Another G-Man Theory

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Jan 23, 2010
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Hello everyone, first my english is not very good, so sorry for the mistakes, second yesterday i was bored and i was wondering what to do and i downloaded Half-Life 1 and start playing it, because i already has complete all of the missions and it's not the same to play it if you already complete all of the missions, so i was trying to find eastern eggs and to learn more about the game and i begin to listing what the sciences, security guards and the others are telling me and then i goes to the final mission, against the Xen's leader "Nihilanth" and i hear him saying "You are man, he is not man, he is waiting" or something like this and i was wondering who is that guy and then G-Man gets in my mind, i begin search an information and i goes to this forum and learn some information and i want to share with you my theory.

I think G-Man is alien, like some other peoples think, first because G-Man is always watching me from somewhere, in the beginning in the lab, before the incident, G-Man was talking with an scienctist, i wasn't able to hear what are they talking about, but when i was searching information in the internet, i found this thread:

I need some info FAST! Secret voice in Half-Life. -

Here is a quote from Planetary:

At the beginning of the game, the player can view the G-Man supposedly arguing with a scientist in an inaccessable room. Note that these quotes are only guesses after repeated listens, since the files have been deliberately muffled. Additionally, their meanings are difficult for one to interpret:

* "We should not let the system commence." gman_mumble1.wav

* "I want to give you an offer you won't regret." or "I don't think I even asked you that" gman_mumble3.wav

* "If I had wondered why I'd chosen him, I would certainly..." gman_mumble4.wav

* "My employers don't agree!" gman_mumble5.wav

* "You're a scientist, and a fraud. Back off." gman_mumble6.wav

gman_mumble2.wav is completely incomprehensible.

The scientist responds with:

* "I have told you a hundred times; I am opposed to pushing this equipment beyond its safe levels." c1a0_sci_mumble.wav

Only 3 of the G-Man's lines (1, 4 and 5) and the scientist's line are played in-game.

So here you can see that they are talking about Gordon Freeman, so the Black Mesa's incident was no incident at all, it was G-Man's work, it's only a theory, it may not be true, however, this doesn't prove that G-Man is not an alien or a bad guy, but listen what the boss from the last mission of HF1 said, i read it from this thread:

GMan And Nihilanth Sounds -

Here is quote from CyrusIV:

Nihilanth's Sayings:

“The last… you are the last… you are…”
“The last… I am the last…”
“Done… what have you done…”
“Die… you all die… you all die…”
“Deceive… you will deceive… you…”
“Comes… another…”
“You are man… he is not man… for you he waits… for you…”
“Now… die… now… die… now…”
“Their slaves… we are their slaves… we are…”
“The truth… you can never know… the truth”
“Thieves… you all are thieves… you all are…”
“Win… you cannot win…”

So first, Nihilanth said "You are man... he is not man... for you he waits... for you...", so for me, i think he is talking about G-Man, second he said "Their slaves… we are their slaves… we are…", i think the aliens are slaves of G-Man, the aliens doesn't want to do this, G-Man told them, third he said "Win… you cannot win…", i think Nihilanth is trying to tell to Gordon Freeman that he cannot defeat G-Man, he want to warn him, Nihilanth sounds like he is pissed, he doesn't want to do all of this, but he is forced by G-Man, i don't have any idea what G-Man wants to do, he maybe wants to control both dimensions, Nihilanth said too "The truth… you can never know… the truth", he is saying that he will never know who is G-Man and what he is trying to do, he said too "Die… you all die… you all die…", he is telling Gordon Freeman, that they will all die, they cannot defeat G-Man, but i don't think that G-Man controls only Xen, he must control other dimensions, but if he is really an alien, how did he get in the Black Mesa, before the portal opened, he may be the only one with such powers and he wants to open portal to conquer this world too, so he did this "incident", about Gordon Freeman, i don't know if he is with G-Man or he doesn't know what happens, but if G-Man is not an alien, why the aliens are not attacking him, why he teleports to Xen, isn't he afraid, if he is an real government, why he didn't help the peoples to escape Black Mesa, why he is not helping Gordon Freeman or Adrian Shephard, so i don't really believe that he is a human, he is somekind of god or sort of this, about Half-Life 2, i didn't play it, so i wonder if you guys can share information to solve this mystery, will be really good, thanks for reading it.

