"And just like a computer program some rules can be bent, Others, Can be broken"

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mr.Magnetichead
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Right, so Gabe and the other team memebers interviewed have said that everything in HL2 has mass, substance and a presence in thw world.

They have said that the crowbar is actually an object passing through air and so for depending on how you swing it different amounts of damage will be caused.

Now personally I find this VERY interesting and it will make HL2 even more revolutionary.

Anyway what i wanna know is if Gordan himself has mass and substance in the game world.

If I climb ontop of a car and then jump off ontp a head crab....Is that little bastard gonna get smushed?
They've stated multiple times in email responses that you, the player, Gordon are physicall simulated in the game world, so if you're standing on a barrel and move forward, it will move backwards. You could do the old balancing barrel dance. I plan to!
It took Mr. Magnetichead like 4 days to get 247 posts. But interesting topic though.
i would say no, the headcrap would not die..since well as far as i have read from the letters in the big thread, Gordon himself is not a physical substance..I bight be wrong though, but i do recall to have read it.
Originally posted by Nostradamus
i would say no, the headcrap would not die..since well as far as i have read from the letters in the big thread, Gordon himself is not a physical substance..I bight be wrong though, but i do recall to have read it.

He is, actually.
Originally posted by Nostradamus
i would say no, the headcrap would not die..since well as far as i have read from the letters in the big thread, Gordon himself is not a physical substance..I bight be wrong though, but i do recall to have read it.
Yes gordon is physically simulated, and yes gordon does have a mass.
Yes, Gordon is physically simulated, but I doubt he would kill the headcrab by jumping on it.
Originally posted by aXvXiA
This could make modding VERY interesting...

Im thinking launching head crabs into orbit by jumping on a see saw. ^_^
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Yes, Gordon is physically simulated, but I doubt he would kill the headcrab by jumping on it.
Why not? You could do it in unreal.
I wonder if point-based gravity is part of the physics... A gravity-altering gun would be very interesting :)
i'm thinking of trowing thigns out of a 30th floor on a combine squad
I'm gonna create a catapult with the editor lol
If someone would make the concept art i would build the catapult.
Imagine launching all sorts of things like rocks, burning balls, pot's with water.
OMG i cant wait to do the classic piano on head of combine thing!
I'm sure if you thow a barrel off a roof onto some Combine soldiers, they'll fall over or die or whatever, so if you jump off onto them, the same should really apply, shouldn't it? I mean, if Gordon has a weight and is physically stimulated, there's nothing stopping this from happening.
I guess it means that if you hit someone in water the damage will be smaller the if you hit him in a normal environment. If so, very, very interesting.
Originally posted by aXvXiA
I wonder if point-based gravity is part of the physics... A gravity-altering gun would be very interesting :)

Zero G Grenade.


Just imagine combine shooting but because of the lack of gravity they just start spinning.
All i want to be able to do i absail from the top of a building or from a helicopter and smash through a window real SWAT styleeee. :D
What I'm wondering about is wether or not you can swing the crowbar at a metal plate and bulk/dent it. Or to take a metal pole and slam it onto a house corner to make it....ehrmm...how to say it...from this: | to this: <
You get the idea. Also as the crowbar now is an object going thru air, this will take MP crowbar fights to a whole new level:cheese:
actually, that statement of gabe about the crowbar being a physic entity mad eme think "wow, that makes it possible to intercept thing thrown at you (like grenades, headcrabs, you name it) and throw them back. Hm...that paves the way for a baseball mod. Or a swordfighting mod...hm, swordfighting...."
I think its a great idea, the whole jumping trough a window thing. Imagine, Gordon making a run for it, yet slowing down at the last moment, and "bump", the window still whole and Gordon in the ground in front of it, but if he really makes a run for it, he could with ease smash right trough a window pane, with a lot of glas flying all over the place, now that is a great escape!
I do beleive that the headcrab would get squashed since i was told that there is a part of the engine that detects the speed of an object and if it goes over a certian speed it will do some damage to ya, like falling off a cliff, u hit the floor at a big speed etc, which was done is dues ex i beleve. I may be totally wrong but im going off of what i was told by a friend.
I read that gordon was physically simulated as a sphere, in some email about gordon falling, so its quite like running around in a hampster ball, which is kind of weird, but its easier than physically simulating gordon himself, and alot more fun (for an example of a physically simulated player model, look at operation flashpoint, which provided a realistic simulation of yorself, but it got pretty annoying waiting for your model to go through the animations of crouching and going prone and such)
It's already been confirmed that Gordon has mass and if hes standing on a table and its too weak, it will break beneath him. And as mentioned above, you could run atop a barell and roll along :P So, from what we know, if you fall from a good height, you SHOULD be able to squish the headcrab :P

I'm sure someone could make a Mario mod where you stomp on people and stuff :D
Originally posted by Abom|nation
I'm sure if you thow a barrel off a roof onto some Combine soldiers, they'll fall over or die or whatever, so if you jump off onto them, the same should really apply, shouldn't it? I mean, if Gordon has a weight and is physically stimulated, there's nothing stopping this from happening.

