And they say Americans are stupid

Statistics can be easily biased. You need a really large sample to be accurate.

Less than half of American adults understand that the Earth orbits the sun yearly
He he....I'm sure this is an accurate survey.
Brits say 'um'. And 'er'. And I've never met a stupid American. Then again, I've only met four.
So, is it wrong for me to call people "stupid" who sue the microwave company because there wasn't a warning label on the microwave that said "don't put your cat in here" or should I just call them "greedy"?
The people they asked were morons.
So it wasn't a fair thing.
nw909 said:
Is that really up to you to decide?

Or is it up to the people who you know?


good question. :thumbs:

being stupid is relative........
so err... how exactly is the ignorance rating (IR for short) compiled? Finding Iraq is a bit narrow.. they may have other special abilities.. like fishing or um.. making tea maybe..
Feath said:
No it doesn't.

How do you pronounce "Feather" then?
How do you pronounce these words:

* Beat
* Cleats
* Heat
* Seat
* Wheat
* Wreath
* Heath
* Beneath

All of those have a long e sound. What happens if you add an "er" to Heath (long e)? It becomes Heather (short e). That sounds suspiciously like how everyone else thinks Feath and Feather are pronounced.

JonTheCanuck said:
i'm curious as to how geography is related to intelligence. Some science statistics on americans....

-Less than half of American adults understand that the Earth orbits the sun yearly

-Only about 25% of American adults got passing grades in a survey by the National Science Foundation of what people know about basic science and economics

-Only about 9% knew what a molecule was

-Only 21% could define DNA.

-Less than 1/2 knew that the Earth orbits the sun annually

-A 10-point quiz on economics showed that only 22% could correctly answer 7 or more of the questions

anyways, heres the link
... and at least one forum member doesn't know that annually is a synonym of yearly.

EDIT: Technically, the Earth always orbits the Sun. It just completes an entire revolution in roughly 365 1/4 days.
Well, irrespective of generalised geographical location, I think that there are a lot of people out there who just walk around in the mental equivalent of neutral gear.

Nothing good goes in. Nothing good comes out.
Brian Damage said:
Well, irrespective of generalised geographical location, I think that there are a lot of people out there who just walk around in the mental equivalent of neutral gear.

Nothing good goes in. Nothing good comes out.

I know lots of people lk that.
But really I think Americans are a generally less educated people than Europeans.
I mean how can you explain that all the major psychologists that defeng VG's are from Europe. In America people blaim what they can see but in Europe a small part hv begun to step ahead of that.
An individual is smart, but people are dumb stupid and crazy.
MaxiKana said:
An individual is smart, but people are dumb stupid and crazy.

Doesn't Tommy Lee Jones says that in MIB.
Americans are stupid, they already stole Basketball from Canadians, now this:


urge to kill rising.....
Brian Damage said:
Well, irrespective of generalised geographical location, I think that there are a lot of people out there who just walk around in the mental equivalent of neutral gear.

Nothing good goes in. Nothing good comes out.

hahahahahahahahahahahha. That is great.
I just want to say, they are ignorant, not stupid. People might not study American cities, and that doesn't make them dumb. I could find questions to stump you about other cities, and could call you stupid.
75% Of statistics are pulled out of the air...

Im not saying all these sources are wrong, but
1. Not everything on the internet can be trusted...No really its crazy i know, but people actually make stuff up.
2.The people writing the articles have a bias and that will be towards whatever point they are trying to make. Basically, they wont use statistics that go against what they say, and they perhaps wont lie but will "bend" the truth a little.
3.People actually taking the studies will often have a bias which will greatly influence the resutls they take.
4.Who knows the scale of some of these studies. Yes some of them state it, but they could have asked 10 people. It says 90% of the British public couldnt point out Iraq ona map. Well i know for a fact, everyone i know can point it out, even the people who didnt go on to further/higher education.

I wouldnt say the people are stupid, or even ignorant. The education systems are simply falling down. I know that the system in my country (England) is a mess, and needs to be sorted out soon or the country will implode.

Sprafa said:
Doesn't Tommy Lee Jones says that in MIB.

