Another day another mod..

Yeh im a contract worker so i had to go away to america last time.. and had to sort out some stuff there with teh big guy's lol.. kinda exspected it to take 1 month.. but things got confused and made it take longer.. but meh cant go in to details.. or ill be shot.. lol ow well today i did SHIT ALL on the mod.. lol >_< but might do a model or two now.. havnt really been home today was out with gf/mates so.. ill get to work now.. (Put's handcufs to 3d stidop max on Jas .. Must consontrate)
Last night i got 2 new model's done one of a lovly Ak 47 but im not sure if ill use yet. just love modeling them >_<! And one of a player model ;) what i wanna get ingame fully working nothing wroung befor showing pic's :D So big update hopfully later today ;)
Now backup you files again before someone or something deletes them.

Because you somehow end up having to reformat all the time :D

Keep the updates coming, you one-man-army.
Grr.. last two day's got nothing really done... been having to sort out load's of work stuff.. so that they can get on with some stuff. so much for 3 month's of work. lol >_< but ah well they need it but i nearly finshed doing it now.. thx god.. so should be able to get back on mod in next day or so.. damn delays.. damn job... >_< ahh well.. im off out to see my gf :) so.. smell ya laterz..
Yawn.. (so tired) time for another small update i presume.. i have got a small team set up code wise started on hud havnt got to far on that yet.. got a few new thing's ingame and a new map im workin on atm ill show some screen shot's of.. progress went alot slower due to work etc but now im done weee.. so i can get more damn work done on the mod.. here is a few screen shots.



Nothing really that intresting but meh.. cya soon
You are so cool. But tell me, why did you skin a Citroën when you're making a war mod :p
Aren't those the same shots as from your last, GTA-inspired mod? That'd explain the car.

-Angry Lawyer
Nope nothing like it.. it's just i wanted to get a car model ingame full working etc... n i desided to model one of them :p so bleh!!! to you to! lol but yeh it does look a bit odd there i admit.. lol.. but them screen shot's are part of a one way street so road aint tobig ****in fun to drive around though BROOM BROOM!! lol :p.. anyway i desided i need someone to test this mod on multi player with so i can get all the model's done and ingame correctly 3rd person the lot etc.. and so i have another person's thaghts put in to the game as well.. im looking for someone who i can trust and wont mind testing the game and downloading it every so offten with update's or just the updated file's anyway. If you are intrested gimmi a little email or a post here my email is [email protected] or add me to msn using that adress. anyway i did abit more to that map today made it a little larger added a few new buildings and some decals.. etc.. allway's abit of fun. mind im no mapping pro lol.. not my best of tallent's but i make due. Ow well best get back to workin on mod might start doing some model's again :p so... have a nice day everyone and hope to hear from a few of you soon who would like to help me test, Mind ill only pick one person due to fear of leaking everything :p as you should of guessed lol.. ahh well spam me if you want the spot. (dont really spam) cya soon
Yawn... Just got back from the first half of the day at the sound studio working on some sound's on the mod.. have to thank my work mate's for lending me it for the day at some point and thank chris for helping me with the recording side of thing's. But luckly we are on track to finsh all sound's we need for the time being. We have some nice new impact sound's and gun shot sound's and some kick ass bace ball bat swing sounds and hit sound's.. it atually sounds like on one of them you are smashing someone's head open so gorey i love it lol... so i desided if you hs with base ball bat now... boom dead they are :p. Hehe also i got a nice plane model done and ingame working on code now to make it so you can fly it. I also need to work abit more on the map adding a small air port etc. Just for the effect and all. but that's coming along well. I am also adding a few more model's and i desided to add a shotgun model that i was hoping to model when i get home today. The map i have been working on has also been largly updated. And i been basicly working my ass off last few day's. Thiord person is now ingame.. and im trying to get it so car's are both server and client side instead of client side mainly. Due to i want it to be multi player and not for the car's to look like there jumping to a-b so that might take a while to do but will be worth it in the end. damn hl2 should of really sorted out that code for mod's. ow well.. guess they were lazy.. lol.. Well i best get back to sound studio i only came home to get a few tool's and my lap top. So cya all later peace.
Yawn's.. Did all the sound recording i wanted now.. Got some nice sound's also started work on the plane model n geting that ingame and working.. etc.. i got it ingame none skined here is a quick screeny of it and the pistol 3rd person as well.. just to keep you on your toe's for now more bigger updates soon. befor you ask yes im workin on code to make it fly able..


you mean a tad to PIMPED ;) love that gun n its size .. make's it look beasty rar! lol so fun igame with the sound's and the burst mode i got coded in :p.
Yo all.. You know what i said about that lovly m4a1 that you all so loved as being the temp model. Time for me to release a model i been working on PAINSTACKLY for the last 2-3 day's trying to get everything just right! This will be in the release of the mod later on. it's the m4a1 final... ch ch ch ch cheak it out..!!


Now to get this ingame and working perfectly :) heh guy's.. Guess that's what ill be working on tonight geting this thing ingame.. new reload animation.. And tweaking it all up adding the m4a1 sound's i recorded yesterday.. And ta da first gun ingame that will be in release and fully working fine..
Well got it ingame now.. no custom animation's yet but here is 2 ingame screen shot's of it :) enjoy.. (Ill be working on the angel of gun later as well)

Half way threw reload:


ow that's a nice looking floor?!? WTFBBQ!

