An Awesome vs. a Perfect Game: SPOILERS!



I just finished HL 2. During the whole time I played the game I was frequenting and reading all the non-spoiler comments, both the good and the bad.

Here is my opinion.

HL 2 is not a perfect game. I don't think you can make a perfect game when you try to surpass a previous fantastic game in every department (AI, interactivity, voice acting, etc.), which they obviously tried to do with HL 2. In some areas they scored home runs, in others at the very least, a passing grade.

However, it *is* an AWESOME game.

Sure there are defects. In my case it was the transition point load times and the defect or dev decision in the squad AI, that kept them from staying put when you told them to go somewhere. (Oh yes, it was too short. Not hours wise, but if it ended at all I was saddened, and of course, it had to end. :))

But if you weren't grinning ear to ear or loudly yelling "Holy Crap!" many many times in the game, I think you need to check your pulse!

Here are some of my favorites:

When I found myself high on a cliff with 8 ant lions at my bidding, as they flew upward high into a midnight blue sky, wings outstretched, attacking the combine troops on the walkway above, I was grinning uncontrollably.

Any time the gunship unloaded on me with that bone chilling whale war cry. I felt unlimited satisfaction when I finally took it out with the bazooka.

When I was standing on a ledge in Ravenholm, and a leaper Zombie was jumping rooftop to rooftop shrieking maddeningly as it lept ferociously towards me, I was smiling (and swearing). Where else do you get to mow down a horde of zombies with a saw blade? :)

ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, A STRIDER CAME OUT. When you are in that grey concrete building with the Strider circling menacingly outside, as scanners hunted for you tirelessly. If you didn't gape in amazement at the science fiction landscape that surrounded you, then again I say, heartbeat check. Anytime the Striders blew up a building around me I jumped out of my chair swearing. The sound of that thing lumbering by with the Pitch Black echoey howling in the background was mood magic beyond belief.

And if you don't love Dog, then you and I are from different species. Try going back to Ravenholm carrying Dog's ball along with you and you will see the true depth of HL 2's unpredictability and interactivity. (Headcrab Soccer anyone?)

I think some people, ironically many of them kids, may have forgotten how to love a game for what it is and experience it as a child. To see it for the first time with open eyes and without crushingly heavy expectations of getting a spoon-fed experience, perfectly tailored to your personal gaming whims and desires. Paradoxically, HL 2 was for me just that, everything I wanted.

I look forward to playing many times again. A HUGE thank you to the entire Valve team!

P.S. - Someone make a Farscape mod, pleeeassssse!

thx :E
I agree. People that says "omg hl2 sux my a$$or!!!111" should be deported to Mars.
The_Monkey said:
I agree. People that says "omg hl2 sux my a$$or!!!111" should be deported to Mars.
...and then we nuke the place.
omg hl2 sux my a$$or!!!111

on a serious note, i agree with you guys. :cheers:
MiccyNarc said:
...and then we nuke the place.

and then, we terraform it and grow corn from their buried and charred remains!
Nothing can be perfect.
Because we use perfect as a "Fact". Not an opinon. In opinon form it can be perfect. In fact form NOTHING can be perfect. Onless everything(even that which cannot think), throughout everything at that moment thinks its perfect.

Thus since there are certain things that cannot think in the "Fact" form it cannot be perfect. If it was perfect it would be like us getting to absolute zero. In all technical term it may be possible. We can get to a billionth of absolute zero. If we got to absolute zero well then anything that is at absolute zero would simply.... do nothing. No particles would be moving. No energy would be present.

In all opinon form yes then you could say "HL2 is perfect". In fact form no you cannot.
Nothing can be perfect in absolute terms. It can, however, be perfect in relative terms simply by being the best of its kind. And since the only things lumped in the same category with HL2 are Doom 3 and Halo 2... HL2 is relatively perfect! :thumbs:
best game ive played in a long time
im on the prison bit and lovin every minute << sp?

glug glug
A2597 said:
and then, we terraform it and grow corn from their buried and charred remains!
and then what? OUR spaceships will be ufos down there! i'll have a whole new pedestrian DOOM game, where you have to defend bobo the milk cow from our own ships? will there be communists? will the computer reign supreme? will everyone *hint hint insider joke* be paranoid?! traitors!