Something similar. Heh, this is ironic because i myself am quoting but someone once said "Quoting is merely the fools substitute for a good wit"
The two subjects that Americans are really need to work on are world geography (Like where Canada or Britain is on a map). And World history, the real reason Americans always seem like they feel they are the center of the universe is because they are only ever learn about the US and "How great it has been in the past".
Yeah...We aren't allowed to learn about our history anymore. Its offensive to the muslim community. In fact i am offensive to the muslim community, because im white, middle class, male and Christian. Fantastic!

I hate political correctness.
Ya thats a sign of political correctness having gone too far. Last year in Toronto they called the cities Christmas tree a "Holiday Tree" Because they were worried that Muslims and Jews wouldn't like it. Everybody really hated it including most Jews and Muslims.
Considering our economical, political and military power...we must not be completly stupid.

whats more useful? being able to locate a country on a map..... or being able sell your shoes on your feet, back to you at twice what you paid for them.
crabcakes66 said:
Considering our economical, political and military power...we must not be completly stupid.

whats more useful? being able to locate a country on a map..... or being able sell your shoes on your feet, back to you at twice what you paid for them.
What happens when the people you are trying to sell your shoes too hate your guts because they see you as being self centered?

I'm not saying I think Americans are that way, but for alot of people that IS how they feel. And you can't just sell your goods inside your own country unless your country is the entire planet.
The United States of America, the best country in the world, no longer makes television sets.
The United States of America, the best country in the world, no longer makes television sets.
*GASP* You mean you don't have an HV (HoloVision) set?!? You must live in some third-world counrty... TV is so "last millenium".

... I wish. Just imagine Playboy TV in full 3D.
OCybrManO said:
*GASP* You mean you don't have an HV (HoloVision) set?!? You must live in some third-world counrty... TV is so "last millenium".

... I wish. Just imagine Playboy TV in full 3D.

That's called "Getting laid"
From now on I'm going to start putting sarcasm warnings on all sentences that people might misinterpret.

EDIT: On second thought, there are too many things that might be misinterpreted. That would take too much effort.
ROD said:
The United States of America, the best country in the world, no longer makes television sets.

First of all.. America isn't the best country in the world...the average joe here is a moron.

Second of all... what does making TV's have to do with anything?

EDIT: Not to mention the overwhelming amount of people that hate us for thinking we are the king shit of the world. For a gov't class I took..we watched an Opra episode where they were looking at how other countries didn't like/hated America/Americans. All the dumb bitches in the audience for the show were like, "wow.. i never knew all that.." "Wow.. people don't like us?" or "...where's that?" I was sooo annoyed.
AmishSlayer said:
First of all.. America isn't the best country in the world...the average joe here is a moron.

Second of all... what does making TV's have to do with anything?

EDIT: Not to mention the overwhelming amount of people that hate us for thinking we are the king shit of the world. For a gov't class I took..we watched an Opra episode where they were looking at how other countries didn't like/hated America/Americans. All the dumb bitches in the audience for the show were like, "wow.. i never knew all that.." "Wow.. people don't like us?" or "...where's that?" I was sooo annoyed.
I don't think the average person who watches Opra is particulary well informed anyway.
crabcakes66 said:
whats more useful? being able to locate a country on a map..... or being able sell your shoes on your feet, back to you at twice what you paid for them.
So what you're asking is whether it's better to be aware of the world around you or to be an amoral avaricious bastard out to screw everyone else over for a pretty penny.
Mr.Reak said:
90% of Britons couldn’t locate Iraq on a map, a figure lower than that of the United States

Most people from USA cant spell "Britain"

I dislike alot of people in USA for my own reasons, not what other people deside to say about them..
*sigh* We have the technology, the understanding, and the ability to exist not as seperated nations that insult and fear each other, but instead as one unified race. Yet we are still unable to make the necessary changes, the human race is really pathetic.
I'm from the U.S. of A.


How we pronounce things.

Wreath = Wreeth
Heath= Heeth
Leaf= Leef

Nobody in America cares wheather other countries hate them or not, that's what being a patriot is all about.

A country hates us? Ok good, we hate them too.