Anime suggestions

Why on earth is that odd? So long as you socialise with intelligent people, falling into fits of giggles over something they wouldn't also get is a good chortle enabled by your own arrogance, and is a LOT more amusing for everyone who looks at you, sad creature that you are, with no idea what you're on about.

Not precisely what you were talking about, of course, but fairly relevent - what's wrong with things referencing other things to make a quick joke?

I think a show that has jokes that work on multiple levels is a good kind of show.
Are you looking to watch the anime or just read the manga or both even?
Only the anime. I've read some of the manga but I'd rather see it animated. I might've picked up the manga eventually otherwise but since they're following it this time around I probably won't.
David.Seth2, what is your avatar from?

I watch what most of you would consider crappy anime anyways, no point in suggesting...
David.Seth2, what is your avatar from?

When they Cry.... er, excuse me, i meant Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (Hopefully that appeases the dark side)

i posted a clip of it back on page 6

edit: here is a crappy gif:

Please explain this phenomenon.
PBS is funded by public money instead of commercials, so they take donations. They have gifts that you can receive if you donate x amount of money, so people call in and support the station and get gifts.

And I went down to the station and volunteered to be one of the people who answers phone calls while they were showing blocks of Urusei Yatsura. So they'd show some anime, take a break and let people call in, and you answer and get their information (payment type, how much they're donating, what kind of gifts they qualify for), and then back to more anime.

Also I just noticed Jintor posted links to tvtropes. You're not going to get me, you bastard. I'm not clicking on a single one of those infinite time wasters.
Come on Darkseid. You know you want to.

No way man. I learned my lesson when I followed a link about the Xanatos Gambit and ended up there for like two hours.
PBS is funded by public money instead of commercials, so they take donations. They have gifts that you can receive if you donate x amount of money, so people call in and support the station and get gifts.
I have seen it before I suppose. Usually taken the piss out of on the Simpsons, and explained somewhat on Screenwipe but still, it seems like a pretty daft way of doing things. Is there no license fee? People moan about it in the UK, but I'm glad we have it.

edit: and maybe it's the white spirit fumed biscuits I ate today, but Jintor has lost me. No-one said Homage was a bad thing. I said it was a bad thing if you're an outsider who gets off on recognising it.
edit: and maybe it's the white spirit fumed biscuits I ate today, but Jintor has lost me. No-one said Homage was a bad thing. I said it was a bad thing if you're an outsider who gets off on recognising it.

But that's what a homage does. the only way to understand it's a homage is to recognize it. If you don't recognize that it's a homage, then it'll just fly over your head entirely.