Another smart move by Republicans, no women in military

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Stop proving your ignorance. Anyone who has any inkling of military history knows that someof the greatest generals of all time have lost at one time or another.

Alexander The Great

i could go on...

And you can be the best trained woman in the army. Not that there is any quantifiable way to measure training, but lets suppose there is for a second to satisfy you. In spite of this, since you are a woman and there will be a men with just as good training as you who are ALSO stronger and more resilient to physical hardship, you lose.

And I said stronger than someone in Delta. Just because youre not in Delta doesnt mean you cant try to train yourself up. Not that it would make any difference, since, as you are a woman, you would never be able to reach a male Delta soldiers level of physical performance.

And I noticed you forgot to quote my third point. Get back to me on that one.
Cons Himself said:
Stop proving your ignorance. Anyone who has any inkling of military history knows that someof the greatest generals of all time have lost at one time or another.

Proving my ignorance? Um, yeah. If you like. That was my second post in this thread, and you'd complete ignored my first one. So, er, yeah. Good going.

And you can be the best trained woman in the army. Not that there is any quantifiable way to measure training, but lets suppose there is for a second to satisfy you. In spite of this, since you are a woman and there will be a men with just as good training as you who are ALSO stronger and more resilient to physical hardship, you lose.

And I said stronger than someone in Delta. Just because youre not in Delta doesnt mean you cant try to train yourself up. Not that it would make any difference, since, as you are a woman, you would never be able to reach a male Delta soldiers level of physical performance.

And I noticed you forgot to quote my third point. Get back to me on that one.

Who are you talking to now?
sorry Pi, I cant reply to everyone, when im the only one providing the other side of the argument.

and that was in referal to Absinthe.

and Napoleon was a great general btw.
i think it all comes down to stamin, you know what i say, let them join front lines and see how fast they can run
Cons Himself said:
you mean the vandals, visigoths etc from the east? or the mongols?
no, i mean mongols got it once, but Russia defeated itself and stopped them from going into Europ, i was talking how Russia's politics and economic destroyed russia itself (i believe they are slowly rebuilding right now though)
yes you could argue that russia defeated itself. america certainly helped though.
Cons Himself said:
yes you could argue that russia defeated itself. america certainly helped though.
yeah, but i still think that Russia is the only country capable of matching the millitary power agiast US (not that it ever should)
Am I the only one who doesn't get this "discussion"?

I mean... surely the idea that women should be denied combat roles based purely on their gender is indefensible? Why can't they just undergo the extensive selection processes like everyone else and be rejected on more appropriate grounds- i.e., they're too weak?

Granted, far less women would meet the criteria then men- but isn't that kind of the point this forced ruling is trying to prove? Yet there will always be some women up to military standards.

If I was denied a placement in the army because I was Cumbrian I'd be frothing at the mouth. But I'd have no viable cause for compliant if I'd been rejected due to my own failings- i.e., my lack of physical power or similar.

And yes, Napoleon was a great general. Even though his unpleasant variety of STDs started to gnaw away at his sanity in his later years.
Cons Himself said:
And I noticed you forgot to quote my third point. Get back to me on that one.

I never argued that point.

Well, I believe I've had my fill of this already. It's obvious that neither of us are going to budge. I'll just end with saying that I think Edcrab has the right idea. In the focus of physical attributes, the value you should be gauging is strength, regardless of wether or not it's coming from a female or a male. Discrimination based solely on sex rather than personal strengths/limitations is ignorant, IMO.
Cons Himself said:
yes you could argue that russia defeated itself. america certainly helped though.

While we're on the topic of Russia, perhaps (since you're such a WWII expert) you might recall the use of All-female and mixed gender units by the Russian army in both WWII and WWI (as well as during the Russian revolution).
These were highly effective units.
The 1917 "Battalion of death" had 250 female soldiers in it and had many of its members decorated, not to mention the female Cossacks...

Elaine Mordeaux, a French Resistance commander in WWII, led her unit in an attack on the 101st Panzers. Two hundred guerrillas, about a third of them women, killed more than three hundred German soldiers and crippled almost one hundred trucks and tanks.
The Soviet Union drafted unmarried women in the later years of the war although many thousands had volunteered much earlier in the conflict. More than 70% of the 800,000 Russian women who served in the Soviet army fought at the front. One hundred thousand of them were decorated for defending their country. Komsomol, the Communist youth organization, mobilized a half-million women and girls for military service. The women trained in all-female groups but after training were posted to regular army units and fought alongside the men.

Ludmilla Pavlichenko like many of the women was trained as a sniper. She is credited with killing 309 Germans. Lance Corporal Maria Ivanova Morozova also served as a sniper with the 62nd Rifle Battalion and won 11 combat decorations. She survived the war and became a senior accountant at a factory in Minsk.

Maria Baide, a scout in the Crimea, killed 15 Germans, wounded several others and routed the rest when her unit was pinned down by enemy machine gun fire. Although wounded she survived and was awarded Russia's highest honor, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Cons Himself said:
ps Switzerland rocks, i love Zurich, going to see my friends there :)

wub :imu:

There are more graceful ways to concede defeat...
its ok bliink, it only took you all day to find that, but the fireworks are over. Absinthe and myself agreed to disagree and now we can all go home.

and PS
a. Believing anything that came out of the Soviet Union around the time of WW2 is folly.
b). The Russians had already lost some 12million of their menfolk during the early years on the Eastern Campaign. No wonder they were scraping the barrel: they were fighting for their very existance as a nation. This is a different situation to going to war in Iraq is it not, which I believe was the progenitor of this thread.

I would be the first one to expect women to step up in defence of their homeland if it was invaded by an army bent on the extermination of their race, but going off on foreign jaunts? I dont think so.
Cons Himself said:
its ok bliink, it only took you all day to find that, but the fireworks are over. Absinthe and myself agreed to disagree and now we can all go home.

Ah.. so you ran out of steam eh?

Cons Himself said:
and PS
a. Believing anything that came out of the Soviet Union around the time of WW2 is folly.

The same could be said for yourself.
No I can go on and on if you want? Just didnt think youd be back thats all ;)

And thanks for the jibe against me. It hurt so much and contributed to this debate no end.
Cons Himself said:
No I can go on and on if you want? Just didnt think youd be back thats all ;)

And thanks for the jibe against me. It hurt so much and contributed to this debate no end.

Its like "debating" with a lump of granite. I think I'll call it a day. :|
You were the one who ended it with a school playground jibe of the "the same could be said for you" type. Sarcastic unhelpful and just a waste of energy really. And you dont gain kudos with anybody by insulting someone (lump of granite? gee thanks) and then calling it quits.

anyway, work to do and just wasting time. calling time too.
Cons Himself said:
You were the one who ended it with a school playground jibe of the "the same could be said for you" type. Sarcastic unhelpful and just a waste of energy really. And you dont gain kudos with anybody by insulting someone (lump of granite? gee thanks) and then calling it quits.

anyway, work to do and just wasting time. calling time too.
Give it a rest ffs.
thanks for jumping in at the end weenie, you never did tell me how i was insulting people by disagreeing with them...
Cons Himself said:
thanks for jumping in at the end weenie, you never did tell me how i was insulting people by disagreeing with them...
You dropped your rattle btw.
Sorry, I dont understand. How is having a different point of view to someone else insulting them? Absinthe, since you disagreed with me on this issue, did my point of view insult you out of interest?
Looks like this has gone far enough now.

Carrying on like a child now..
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