EDIT: I want to add this too:

I don't know about this video, is it fake or not, because i didn't play Half-Life 2, however i think that this video is not fake.

ressurection of alyx half-life 2 episode 2 -

So as you can see, G-Man somehow stopped the time and talk with Gordon Freeman, i don't think that a human can do that, right?

However, this still doesn't prove that G-Man is really an alien, but listen that he said "Prepare for unforseen consequences", that was the name of the mission in Half-Life 1, that the "incident" happens, so what do you think?

Anyway, i want to add this too, it may be interesting, an quote from RAMBO-PM:

The G-Man Compilation

G-Man is Gordon-Man:
He is Gordon from the future trying to save himself and the world from the Combine.

G-Man is Gabe-Man:
He is a creation from VALVE to make fans to dwell around a mystery that essencially will never be uncovered, so that they'll keep buying Half-Life sequels and expansions hoping to see the truth someday.

G-Man is God-Man:
He is some kind of god or extremely powerful being, playing with time, people and worlds, probably because he thinks it's fun.

G-Man is Great-Man:
He is a normal guy that became an employee for some extremely powerful beings trying to make "profit" from struggles between dimensions.

G-Man is Good-Man:
He is good guy trying to save the world, but many misunderstands him, probably because he have problems when speaking english and never explain what's really going on.

G-Man is Government-Man:
He works for a secret agency like M.I.B and TIME COPS that try to prevent aliens from destroying the world completely.

G-Man is G-Man:
He is a guy that no one knows his purpose, who or what he is, and all that we know about him is vague and unconclusive.

Interesting, huh?

More information for this, read this thread:
Another GMan Theory -

By the way, i want to add this too:

Refusing G-Mans Offer in Half Life -

Listen carefully, he said that he can make an war that Gordon Freeman cannot win and then he said "Time to choose" and then Gordon Freeman refuse and he said "It's seems that we won't work together.", that's sounds bad for Gordon Freeman.

This is just my theory, it's not proving anything, but this may be the true, we will see in future, however please share your information with all of us that want to know more.
While your post was thorough and endearing, you must now be destroyed. Be calm and welcome the numbness, the death I offer you now is a millionfold less torturesome than what awaits you at... his... hands. I remember the last time. The chair... I'll never forget that horrible chair. He was so lucky. That poor bastard barely got away. One of our emancipated Xen slaves took the brunt of the assault. Probably one of the most altruistic moment's I've ever seen in this hellhole. DO YOU KNOW WHAT WE USUALLY DO TO PEOPLE WHO TALK LIKE THIS AROUND HERE!?!?! DO YOU HAVE ANY GOD DAMN IDEA!? It makes us remember... remember the old days... the days of innocence, when we DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IF THERE WAS LIFE AFTER THE RAILWAY IN THE STARS. CITY 17 DIDN'T EVEN EXIST! You want to know who the G-Man is??? DO YOU? He's the bastard who stood behind the locked red door! He's the son of a bitch who stared! STARED! Stared at us! Stared at us while we DIED. HE STOOD THERE, straightened his tie, AND WALKED AWAY. That's all we needed to know. That's all there is to know. That's it. That's the last truth. He's the bastard who stares at you dying, doesn't unlock the door, walks away, AND STRAIGHTENS THAT ****ING TIE. *falls into his own puddle of froth and twitches away the memories*
While your post was thorough and endearing, you must now be destroyed. Be calm and welcome the numbness, the death I offer you now is a millionfold less torturesome than what awaits you at... his... hands. I remember the last time. The chair... I'll never forget that horrible chair. He was so lucky. That poor bastard barely got away. One of our emancipated Xen slaves took the brunt of the assault. Probably one of the most altruistic moment's I've ever seen in this hellhole. DO YOU KNOW WHAT WE USUALLY DO TO PEOPLE WHO TALK LIKE THIS AROUND HERE!?!?! DO YOU HAVE ANY GOD DAMN IDEA!? It makes us remember... remember the old days... the days of innocence, when we DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IF THERE WAS LIFE AFTER THE RAILWAY IN THE STARS. CITY 17 DIDN'T EVEN EXIST! You want to know who the G-Man is??? DO YOU? He's the bastard who stood behind the locked red door! He's the son of a bitch who stared! STARED! Stared at us! Stared at us while we DIED. HE STOOD THERE, straightened his tie, AND WALKED AWAY. That's all we needed to know. That's all there is to know. That's it. That's the last truth. He's the bastard who stares at you dying, doesn't unlock the door, walks away, AND STRAIGHTENS THAT ****ING TIE. *falls into his own puddle of froth and twitches away the memories*

