AntiGravity devices. Better than games?

one thing- i dont know if I got this across very well, its too small to create enough power to even begin to exibit anti grav effects, the materials cost alot of money, and a big enough one would cost thousands of pounds to build accurately, as careful balances of materials and measurements have to be made with completely different material configurations.
ill see if I can contact my dads mate, somehow, But you can always have a go at building one yourself, if you have the intrest and money to spend

and I accept it could be all wrong, but i cant ignore the overwhelming evidence in place at seemingly legitimate sources.
clarky003 said:
one thing- i dont know if I got this across very well, its too small to create enough power to even begin to exibit anti grav effects, the materials cost alot of money, and a big enough one would cost thousands of pounds to build accurately, as careful balances of materials and measurements have to be made with completely different material configurations.

Oh, so your saying that the one real example of this that you've been talking about all along doesn't actually do anything? You mean it doesn't levitate!? It doesn't produce infintie power!? Amazing.

Sorry if I seem harsh, but I mean come on man. You've been saying you know this stuff is true because you've actually seen one. But now that I ask for evidence, you back up and claim that it doesn't actually levitate or anything. I'll say it again. Give supporting evidence if your going to claim something fantastic or unbelievable.

I was and am serious about getting that guy's e-mail address. I seriously would be interested to talk to him about it.

Edit: I appreciate that your willing to accept that it could be wrong. But what is this "overwhelming evidence in place at seemingly legitimate sources". I would like to get to the bottom of this whole thing. Let's set out right now to see whether this is true or not. I'm willing to keep an open mind, but the only way I would accept it is seeing real evidence.
omg, stop ranting,

Stay calm, It does draw a small current seemingly from nowhere, and that stems into further more advanced research that claims to produce more pronounced effects, which seems to have alot to do with Mass, and specific configuration

and ill see what I can do Neutrino

I see that really your kind of in the dark on the understanding totality here, and if you wait ill get some pictures of text from a very intresting book, documenting searls findings in detail
I'm not trying to rant here. I'm merely making a point.

See above edit. I truly would like to get to the bottom of this and find out if it has any merit. If I could actually see this device or atleast evidence that it is producing an electric current without an outside source of energy then I would be truly amazed. That would be really cool if true. So I am very interested in looking into this further. If that's not an open mind than I don't know what is.
the only way either me or you could get to the bottom of this, is to go ask the government for stolen documents from Searls research, and im afraid that it might not be met with smiling faces.. Getting to the bottom of this is like trying to swim to the bottom of the ocean, the further you go the harder it gets. If you try to dig too deep, you might get into some serious trouble cause of the secrecy surroundind these inventions

Im glad even sceptical people can have an open mind, :P , theres plenty of hope for this if thats the case
clarky003 said:
the only way either me or you could get to the bottom of this, is to go ask the government for stolen documents from Searls research, and im afraid that it might not be met with smiling faces.. Getting to the bottom of this is like trying to swim to the bottom of the ocean, the further you go the harder it gets. If you try to dig too deep, you might get into some serious trouble.

I don't care about any trouble. I don't give much credit to any government conspiracy theories. Let's go as deep as possible. If they lock me up then so be it. I want to either find out if this whole theory has some reality to it, or just debunk the whole thing.
Though I'm extremely skeptical about perpetual motion or created energy, I will give clarky003 this much. I could definitely see why the government would supress it. Limitless energy would completely obliterate our economy as we now know it.
I'm actually serious about this. I want to research this thing and see where it goes. Since you say that you know of a working device that produces an electrical current let's start there. If we can show that this device either does or does not produce power than that's a good starting point. From there we could see what other people have done with this and whether anyone has ever built a working device.

Edit: I'll fully admit that I give this the same chance of being true as I would give the chance of seeing a flying unicorn out my bedroom window. But anythings possible so I'll accept that there is a remote possiblity that there is a limitless energy source that the government has been supressing for the last fifty years.
:) I think some kind of base of operations would be in oreder ;) a website :naughty:

[/QUOTE]Though I'm extremely skeptical about perpetual motion or created energy, I will give clarky003 this much. I could definitely see why the government would supress it. Limitless energy would completely obliterate our economy as we now know it.
limitless energy would upset the world balnce of power (no offense to Americans) but the American GOvernment would not like that very much, atall.
clarky003 said:
:) I think some kind of base of operations would be in oreder ;) a website :naughty:

Where do you live by the way? And yes I'm thinking we're gonna need a base to work from. If we're gonna overthrow the government we can't exactly do it from our home kitchens now can we? ;)
I live in the US in Idaho. I'll send you an e-mail and give you my e-mail address. It's a school one so I'm not gonna put it on a forum.

Hmmm, kind of far away to work, but not impossible.
Completely agree, infact. I have one Idea, like, why not try to set up a community, there arnt any proper ones and I feel this sort of thing should be addressed by the masses. as the greatest weapon in this world is not power enduced by money, but the peoples beliefs and all together rquirement for the truth and in large numbers it would be much safer. and more influential, (cause from sceptics , to believers....generally,,, something just doesnt smell right,)
The one thing that lead me to believe that this thing has any merit to it is that I can't seem to find references to it on skeptic websites. I looked on skeptical inquirer and they don't have anything. That doesn't lead me to believe it is true, but I would like to find out why they haven't written about it.

A community would be alright. But I would prefer everyone to keep an open mind about it not being true. I would prefer not to have some rabid community who will be blinded by facts. But a skeptical community that is just after the actual truth would be rather nice. I'll send you my e-mail and we can discuss this.
sounds good, I agree the truth is what we are after. if we get anywhere with this, im sure there will be a few suprises. I was wondering because of the amount of talk surrounding it weither it would be wise to go to media sources, and get them to research it, (they have better contacts), just telling them generally about all the contreversey going on around the world about this particular invention.
Well one of my first actions is going to be e-mailing skeptical inquirer. They are a very good magazine and I'm interested in what they would have to say about it. I doubt you could get any media to research it though, without quite a bit of evidence. First thing to do will be research it ourselves.
It's gonna be a couple days before I can send ya a message. Finals you know.