Amnesia: The Dark Descent Competition - Plan An Escape!

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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[br]We have 5 copies of Amnesia: The Dark Descent to give away thanks to Frictional Games. Amnesia is one of the most highly acclaimed indie titles of last year and is guaranteed to make you weep in fear.[br]For the competition we want you to help BlueWolf72 as he has been captured and held in a cell for the last 6 months, we've just located him from intelligence from a government man. We need to help him escape using the items at disposal in his cell. He is on the top floor of a prison on a remote outcrop of rock in the middle of the sea. We have provided a rowing boat as a means of escape. He just needs your help to get to the boat. We received the following note:
<font size=1>I'm imprisoned in a damp, dark cell made of thick stone. There's something that I hope is water on the floor, and a stool in the corner that I banged my shin on as I was waking up. The only light coming into the room is from a small gap in the bricks that seem to lead into a neighbouring cell. It looks empty, which is more than I can say for this cell; I hear scurrying.[br]
Wait, there is another light source from the door. It's a very sturdy-looking wooden cell door, with a gap about half-way up just big enough for a plate. It looks pretty caked in old food, but I can still see enough of the guard, an elite biozeminade with a baton and key-ring on his belt, to know it's very good at its job... Well, it's asleep, so fairly good. Upon closer inspection, the door has woodworm, and the hinges are rusting. Reaching my hand slowly through the food-slot, I can feel an old-style padlock.[br]
The guard is sitting on a chair facing away from me, looking down what looks like the only corridor into here; it's dimly lit, and I can see other open cells going down it. The only way out I can see from here is a window at the end of the corridor. It's smashed in, with shards of glass still stuck in the frame, and a replacement barbed-wire to secure it. -BlueWolf
</font>We want you to send us your plan of escape using just 5 items from the list below. Of the 5 you choose, each one must fulfil a purpose, you may use them in anyway you see fit. The more creative you are the better![br]Send your entries to [email protected] with your username in the email subject. One entry per user, competition closes 1st February @ 11.59am GMT. Good luck![br][br]List of items:[br]

3 metre length of rope[br]
Pair of boots[br]
Can of pink spray paint[br]
His & hers towels[br]
A spork[br]
Pin from a hand grenade[br]
Broken toaster[br]
A box of skins patches used to treat angina[br]
A key to a 2001 Ford Focus[br]
Table tennis bat[br]
Headcrab plush toy[br]
A gold crucifix on a chain[br]
Zippo lighter with fuel for one more use[br]
A hamster ball[br]
Garden gnome
So this is where he was all this time...
I'm back and it is the season of steam keys, expect silly, crazy contests to win. All year long :)
I take all of the items, return to my home, and play the copy of Amnesia I already have. Occasionally, I think of BlueWolf alone in his cell, and I smile.
I've know about his site for a year or two and I registered just for this contest, sup.
I'd play if I didn't already have the game. It is indeed fantastic.

Also, for clarification purposes, are you supposed to be playing an outside man trying to break Bluewolf out, or are you playing Bluewolf and trying to escape on your own?
Glad to see the competitions are back! Too bad I already own (and beat) the game, but I highly recommend people try to win this game as it's fantastic.
I had a lot of fun making this. Depending on if there's more than one guard, I have an alternative ending!

EDIT: Whoops, didn't realize you were supposed to email!

Damn you, you made me laugh out loud in a library :LOL:

I hope you're happy
Get fuel, and burn yourself. :)
A fantastic game, I already have it myself, has to be one of the best horror games I've ever played
Also, for clarification purposes, are you supposed to be playing an outside man trying to break Bluewolf out, or are you playing Bluewolf and trying to escape on your own?
We are sending BlueWolf the plans of escape for him to break out, not you breaking in to help him. He's not a charity you know...

We have another excellent game for the next competition too, so keep an eye out for that as well next week.
Oh nice. I was eying up this game a little. Hopefully I'll be able to get an entry in tomorrow.
Amnesia is a great game, hope the copies go to people who will take the time and effort to appreciate it (lights off, headphones, open mind attitude that isn't "HAHA THIS PUSSY SHIT WILL NEVER SCARE ME")

by the way, I am DISAPPOINT. whoever made that graphic... papyrus? really? :(
I just re-read the description and then the list of items. Glenn you're a sneaky genius sonuvabitch.
No one else mentioned it yet? BIOZEMINADES! ELITE ones! Holy Hell!

And I don't even know who BlueWolf is...
One person from the entries so far (and probably Riomhaire) has successfully made a the cryptic link between one of the items and the guard. I'm very happy to see that! There is another item I've only seen used once so far (not in the most effective way!) which could be very helpful, I wonder if anyone will work it out before Tuesday...
You heard him, guys! He needs help!

hahah I see wut u did thar.

I'm ineligible for this and all other HL2net comps, so I can't enter, but I sure know how to kill the biozeminade at least... :D

didn't seem very subtle to me, I'd expect more people would catch on given how many old school members are still around that remember the details of that joke, but I guess we'll see! Excited to see the entries, the community's creative side is always fun to explore.
Oh it is indeed, I'm worried for the sanity of some of those who have entered. I'm certain you need to be on some kind of controlled substance to think of some of these ideas :p
I actually had to find a link to the original pic (and use the way back machine to make that link work) to remember. It's difficult to remember ever detail. I only remembered the bit about them being able to make themselves look good.
**** **** **** ****.

Just finished writing my thing, using every item, then I noticed we were only supposed to use five of them.

