AntiGravity devices. Better than games?

Brian Damage said:
Well, I'm not sure about the bold bit. It'd probably continue along on it's own momentum until something stopped it, wouldn't it?

I've also wondered about antigravity fields squashing people. It's one of the reasons I think gravity nullification would be better...

Yeah, i didn't think about that. I guess what I meant was that it would no longer be powered, and thus uncontrollable, until it got back in range of an object it could push off against. Anyone else have visions of a giant cosmic pinball, bouncing around planets for eternity?

*falls about laughing*
the 12 foot ones are supposed to draw 10 to the power of 15, watts which is immense, and its vortex motion has something to do with its vaccum, + vaccum on Vaccum or Vaccum on air resistance is neglegable,
lol,, a pinball? it can be controlled,. have you read any of the discussion earlier?
The Vaccum Matrix, (zero point energy)

New scientist after revelaing certain anomylous affects with certain experiments revised the theory of a matrix weave that constructs subtle energy's that we perceive as reality
Brian Damage said:
Well, if it turns out to, could we produce a gravity wave that was shifted out-of-phase with the Earth's field?

Gravity waves are theoretically already traveling at every existing phase there is right now. The phase doesn't matter, it's the effect that the wave has when it hits the object that creates what we observe as gravity.
clarky003 said:
lol,, a pinball? it can be controlled,. have you read any of the discussion earlier?

Yes, i've read all the dicussion. I asked earlier how it could be controlled other than changing the strength of the field, which would only control the amount of repulsion or atraction. So far nobodys come up with an answer. Will it have thrusters? Add another truckload of batteries if it does.
clarky003 said:
the 12 foot ones are supposed to draw 10 to the power of 15, watts which is immense, and its vortex motion has something to do with its vaccum, + vaccum on Vaccum or Vaccum on air resistance is neglegable,

10,000,000,000,000,000 Watts? Um, and just where does this amount of energy come from? And the resistance of vacuum against air in this case would not be neglegable. It still has to push through an amount of air equivanlet to it's crosssection. That takes a lot of energy.
iamironsam said:
Gravity waves are theoretically already traveling at every existing phase there is right now. The phase doesn't matter, it's the effect that the wave has when it hits the object that creates what we observe as gravity.

So their troughs and peaks are everywhere along their lengths at once? Wooo, freaky :eek:.
jabberwock95 said:
Yes, i've read all the dicussion. I asked earlier how it could be controlled other than changing the strength of the field, which would only control the amount of repulsion or atraction. So far nobodys come up with an answer. Will it have thrusters? Add another truckload of batteries if it does.

Well, like I said, if it is a pushing force, couldn't it be tilted?
clarky003 said:
The Vaccum Matrix, (zero point energy)

New scientist after revelaing certain anomylous affects with certain experiments revised the theory of a matrix weave that constructs subtle energy's that we perceive as reality

Ok, but WHAT is it? I can come up with words too. See: "trans-dimensional alogorithm".
So what is a vacuum matrix I ask again.
Brian Damage said:
So their troughs and peaks are everywhere along their lengths at once? Wooo, freaky :eek:.

Nah, I ment each graviton-wave is traveling with a different phase angle.
Neutrino said:
10,000,000,000,000,000 Watts? Um, and just where does this amount of energy come from? And the resistance of vacuum against air in this case would not be neglegable. It still has to push through an amount of air equivanlet to it's crosssection. That takes a lot of energy.

100,000,000,000,000 KiloJoules per second. Wow. Hook one of those to the mains for 5 mins and your electric bill could start to resemble the national debt. Seriously, is there any proof that there is a feasable way of drawing power from the 'zero-point domain'? Surely it would violate the law of conservation of energy?
iamironsam said:
Nah, I ment each graviton-wave is traveling with a different phase angle.

Wuh? Well, I was talking about aligning two gravity waves of equal strength so that they line up peak to trough and vice versa, causing them to cancel-out each others effects...

Neutrino said:
Ok, but WHAT is it? I can come up with words too. See: "trans-dimensional alogorithm".
So what is a vacuum matrix I ask again.

Well, Neutrino, I'd never heard of the "Vacuum Matrix" until now either, but the Zero Point Force is basically the force generated by the movement of all those little, itty-bitty, teesny-tiny temporary waves and particles that are created by quantum fluctuations in space time. That's how I undersatnd it anyway.

Zero Point Energy would be energy harvested from this.
Brian Damage said:
Well, like I said, if it is a pushing force, couldn't it be tilted?

Aha. Now we're getting somewhere. You must be thinking of a single point on the device that the antigravity eminates from, like a thruster outlet. I was thinking of the entire object producing an antigrav force, coming out from all sides simultaneously, like gravity does. Interesting, I was assuming that antigrav follows the same rules as gravity, that it just radiates from any given object. As for artificially created grav/antigrav, I have no idea.
Brian Damage said:
Wuh? Well, I was talking about aligning two gravity waves of equal strength so that they line up peak to trough and vice versa, causing them to cancel-out each others effects...

