Another day another mod..


Apr 12, 2005
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Since I had to go away for work unexpectedly, I decided I am going to start working on a new mod. Now I am back and have 3 month's off work. So I am going to get started on a new mod theme all together. This time it’s going to be single player. Some of you might recall a grand theft auto style mod I did for awhile ago. If not and you want to see the thread to see what speed I normally work at so you can actually see I am not just some noob who doesn’t actually know what he is doing then here is the link.

This mod is going to be more army based. And have the following thing’s in it.


And some other small thing’s I won’t say yet but want to play around with for just a bit of fun and a bit of a challenge. It’s going to be set in a modernish time, maybe a few years in the future. In a city type environment were all hell has broken out. And you fly / drive / walk to destination’s and try securing as a team to take parts of the city over or back. Of course one team will be fighting for what is right and the other one’s rebelling against what the others are doing. It's not going to be like Ak47 v Colt like all mods seem to be based on these day's. It’s going to be totally original weapons. I think ill set my first goal’s a bit simple and just to get the mod started out. Here is what I plan to do in the next few day’s.

Model at least 3 weapons (Knife/Pistol/Main Gun)
Model a Jeep and get in game and working
Get 3rd person code sorted out
Get some fun firing effect’s coded in and some good sound’s for weapon’s/jeep.
Get a simple hud in game.
And start a simple map that will be built over time along with the mod.

Again this is a mod I plan to do basically solo again due to having a mod team behind you tends to distract you from what you are trying to do. And people get mixed idea’s and thing’s get complicated I might a few friend’s from work and some old people I worked with before now to maybe make a few map’s or do a bit of skinning/modelling here and there depending on what I feel at the time. Lucky I been making mods since I was around 12 year’s of age and now work in for a game company so I do have the knowledge to do all part’s of making a mod. Mapping/ Coding / Modelling / Skinning etc... So I can get all the hard work done my self. And it gives me something to do on my work break… well ill update with a few screen shot’s in game and a few renders in the next few coming day’s shouldn’t take me more than 2 – 3 day’s to get the list I made above done in game.. So ill update soon, well better get started now… Be back in a day or so to update with screen shot’s and other things soon. (Gets working on a few concept art’s ready for model’s *were did I put that damn paper!*)
do you do requests?

7 hour war mulitplayer mod FTW!!!
Grr.. got nothing done yet... having aload of house prob's atm.. I only got back the day i posted first post.. and the next day i find out my bro some how manged to basicly destory my house! so last 2-3 days i been none stop fixing thing's in my house making them work again.. reformated all my pc's because of a virus he managed to get.. so now i got to download all steam/tool's etc and find all my photo shop cd's and 3d s max cd's so i can get started.. damn put a delay on thing's :/ should have stuff soon though could day a day or so to get it all ready for me to get down working though.. and not have to worry about my house explodeing lol!

At long last i got all the tool's back on my pc that i needed for importing mdl's to hl2 and creating map's etc.. and basicly everything. at last taken me around 3 day's to gather all the tool's damn halflife 2 and its stupid way of runing thing's lol.. Anyway's i made a m4a1 allready and ready to get ingame.. i have it so far ingame but it's missing the texture.. n im kidna ill today and dont wanna start messing around geting it to work with texture's etc... so ill start making the pistol and base ball bat style wepon next. I also am happy to say i got someone intrested in this mod as well who is willing to help map for this mod.. so that's also good new's he has started on a small city map at the moment and cant wait to see some awsome screen shot's from it soon. This m4a1 model isnt going to be in final release only did this so i can get use to compileing hl2 mdl's once more.. due to the studiocompiler has changed alot since i last used it.... and if you asked me it was better befor.. whine's at me to much now .. lol :p ow well there is good old command/studio mdl i can use if i get to angre with it hehe.. Anyway's since i got all the tool's now and everything sorted out in the right place on my pc and all nice a tidy... (wont last long) lol i can get started on some real work and get some good ingame shot's done soon. im at the moment working on a player model of one of the team's gang member's and hope to get that ingame by the end of today using the basic animation's used on all Hl2 : DM player's and ill add and edit some custom one's later on but that more the fine nitty gritty stuff that will need to be done toward's a release date. so i have a while to put that off thank god because animation is one of the most boring thing's about making a mod. dunno why it is.. it just make's me wanna fall asleep lol. ow well here is a quick sneak peak of the m4a1. And yeh it's a shit render i agree but i couldnt be assed to spend age's on a render when there are mroe inportant thing's to be doing such as geting it igname with custom animation's and sound's and fire mode's etc :) ow well.. here is a quick pic to keep you guy's happy for a secound or two lol.. Also Devvo if you read this post can you contact me on msn. so i can get some idea's from you because i rember your from the first time i attempted this mod but got called away by work. I think you idea's will be a very usfull and big part in this mod. also if anyone elce has great idea's about this mod and want's to share please please post away :) More people's idea's we get in this mod the more fun it will be dont ya think.. ow well ill stop yaping on now.. lol here is the pic.

ow yeh your right.. well you wrougn if i was left handed lol
Well i just got home from a night out.. 3am kinda tired lol.. ow well i finaly rembered how to get the skin working on wepon model ingame so here is a quick ingame shot of m4a1 slight polly prob but ill fix that later :D! here is pic..

In some way's i think having it the wroung way round is better so you get to look at more detail than just a plainsh side of a gun >_<! must fix that one vertex though and start getin a pistol ingame modeled it just now. Going to skin in a secound then put ingame.. so that should be done by end of today.
It's what they do in CS. It's not fully accurate, but I'll be damned if it doesn't look cooler.

-Angry Lawyer
Jas, you're a true workaholic. In a good way. I admire that :thumbs:
This mod will probably be great.

