothes, belts, vest, etc, more if you had any extra ammo. the rpg would weigh another 30?+ Lbs.

conservative estimates. you might as well put on a full suit of plate armor as well. id drop the RPG just for manuverability
Naft said:
i seriously want to ask you guys, have you ever loaded a clip? a 30 rd banana for an AK? the fastest time ive seen anyone get those 30 rounds in is well over a minute or two(he wasnt trying really hard, but still). you have to push each individual bullet down against the spring, alternating sides. its not a fun fast thing.

actually, an ak magazine is a lot easier to load than you would think. theyre designed so that you dont need to slide them to any particular side. you just push the round straight down, and it goes quite fast. when i went shooting with one, i had to load up 5 30 round magazines and i thought it would take forever, but its so easy it felt like no time at all. now mp5 magazines on the other hand are a little tricky. they load more like pistol magazines in which you need to push the rounds down then slide them in, alternating left and right. im not trying to put your post down, i agree with what your saying, just sharing my assault rifle and submachine gun knowledge.
mister man of war has spoken, fair enough, it ain't gonna be realistic
actually, an ak magazine is a lot easier to load than you would think. theyre designed so that you dont need to slide them to any particular side. you just push the round straight down, and it goes quite fast. when i went shooting with one, i had to load up 5 30 round magazines and i thought it would take forever, but its so easy it felt like no time at all. now mp5 magazines on the other hand are a little tricky. they load more like pistol magazines in which you need to push the rounds down then slide them in, alternating left and right. im not trying to put your post down, i agree with what your saying, just sharing my assault rifle and submachine gun knowledge.
im pretty sure this was a chinese magazine....or maybe it was the SKS magazine im thinking about(they werent my guns).....hmm. I'll refresh my memory on saturday then.

heh, put me down all you want, people learn better when they are wrong and get corrected than when they are luckily right(or others assume they are). I can assure you i am one guy who wont ever get mad at being corrected, unless i am 97+ % positive im right.
you could have seen a different type of mag, the only ones ive ever used were the ones i described.