You mean like two light waves in an double slot interference experiment. You'd have to understand quantuum mechanics to get this, but if two graviton waves were traveling 90º out phase with one another and intercepted, they would rewind time and find another path to avoid such a confrontation. Haha, sounds incredibly strange right? Quantuum mechanics is very weird.

Oh, and all graviton waves are of equal strength.
jabberwock95 said:
Aha. Now we're getting somewhere. You must be thinking of a single point on the device that the antigravity eminates from, like a thruster outlet. I was thinking of the entire object producing an antigrav force, coming out from all sides simultaneously, like gravity does. Interesting, I was assuming that antigrav follows the same rules as gravity, that it just radiates from any given object. As for artificially created grav/antigrav, I have no idea.

Meh, beats me :E.

Like I said, I reckon better terms need to be defined for this. Antigravity should refer to
a pushing force (which may or may not be directional), and gravity nullification should refer to canceling out gravity within a localised area.

But since neither have been proven to work, lets just speculate.
I cant describe exactley what the vaccum matrix is , no one really can, but the energy is coming from somewhere, and this is sciences best guess. I can post some pages of a book, which you'll find very intresting,....( this is mad i never thought the thread would be this popular)

adressing the friction queries, the energy is constantly being draw!< giving it enough energy to cut through whatever friction there is, as stated
iamironsam said:
You mean like two light waves in an double slot interference experiment. You'd have to understand quantuum mechanics to get this, but if two graviton waves were traveling 90º out phase with one another and intercepted, they would rewind time and find another path to avoid such a confrontation. Haha, sounds incredibly strange right? Quantuum mechanics is very weird.

That's it, my brain is full (and it's 5:00 in the morning here).

/me is going to bed.

(/me may also understand this better after /me has taken my physics course :E.)
Brian Damage said:
Meh, beats me :E.

Like I said, I reckon better terms need to be defined for this. Antigravity should refer to
a pushing force (which may or may not be directional), and gravity nullification should refer to canceling out gravity within a localised area.

But since neither have been proven to work, lets just speculate.

You would have to use a combination of gravity and anti-gravity at key points on your vehicle in order to control direction. You would also have to control the intensity of gravity/anti-gravity.

It sounds like pure bull, but makes for some interesting conversation.
Well, like I said, if it is a pushing force, couldn't it be tilted?
it doesnt seem to be a pushing force, its more inclined as a neutralising effect,.. that seems to beable to be manipulated with the power output of the device, and mass. ( mass exibiting anti mass effects , and the more mass the greater the effect)
clarky003 said:
I cant describe exactley what the vaccum matrix is , no one really can, but the energy is coming from somewhere, and this is sciences best guess.

Look, this is exactly my point. You can't describe what it is and no one else can either. This is exactly how hoaxes and pseudo-science work. They come up with an effect that breaks the laws of science, but yet no one can explain how it works. Imagine that. Also, I would not claim that this is "sciences" best guess. I'm afraid science has little to do with it.

Another thing, you said I was the closed minded one. But I would argue that you seem more closed minded than I do. I am perfectly willing to believe that all this is true if you or anyone else just provides some actual real evidence. But you seem to have latched onto this idea and won't accept even the possiblity that it might not be factual.
'Matrix vaccum' if its a legitimate source of energy how can it be violating the laws of consevation, and how do we know this applies to cross over effects in the Zero point domain,, Science is a long way short of a full picture remember
lol. Neutrino, Ive seen a tiny one working! how many times have i said that, if the larger they get the more powerful they get, then my money is on it how, I was sceptical,. i still am slightly about the 12 foot ones. but if no one truely belives in this then its all up to you,
clarky003 said:
lol. Neutrino, Ive seen a tiny one working! how many times have i said that, if the larger they get the more powerful they get, then my money is on it

Yes, I keep reading about you saying that. So make a video or something, already! Go get one and take it to a physics professor and get him to explain how it works. Like I said earlier, if you make fantastic claims you better expect to back them up. I can claim I saw King Kong yesterday too, but that doesn't mean I did.

I still maintain your being the closed-minded one about all this.
lol, :P , ill do my best, but the device in question isnt actually mine. meanwhile why dont you have a look for a book called 'the law of the squares' you might like that, its the principle that the device is based on.
I'm beginning to wonder about your "tiny one", clarky. Can you give us any evidence, or must we continue to take your word for it?

Now I really must go to bed.

(BTW, Neutrino, I attempted to explain the Zero Point Force (AKA Vacuume Matrix) in an earlier post, above.)
clarky003 said:
lol, :P , ill do my best, but the device in question isnt actually mine. meanwhile why dont you have a look for a book called the law of the squares you might like that, its the principle that the device is based on.