BTW, what happened to the Turf War mod?
Ye, Im amazed at the progress your making all by your self! GJ!
I got called away by work.. epic games tat is.. n i didnt have time to come back from phili and when i got back my bro some how manged to get my pc virus's n had to reformate losing all the stuff i had u.. anyway.. i have the pistol modeled / skinned now just need to put ingame but atm im realllllly ill and everything is just goign slower because of it.. i can hardly breath atm.. let alone use my brain lol.. so ill put some pics of it abit later when hopfully i feel a small bit better lol
I finally felt well anoth to use my brain abit.. and got a little treat for you all.. a pistol fully skinned and ingame :p. Here ya go:


And here is a quick render of gun as well :D


(Not bad for someone who is ill as fcuk today ;))

ok finaly i finshed with first car model made it verrrrrry low poly due to there will be alot of car's around ill fix it up abit later.. did a very bad quick skin because i i havnt really skinned many car's befor and it's seem's to be alot diff than wepon's and yes.. bad color mergeign but .. meh its only temp so i can get it ingame and drivable think ill have to put weel's higher polly tbh so they roll nicely.. but like i said this is just me testing here is a pic of it anyway.

You really are amazing, Jas :D

Now do us (and yourself) a favor and burn your progress on a CD :p
Holy crap! You're working as a one man team? Crikey, you can multitask even better than me!

-Angry Lawyer
That pistol is amazing, I'm sure the car will look fantastic when you clean it up. Good luck in your mod. :thumbs:
That pistol owns.

Quite simply, you are god.
My word, you're a one man army. Stunning work.
thank's for the comment's its really hard for me to work at the moment to i have tonsolitus realllllly bad n it reallly hert's it hert so bad i went to be at 6 n woke up chokeing so never fun >_> loads of pain but still try hard... got to go to doctors tomoz get it checked out just incase its canser not tonsolitus.. due to i do smoke alot of green >_> so give me luck
Woah, hope everything turns out ok. Its fine to let the mod take a backseat to your health you know. :p
Yeah, that sounds pretty nasty :( Just lie in bed day in, day out- listen to soothing music, drag your telivision to the side of your bed etc. :E Hope you get better soon :(
got car ingame kinda crash's though when i try and drive it must of compiled model a little bit wroung ow wel ill fix that later.. going to model a base ball bat now n get that ingame replacing the stuns tick i also put load's of sound's ingame now and exstended my map alot. :) n yes im still in pain but thanks for saying get well soon lieing in bed seem's to make me feel worse though lol
Jas said:
got to go to doctors tomoz get it checked out just incase its canser not tonsolitus.. due to i do smoke alot of green >_> so give me luck

just make cookies and brownies :D
Let me get this straight:

You're making a mod by yourslef, you have no idea what the gameplay is like, you don't have a background story, hell, you don't even know when the mod is set.

Just because you can model a few weapons doesn't mean you can create a mod.
Erm... correction i can model/code/animate/map/skin/web desighn and i do have a back ground story i also can go to my work and use the sound studio there for creating my own sound's and i have it booked next tuesday to use... so yes i do have a back ground plan and yes i do know what im doing.. mr think he know it all.. nub :p and also at the moment i just set my self a task of geting the requirements ingame and going such as a hud/player model/3 diff type's of wepons and a simple but nice map... Because tbh if i had a team of 14 people i still seem to do the work of them all on my own because when you have a team thing's get to complex and confused and everything seem's to go that bit slower. So if i set my self a task ill reach it on my own. Plus please dont be such a ass .. when you dont even know the person you are being a ass to.. Anyway a fwe ingame shots of car


TheSomeone said:
Let me get this straight:

You're making a mod by yourslef, you have no idea what the gameplay is like, you don't have a background story, hell, you don't even know when the mod is set.

Just because you can model a few weapons doesn't mean you can create a mod.

First mod I made was done through just me. I sat there and thought "Hmm, I'm going to make an RTS". Without a team, a design document, or any real plan, I made something really quite fun.

Its the way modding used to be done back in the mid-90's. THe glory days of modding, when one man could do it all.

-Angry Lawyer
Jas said:
...i can model/code/animate/map/skin/web design...
:rolling: wow :rolling:

Jas said:
....if i had a team of 14 people i still seem to do the work of them all on my own because when you have a team thing's get to complex and confused and everything seem's to go that bit slower. So if i set my self a task ill reach it on my own....
But if you need some help or you just have no time to do that or that just wright out a compedition for that, so the community can do something for you.
Angry Lawyer said:
It's what they do in CS. It's not fully accurate, but I'll be damned if it doesn't look cooler.

-Angry Lawyer

Didn't CS used to default to left handed player making that the correct layout? :p
They certainly did, I think the modeller was left-handed. And it was also to show off the awesome bits.

-Angry Lawyer
lol im right handed so.. lol! :p also i got anoth 2 car models ingame n a new wepon ill update with screen shot's later kinda ill atm.. so going to bed night
LOL go start up
a company.. why.. i allready work for epic why would i wanna start a new one?
Jas said:
LOL go start up
a company.. why.. i allready work for epic why would i wanna start a new one?

Hehe, you are cool.

I shall call you Eduardo!

/me pets penis

Nice work so far!
Forgive me if I'm being skeptical here, but when people claim to work for a big-name developer, my bullshit meter goes off the scale.

Why would someone that works at Epic be posting from the UK?
Why would someone that works at Epic be making a HL2 mod, given that UE3 is an undeniably better engine?

Regardless, I've written to someone I know at Epic for confirmation anyway.
I've known a person who worked at epic and did HL/Hl2 stuff on the side,,

he was a contract worker though,, maybe jas is the same, especially considering the 3 month vacation