Another XSI Problem


Nov 22, 2004
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I've got another XSI problem. After the mech itself is done, I built some guns on it. However, out mod is going to let the player chose what guns he wants to use, so I need to have a basic model then have the guns as their own .xsi file. I don't know how to split them up. Copy-Paste doesn't work, and if I open a new file the try to import the file, the whole mech comes in a group of sorts. I can delete every other piece, but it still thinks that the gun is in a heirarchy (or something I dont know what) of my mech. Any ideas on how to get it my itself, and not related to the mech in any way? Or do I even have to? I'm not sure how the coders plan on working out the ability to select guns and such. What does everyone think?

like mech warrior? battle tech? enyways I heard somthing like this. Theres a mod that has players apearace able to randomise so they look diferent look it up Im prety shure it was one of the ww2 mods for hl2. Give em an email and they might help you out.
if i understand you correctly then select all the polys from the gun, do modify>polymesh>disconnectcommponents then create>polymesh>dettach polygons delete. now export it. to have it so you can choose what gun model appears there you will probaly need to put an attachment there when you come to do the animations.
Well, kinda, I guess. Here's a picture of my problem.

I have the file 'medium mech default build 2' with the mech in it. I opened a new file and selected 'Merge...' and opened 'medium mech default build 2'. I then tried to delete everything but the gun and that didnt work. It still considered the gun to be part of the group or whatever. The picture shows what I mean in the Scene selection box.

ok well try selecting it by its polygons, disconnect components, extract polygons delete. id be happy to have a look at it for you my email is [email protected]
You can just delete all the objects on the mech under 'medium mech default build 2' that you don't want on the gun, it doesn't matter that it still is considered to be part of the group, because the gun would be the only thing in the group.

I think.
Hmm. I extracted the polygons out of the group successfully, but now I can't delete the group. It willlet me move, rotate, and scale it, but not delete it. However the gun is separate now. Any other suggestions?

Hey, middle click worked, thanks Crackhead. But why did it work? Why is middle click different than normal click? I noticed when I selected it it said B:medium_mech.... as opposed to medium_mech...

middle click selects a section and everything within it or sumthin like that im not to sure but whener i try to delete something that it doesnt want to let me delete i just middle click it :D