Well, I will go look that up and read it if you will accept the fact that this may be all completely untrue.
Brian Damage said:
(BTW, Neutrino, I attempted to explain the Zero Point Force (AKA Vacuume Matrix) in an earlier post, above.)

Yeah, I didn't mean to ignore you. I was just saying that I bet no one can offer a truly scientific description of it. Therefore I think it belongs with the likes of unicorns more than with other scientific theories.
Neutrino said:
Yeah, I didn't mean to ignore you. I was just saying that I bet no one can offer a truly scientific description of it. Therefore I think it belongs with the likes of unicorns more than with other scientific theories.

Oh, I wouldn't say that, necessarily. I got my description of it partly from New Scientist, and partly from Dr Karl Kruzelnicki (god damn, I hope I spelt that right), who is one of the most highly respected scientists in Australia...
Zero Point Force and the Vacuum Matrix are both examples of quantuum fluctuations. You can indeed create force where there wasn't any before. But it's like a magnet, you always have equal parts of each force, so there's no net gain.
Don't know about that, the Zero Point Force will exert a measurable force upon two closely-spaced plates...

EDIT: Gawd, it's Five-thirty! Goooooooooooooooooood Night :E!
Brian Damage said:
Oh, I wouldn't say that, necessarily. I got my description of it partly from New Scientist, and partly from Dr Karl Kruzelnicki (god damn, I hope I spelt that right), who is one of the most highly respected scientists in Australia...

Yeah I guess I should of phrased that differently. What I meant is that I doubt it exists in the way the Searl Effect describes it. I don't mean the zero point force, but instead this "vacuum matrix" that supposedly produces near infinite energy to be harnessed.
I was saying that the Zero Point Force and the "Vacuume Matrix" were one and the same. Even Dr Karl thinks it can be used as an energy source...
Brian Damage said:
Don't know about that, the Zero Point Force will exert a measurable force upon two closely-spaced plates...

I was gonna try and explain that experiment. What happens is, you'll have quantuum fluctuations in the vacuum between the plates. Over time, and through pure chance, more positive particles will approach one plate while more negatively charges particles will approach the other plate. When the positive particles approach the plate, the electrons in the plate slide to the side of the plate facing the vacuum. The opposite happens to the other plate. Over a long period of time after enough charges build up, the plates will begin to attract each other.

This doesn't violate the law of conservation of energy because all it is a rearrangement of equal amounts of positive and negative charge.
I read it was because the distance between the plates precluded the existence between the plates of certain waves, which meant that there was a larger amount of wave action on the outside of the plates, which pushed them together...

Sorry if that wasn't explained very well, I'm really tired.
Brian Damage said:
I was saying that the Zero Point Force and the "Vacuume Matrix" were one and the same. Even Dr Karl thinks it can be used as an energy source...

It's possible. I still don't think it would create any sort of perpetual motion machine though.
To be honest it looks beat to me. I would rather play a video game.. hehe
but its not perpetual motion, its deriving its energy from elsewhere, sorry you cant see it Neutrino,

and this is the device my dads engineer friends constructed. the type of one I saw,

Therefore I think it belongs with the likes of unicorns more than with other scientific theories.

yup, but I dont know if you noticed, but there arnt any modern pictures or any evidence atall of Unicorns, lol

an image of the small test device
Brian Damage said:
I read it was because the distance between the plates precluded the existence between the plates of certain waves, which meant that there was a larger amount of wave action on the outside of the plates, which pushed them together...

Sorry if that wasn't explained very well, I'm really tired.

I actually think you're right, I might be thinking of something else. It's the inequality of the allowed energy of the quantuum fluctuations between the outside and inside of the plates that pushes them together.

I was thinking of how electromagnetic force travels through a vacuum.
clarky003 said:
but its not perpetual motion, its deriving its energy from elsewhere, sorry you cant see it Neutrino,

and this is the device my dads engineer friends constructed. the type of one I saw,

yup, but I dont know if you noticed, but there arnt any modern pictures or any evidence atall of Unicorns, lol

an image of the small test device

Yeah, it's not perpetual motion, it just harnesses a mysterious, infinite energy source which allows it to go on forever without any more energy input. :rolleyes:

Nice picture. Let's see a video of it actually levitating. Or take another pic so I can see underneath it. I would truly like to get the e-mail address to your engineer friend so I could talk with him about it. I'm completely serious here. I would like to know what he has to say.

"There aren't any modern pictures or any evidence at all of Unicorns, lol"

I think you missed my point completely. I was attempting to make an analogy in comparing it to the mythical creature. I'm basically saying that the "vacuum matrix" as you describe it doesn't have any modern pictures either nor any evidence at all.