Antlion guard finished render


Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
maps were a pain in the ass but eventually its all done. ive posted a couple of pics.
sweet :O
Though it makes you wonder... How do they mate?
.... thier probably like aliens from the movie "Aliens 1-4"
Great job clarky. For anyone who is interested in seeing the process he went through, check out his other post that was the WIP in the art forum -here-

good luck with whatever projects you may have up your sleave!

edit: send that to gabe!
that is very nice, maybe add it to a scene and make a wallpaper from it. Some people might like it. Some parts are a bit out of preportion but sack that it looks better than the hl2 one :D
looking from an artistic kind of view, it could use a bit more contrast and darker tones on the materials, like the original. but on the whole, it looks rather...amazing :dozey:. well done, as Ichi said, maybe use it in a wallpaper. looking for some work :naughty:, then come my little friend...Hell Blaze :farmer: ( thats sposed to be a pimp, not a farmer :p )
thanks guys:eek: its all that practice :) , any suggestions on other renders. im more than happy to make any HL2 stuff,o I didnt mention... the guard will be fully animatable once ive applied his skin modifier. a bit of tweaking here and there with the modifier, and he'll have fully aposable limbs and head, hopefully each part working and moving as it should:bounce:
wow, sounds great. I CAN'T wait to see the final product. Clearly you've got some amazing talent... how long have you been modeling/skinning/etc... for?
hmm, sounds like fun, Model guy shooting Antlion,.... keep watchin the forums, :)
wow, sounds great. I CAN'T wait to see the final product. Clearly you've got some amazing talent... how long have you been modeling/skinning/etc... for?

ive been using 3Ds for 2 -3 years.. as for skinning and modelling, about 2 months,.. learning is the hardest part.:)
So about how many poly's is that model? Sorry if this has been asked before.
Ill post a wireframe, havnt checked i think its between 700 - 800 poly's
Originally posted by tim8604

Was the other one. It's the same place though ( i think ) so I was using both as reference. Now I can use my 3d barrel too :), that is.... if I decided to open it back up.

I don't know if I will though... it is a LOT of work :(.

I think you should ressurect it, only this time those involved work on _one_ scene, not a bunch all doing their own thing like what happened towards the end. I'd rather see one really good one done by a group than ten reasonably poor versions done individually

besides, keeps ya'll busy and off the streets ;)
The hardest part was getting the textures and lighting to be the same. If you guys could sacrifice those and just accept that without copying beta textures, it would be damn near impossible to get it exact, I'll see what I can do :).