Edit: Rewrote and submitted entry. Finally!
I was looking forward to doing this once I finished a large stack of Literature work, but unfortunately time zones are my intellectual nemesis and it's quite late in the night, so I will have to figure out whether I'm too late or not in the morning tomorrow. I'm not extremely bothered anyway, since I'm not in on the joke and wouldn't make the necessary connection.
Yeah, I've figured that out now, I'm still contemplating whether any of my ideas are worth bothering with.
so hungry

Piss in the side panel of the toaster, dunk the leather from the boots in the liquid and cook it up with the lighter.

You even have a spork so you can eat with dignity.

Now, stop complaining ;)
Winners are:

1. kgwhipp - a doppelgänger gnome bodyguard or moon boots? I still don't know what I prefer.


2. YouKnow - I recommend you patent that Toast Flail properly before Dragons Den finds out about it
3 meter length of rope
Broken toaster
Can of pink spray paint
His & hers towels
Pair of boots

1) Tie the 3 meter length of rope to the broken toaster to make an improvised Toaster Flail™.
2) Proceed to beating on the wooden door with said Toaster Flail™, do not break the door down.
3) When the elite biozeminade awakes and rushes into your cell, blind it with the can of pink spray paint.
4) Bludgeon the blind elite biozeminade with the Toaster Flail™ to a point where you are able to take the key-ring form it, preferably knock it to unconsciousness (if your Toaster Flail™ breaks before you get the key-ring use the stool).
5) Take the key-ring.
6) lock the cell door.
7) Unfortunately, you must sacrifice you precious Toaster Flail™ and untie the rope.
8) Tie the 3 meter length of rope to the biozeminade's chair.
9) Use the his & hers towels as a glove for removing the barbed-wire.
10) Equip the pair of boots and cautiously kick out the shards of glass.
11) Lean out the window, pull the rope as to secure the chair, and climb down to the ground. (BlueWolf was in the top floor of a two-story prison : P)


3. Noir - Who watched too much of Sabrina the teenage witch (hey...we were all teenage boys once)

I realize the only way out is to summon the wicked monster Haledusk End Ha with some of the things I have at hand. While I examine the objects around me I start reciting the proper recipe to invoke Haledusk:

One thing of value, both physical and emotional -I take the golden crucifix-
Something to heal -I take the patches used to treat angina-
Something old -I take the key of a 2001 Ford Focus-
Something to light the way -I take the zippo lighter-
And something pink -I take the can of pink spray paint-

I put all the items I gathered on the stool and I start shouting the words of invocation: Macked!, Tal!, Hàne!, Gof!, Ren!, Hain!, Heks! the guard wakes up but luckily for me, it's too late for him to do anything, Haledusk appears and just by looking at him, the guard faints.
Haledusk turns around and looks at me. He's about to attack, but when he hears the words: Fanet Gred, he stops because he recognizes me as his master. Get me out of here, I say and he seems to understand. He bashes the wooden door with the right side of his body and the door brakes. I get out of the cell and run towards the window. I still require Haledusk's help to escape. Set me free I order and he obeys. He grabs the barbed-wires with his right hand a pulls with an amazing strength, the wires break and now I'm able to escape through the window. I take a deep breath and get outside. I thank Haledusk for his help and tell him he now longer needed and that he can now rest, he disappears in a burst of flames as I run away from that horrible place.


4. Minteah - Sometimes logic is overrated. Especially if you went to the same school at the soldier from TF2. Minteah certainly did.

Alright, civvie! We've heard about your grim situation, and have put
together a team of the best strategists we've got, and we're gonna
make damn sure you're getting out of there!

First off, you should have a Ford Focus key, is that right? Of course
it is! Now jam that thing in the padlock and open it! Now you might be
thinking: 'but Sarge, the padlock isn't a Ford Focus.' and my answer
is STOP WHINING! Just do it!

Okay, now the door is open you will have to take the guard out,
because you can't have him noticing you! Being asleep just IS NOT GOOD
ENOUGH! Okay, so take your Headcrab and put it on his head, it will
turn him into a zombie! Now I know again what you're thinking: 'but
Sarge, the Headcrab isn't real!' so SHUT UP! It'll work, trust us!

Now that the guard is a zombie you spray him with spray paint and set
him on fire with your lighter! The paint will burn well, causing easy
combustion! Because zombies are weak to fire he will die! Now as you
know, Biozeminades die from spray paint alone, but you can never be
too sure! Fire solves all problems.

Okay, now you only have a single item left. It should be a pair of
towels. Wrap yourself in them and crawl through the window. Don't
worry about it! The towels will easily protect you from the glass
shards and barbed wire!

Now that you're outside intact you should be able to find a row boat!
Go down to it and row like you've never rown before! Direction doesn't
matter! As long as you row you should be able to get away! This plan
is infallible!

(NOTE: We won't be held responsible in case of accidents including but
not limited to injuries and death causing by following this plan.
Furthermore we won't be held responsible in case the plan doesn't even
work far enough to get injured, neither in case this letter is never


5. Riomhaire - Excessive creativity with the items, I reckon you could have done it with 3...and in adventure game style. You could be a marriage councillor with this kind of guidance



Thanks to all those who entered. We will have more competitions in the near future, the next one being Magicka! Keep an eye out.
Oh damn, I was looking forward to making Bluewolf spray paint the 'his' towel pink to get in touch with his feminine side and seduce the guard, but I forgot entirely. Oh well.
My mind was a muck to think of anything of this level at the time, grats to winners.
My favourite is Minteah's. "The padlock isn't a Ford Focus!" :LOL:
Frictional Games to BlueWolf72

All winner emails sent, please let me know if anyone contacts you with problems.

Thanks for a very nice competition!