Lolmao, that was the information that everyone needs. :D
It is canon that Gordon accepts Gman's offer at the end of HL1.
Yo', Zinnoc, maybe you should consider that the nihilanth, when he says the phrase “THEIR slaves… we are their slaves… we are…” maybe he is speaking about the combine, i don't think the g-man has any world in possession, he is merely an agent. And even you quoted what g-man says, and if he really says that, then he DOESN'T want the experiment to start. "We should not let the system commence." "You're a scientist, and a fraud. Back off."
The scientist responds with:"I have told you a hundred times; I am opposed to pushing this equipment beyond its safe levels."
So dude, read what you posted a few more times, and you can see how you misunderstood.

Also, my oppinion:
Maybe he wants the combine destroyed and he had to make the earth meet with them in order to destroy them, because they are the plague of the multiverse or something, and he needs gordon because he is the best at what he does. He is a genius and he survived so far, and done a lot of damage to aliens. This is not a theory, this is what I understand from all HL dialogue till now. He even saved eli and alyx from black mesa. And maybe he put gordon in stasis not because he is a prisoner, but maybe to keep him young to destroy the combine, and thus, to save the universe. Maybe that is why he choose him in the first place. And the warning he put in alyx's mind was ment for eli to tell gordon to destroy borealis(or maybe use it to go to combine world, and cut the three from it's roots). I really don't think he is a bad guy, but that is a great strategist and wants to destroy the combine. Maybe i am wrong, but this is just my...let's say...deduction
The Nihilanth wasn't speaking about the Combine because the Combine didn't exist yet. Valve hadn't thought them up at the time.

Also the garbled G-man/scientist dialogue isn't even worth speculating over. It's Charlie Brown adult-speak.

Also everyone who posts after this is going to get hit in the face with a chair no exceptions.
Actually gibberish dialogue by scientist was perfectly translated to German version, and is no longer gibberish - Gman's speech however is same as original. You can hear what scientist says clearly (text below was translated by my friend):

Scientist: I've already told you a hundred times that I'm against the 'overclocking' of the machines/tools
The Nihilanth wasn't speaking about the Combine because the Combine didn't exist yet. Valve hadn't thought them up at the time.

Not distinctly, but they had inclinations.

The Nihilanth was not a slave to the Combine at the time of HL1; the Combine had no way of getting to him in Xen. I tend to think he was referring to how he may as well be a slave to them, having been on the run for so long with his back against the wall.
Not distinctly, but they had inclinations.

The Nihilanth was not a slave to the Combine at the time of HL1; the Combine had no way of getting to him in Xen. I tend to think he was referring to how he may as well be a slave to them, having been on the run for so long with his back against the wall.

We don't know that. Nihilanth himself has the band that the Vorts wore, implying he too is a slave.

Of course, since Valve did not come up with the Combines yet, this could all mean nothing. However, Valve could very well link these things together, even if they never planned it before.

Remember, Nihilanth is not native to Xen. If a connection is to be made, Nihilanth most likely escaped from the Combine and into the world Xen. While in Xen, he discovered the Xen crystals, which had powerful transporting properties. There he began massing an army, either preparing to fight the Combine or to invade Earth using the teleportation properties provided by Xen crystals. As far as we're concerned, the crystals appear to be able to teleport anyone to anywhere at any time. which is a powerful device for invasion.
We don't know that. Nihilanth himself has the band that the Vorts wore, implying he too is a slave.

I would suggest that at some point he was a slave. But certainly not during HL1. The Combine did not have access to Xen at that time.

I would suggest that at some point he was a slave. But certainly not during HL1. The Combine did not have access to Xen at that time.

How i said i didn't play Half-Life 2 and i don't know who are the combine.
Zinnoc, you should play Half-Life 2 with no further delay, you won't regret. Also, about the nihilanth being combine slave, i have said that because during HL1 valve thought about introducing a higher force in the future, so maybe it WAS their slave, and valve planed to introduce them in the next game, and to let us link the elements. Also, if i remember correctly, at the beggining of HL2, the vortigaunt from the train station, the one from over the fence, has the same wrist bands, and he is a janitor for the combine, so, logically, he is still their slave.

I will play it soon and i will learn more about it, however i want your theory for G-Man.
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