Analyzing in game grafitti

arg, moved the images, here it is:
it says "Caste" and there have been 50192 threads discussing it already.
i musta missed those threads. I guess it means the combine are taking peoples children away?
Would taking the children away really explain teh word "caste" though? Caste suggests a class based society. Perhaps the graffiti is saying the Combine will create a class based society: slaves and oppressors. They will nurture the new generation to agree with them, hence the baby's eyes.
Also, it's suggestive of Dr. Breen's post-humanism goals that someone mentioned in this forum awhile ago. The next generation will be more than human(another angle at the eyes) and the Combine will be uncharacteristically nurturing to them.
there is no new generation. the supression field takes care of that.
People aren't allowed to have babies under Combine's rule. Therefore people thinks the combine will take away their rights to have a baby, and drew a picture of a soldier holding a baby with grim face.

That's my hypothesis.
Or could be the adult (combine) taeking ccare of and looking after the infant (humanity).

The combine are really here to help our primitive (that is, to the combine) and infant race grow old and mature.

Smokey_The_Bear said:
Or could be the adult (combine) taeking ccare of and looking after the infant (humanity).

The combine are really here to help our primitive (that is, to the combine) and infant race grow old and mature.


That would be my explanation.

Although I do remember hearing that they weren't allowed to have children under Combine reign.
My therom:

The graffiti you see is a combine holding a baby, the baby represents the fragility of the human race and can be easily ended if the Combine thought that it would be neccassary. But, this does not explain the word 'Caste' which means a society built on different levels...

This is similar to the Aboriginals and Europeans back in the post-federation days of the discovery of Australia. The Europeans would steal the Aboriginal children and take them to be raised into believing they are white. Therefore, the 'black blood' in the Aboriginal race would end and then there would be no Aboriginals. This however failed...
kinda like the holocaust
there all liek ohh we will take care of you adn then there all ass holes to you and stuff lol
what i want to know is, how did you post that image directly in the thread? i thought these forums had the
There's no secret meaning. The rebels are just tasteful enough to avoid porn sprays.
where did valve get the image that says "resist"?
i have actually seen something VERY similar spraypainted around where i live.
I agree with what was said about the combine soldiers holding a baby to symbolise that the combine are trying to look after the humans.
Maybe breen isn't lying, and maybe the combine are actually trying to help.
(Not sure on that though)
Baldrick said:
I agree with what was said about the combine soldiers holding a baby to symbolise that the combine are trying to look after the humans.
Maybe breen isn't lying, and maybe the combine are actually trying to help.
(Not sure on that though)

or maybe that was put there buy the combine trying to make it seem all they want to do is help?
i think that the graffitti means that the combine steal the human babys and they teach them their rules and whem they learn all the stuff coming back to they home brainwash?