annoying people at work

CptStern said:
are you young? or young looking? I ask because many older people have pre-conceived notions of what young people who've just entered the workforce are like. Most have the attitude that you're all slackers until you surprise them and prove them wrong. I hate to say it but young people have to work twice as hard to get any sort of respect's just the way it is and the way it's always been. Personally I dont do that.

Yeah I'm seventeen, so to those crusty old gits, I'm the guy they love to hate.

I revolutionised IT in that place!

(thats quite a claim, but Its true.)
i get along with pretty much everyone on my college course but after spending nearly every day with the same bunch of people for 2 years can stress me out at times...even the people i hang about with piss me off at times...and a lot of the time, its probably me just being ARRRGGGH rather than them being annoying
Razor said:
So CptStern, we have described the worst people in our work place, who do you think is worst? I very much doubt any of you chaps can come close to be annoying as the idiot i'm talking about.

ok you guy is pretty annoying ....almost the winner ..but I have the same type of person ..loudmouth with really bad BO problems ..he literally stinks, thinks everyone likes him (no one does) and is the type of person that kicks things when he's mad ...he snickered at me once as I was turning around ...I lost it ..came within a few inches of his face and yelled him "dont ****ing snicker at me you ****ing idiot" while jabbing my finger a few centimetres from his face ...he was so surprised that someone stood up to him that he's been nice to me ever since ...later on that day a few employees who had overheard what had happened thanked me
Jabbing your finger at him?Oh yes the canadian way... :P

Shoulda done it the american way and knocked him the **** out.
hehe I'd be out of a job and probably facing assualt charges ..think before you hit
Yes...think before you hit.

Think of the best way to break his nose before you hit him. :P