
Dear god 12...I'm finding #7 like a brick wall, is it about a clockwork orange?

look at the title of the page. it has notes that if you heard them played you could name the artist. the artist wrote the song for someone... and their name is the answer.
That one was amazing, the links are so invisable they are bordering impossible.
i WAS getting angry at 4....i've gone through and gotten them exactly right yet no go......urgh....then i searched other forums...heheh
edit: i have it now, there was no dash at all, i just flipped it again i i found it. There are 2 words, but you just stick themtogether, like so.

Me said:
Oh, that dash i'm talking about is the one with the Orange 5 on the phone.

Sorry you were hunting for a dash. I thought you were on the one with the numbers of a phone showing where the 5 was highlighted orange.

Still can't get 12 :(
i dont understand riddle 8. the hint says its hidden in plain 'site' (not "sight")... is that a typo? wtf does the telephone mean?! and For Mein Fraulein is german for My Female Wife... SO?!
i dont understand riddle 8. the hint says its hidden in plain 'site' (not "sight")... is that a typo? wtf does the telephone mean?! and For Mein Fraulein is german for My Female Wife... SO?!

Look VERY closely at the pic. Not zoomed in...just scan across the whole thing.
Look VERY closely at the pic. Not zoomed in...just scan across the whole thing.

thanks... now im tryin to figure out what the hell is going on here. the recording gave reference to the first line of some sort of scramble code called For Mein Fraulein (the first one broadcasted) and it has yet to be deciphered by anybody... what do i do :[
yeah....8 is turning my head inside out...anyone PM me with the biggest hint ever...
Well read what it says on the main riddle page itself. No need to decipher the code.
Well read what it says on the main riddle page itself. No need to decipher the code.

still not getting it... whats the point of listening to the wav file if i dont need to know about the code in it? theres nothing on the page riddle 8 besides the url to the wav file
i've listened many times....even found a guide and have not found anything that seems "lonely"
The audio is messed up on my computer, so I'm stuck on 8... can someone please pm me either whatever is important from the .wav or the answer?
ok think trial and error on #8....but now 9 has me stumped....i can' believe i sit and stare at these for so long before giving up and emailing or searching forums and finding sometimes pretty cryptic answers
#8 Hearing the recording...notice they repeat each set of numbers...except...

#9, which one is #9?