LOL im on a roll tonight... a quick baseball bat model and a quick skin and ingame.. ;) very quick model and skin just wanted to hit some people with a baseball bat... ow the temptation's :p

:p Player model finaly finshed now to get him ingame.. this might take a while.. :( Ow well cheak out another screen shot of baseball bat in mean time.. >_< Its so fun ingame smacking bot's with it.. lol >_<! crazyness.. here ya go..


hour's and hour's of fun endless hiting bot's around the head.. :D! lol >_<! Ow well better get back to work.. all play n no work make's a jas slow.. o_O that might catch on as a saying lol! have fun all .
Yeh man.. I loved it so much.. i put it in this to.. You shold play with it ingame really funny :D
Jas said:
Yeh man.. I loved it so much.. i put it in this to.. You shold play with it ingame really funny :D

Zombie Master has Short Recoils fists in it - even more fun than a bat.

Out of curiousity, how do a fast car and a baseball bat relate to the BF2-style mod you have planned? It seems like you're pumping out content that's got little to do with your design specification.

-Angry Lawyer
ow you guy's thought i meant like.. Atually old fashioned stuff na man i meant like Plane's/Captureing/Car's/Trains kinda shit man.. lol but in a modern time.. like today >_< must of explained it wroung.
Actually its explained well in your first post.
nice work youre doing. Hope you do master all of your trades
I have my doubts about this stuff being yours, the M4 looks exactly like the one from the Hl2 substance thing, and whats that random car supposed to be doing, a saloon runabout in a Battlefield 2 type game...?
Shodan said:
I have my doubts about this stuff being yours, the M4 looks exactly like the one from the Hl2 substance thing, and whats that random car supposed to be doing, a saloon runabout in a Battlefield 2 type game...?

Seconded. I've got a trusted source that tells me that you've got skeletons in your closet, Jas.

-Angry Lawyer
Shodan said:
I have my doubts about this stuff being yours, the M4 looks exactly like the one from the Hl2 substance thing, and whats that random car supposed to be doing, a saloon runabout in a Battlefield 2 type game...?

Not standing at his side if whats he done isnt genuine, but where did he say its going to be a Battlefield 2 type game?
Jas said:
And some other small thing’s I won’t say yet but want to play around with for just a bit of fun and a bit of a challenge. It’s going to be set in a modernish time, maybe a few years in the future. In a city type environment were all hell has broken out. And you fly / drive / walk to destination’s and try securing as a team to take parts of the city over or back. Of course one team will be fighting for what is right and the other one’s rebelling against what the others are doing. It's not going to be like Ak47 v Colt like all mods seem to be based on these day's. It’s going to be totally original weapons. I think ill set my first goal’s a bit simple and just to get the mod started out. Here is what I plan to do in the next few day’s.

Sound familiar?
The part you just quoted answers your other question regarding the modern car in a city environment. The reason I asked about Battlefield 2 was because I wondered why you mention it - it had nothing to do with your other question, you see, in different time-sets you have different environments.
Erm.. na all my model's are 100% genuine. And it's a battlefield 2 idea theme but set in a modern time.. so modern gun's and modren car's.. sorry to confuse people there.. also im workin on a air port for a map atm :) going to kick ass.
Gonna be ported from your GTA mod or you doing a new one? For a guy working for Epic i'm expecting something awesome, go for it laddy!
It's not going to be gta like this one.. well it will have some acsept's of gta.. but it will be kinda mix between gta/bf 1942 ;) so will be intresting i asure you. :D
So what exactly do you do for Epic then?
Im a modeler, And i also direct alot of consept art and get lots of thing's given to me to tweak up and make sure everything is in order... Hehe anyway's workin on car animation's atm so it is all sweet then going to work on third person camra to get abit better :D! more screenshots soon.
Finaly got the car fully workin all animations fine everything perfect :D now time to tweak the third person.. then omg it will look half good ;) here are some random screen shots lol.




>_< random .. but that car is fully working now :p and is kinda fun :p.. Also! i desided to ask for help of one other person.. I would like someone who can skin model's at a advrage level. Save me spending so much time skining models if you are intrested contacted me either threw msn or via email at [email protected]

Sob... got nothing done yet been out allll day.. and am about to go back out for a few joints with some mates >_<! So i wont be back till gone 12 :p prob come home n do some more work though. Ill post what i get done later :D
I been working on since i got home a little shop on the street's like in china :p for china town .. lol kinda got carried away though :p here is a render or two of it.. also got a chair/bowl. :D enjoy



Ingame no skin: ~(Random skin on atm)~


This is all very nice, but what do you say to this?

I laugh at this mod. "Why?" you ask. I'll tell you why. It spawned another mod called DBLB while this one was left to die. Why did the other side branch off? I'll tell you why, because Jas doesn't make any of his own models. I'll be none of you new he was kicked out of about 3 mods before this one for ripping models. He even tried to pass off a CS model as his own work. So when he, once again, ripped a model and tried to put it into DBLB the DBLB team got mad at him and kicked him out of his own mod. That's right, he's now working alone and will never get this mod done. If you were a fan of this mod and would like to see how it's doing without him (which it's doing very well, i might add) then i'll share the new website for the mod.


On top of this, I would expect someone who works for Epic to actually be able to type...being a content writer I've encountered many professional people who work on decent mods and without exception they are eloquent, mature and well-spoken.