To further back this up, I'm sure Gabe said somewhere that you can kill enemies using the Manipulator, this weapon would use physics to kill the intended victim. Therefore, it is likely that Gordon would kill or stun an enemy if you jumped or fell on them. I do doubt, however, that the victim would be 'splattered', rather that the ragdoll physics do the work, resulting in a Combine collapsing or a Headcrab flailing and dropping to the floor.

Originally posted by Tull91
What I'm wondering about is wether or not you can swing the crowbar at a metal plate and bulk/dent it. Or to take a metal pole and slam it onto a house corner to make it....ehrmm...how to say it...from this: | to this: <
You get the idea. Also as the crowbar now is an object going thru air, this will take MP crowbar fights to a whole new level:cheese:

Gabe has said in an email that objects do not have deformation meshes, this means, unfortunately, that metal will not dent when whacked with a crowbar or when a heavy object is dropped on them.

Originally posted by Slash
It's already been confirmed that Gordon has mass and if hes standing on a table and its too weak, it will break beneath him. And as mentioned above, you could run atop a barell and roll along :P So, from what we know, if you fall from a good height, you SHOULD be able to squish the headcrab :P

I'm sure someone could make a Mario mod where you stomp on people and stuff :D

Woah, slow down. The table would not simply collapse completely realistically. Sure, it probably would collapse, but I think the legs would simply break as they would in Half-Life. Of course, this is nothing new, this could be done with Half-Life. The difference this time is that physics handles the work, and may also change the way the table breaks (E.g. If the player stands on one end, only two legs would break and such).
Originally posted by Dave
Woah, slow down. The table would not simply collapse completely realistically. Sure, it probably would collapse, but I think the legs would simply break as they would in Half-Life. Of course, this is nothing new, this could be done with Half-Life. The difference this time is that physics handles the work, and may also change the way the table breaks (E.g. If the player stands on one end, only two legs would break and such).

The legs would break off right where they meet the base of the table, Gabe said that in the info thread.
Piano on the head thing...
OK, make it a 100 story building, combine on the bottom...

camera on the bottom pointed at the combine, TV linked to camera on the bottom where you are.

Push Piano off, giving you plenty of time to turn to the TV, wait...then SMASH!!! hehehe
hmmmm just noticed sumthin, nothin that big but when the ant lion gaurd blows the doors off one of them hits a combine soldier nothing happens. The door hits him, bounces and and he's still shooting at you like nothings happened. Surley it should have the same effect as like when one of the soldiers ate that radiator in traptown?
Hmm... didn't someone get a reply from Gabe saying how the crowbar would allow for blocking? If both players in a duel had a physically existing crowbar melee fights would be much more interesting :cool:
I would like to se this feature implemented in a Super Mario mod :-D
No need for details, you all know Mario :-)
Q: So if jump off a building onto a Combine soldier, will I kill him?

My A: Hmm. If you JUMP OFF A BUILDING. What do think will happen to you, let alone the combine soldier, hmm?

Sword fighting mod: Schwing! Die by the Sword in DX9!!

Baseball: Even cooler.
someone should make a machinimia reliving the very first beavis and Butthead episode "frog baseball" only with a headcrab instead
All I gotta say? Forget swordfigts. Somebody get me a war-hammer or battle-axe mod. And HEY! While we're at it with "physics weapons." What's to stop just being able to pick up and chuck things? I mean obviously you need the kinetic gun (or whatever it is) to toss tables and dumpsters and stuff, but why not pick up a rock and chuck it through a window, or hoist up say a punching bag and toss it at a combine guy not so much to hurt him but like stun him or knock him over?
Originally posted by A2597
Piano on the head thing...
OK, make it a 100 story building, combine on the bottom...

camera on the bottom pointed at the combine, TV linked to camera on the bottom where you are.

Push Piano off, giving you plenty of time to turn to the TV, wait...then SMASH!!! hehehe


Get to see the terror in the combines face CLOSE up!! :D