Any 1 do mexican magic mushrooms?

CptStern said:
heh I understand ...i smoke too ..trying to stop as well

wow I cant believe some of you have to go to drug tests ...only pilots and people who depend on sobriety have to do drug tests in canada

Jammydodger: I did say "smoker" not "pot head" ...most potheads I know smoke every day

You're serious? Man I had to take a freakin' piss test to get a $6.50 an hour job assembling plastic pieces for window blinds :eek: A friend of my had to take a piss test just to work at wal-mart :x Land of the free????

(and jammy it was a joke :D last time i did that I spent the night throwing my guts up in a bowling alley parking lot, I couldn't even walk... Never do that again.)
Sai said:
well, i haven't done more than about a bowl of marajuna at a time so i can't call myself a heavy smoker, so i guess i haven't had as much experiance with cannibus as i've had with the other drug

in other words, never mind

ok i just thought i'd read it incorrectly or something. but ok, forgotten :)
Dedalus said:
why make nature against the law? it's like saying god made a mistake when he created the earth (Bill Hicks).

Wrong. There are many mushrooms that are lethal to eat, there are many mushrooms which will make you psychotic. Many mushrooms will **** you up. It's that simple, hence there needs to be laws for it. When I'm at a party I drink a crapload of alchohol, but I don't smoke weed or anything similar. It doesn't appeal to me. I can't see why people would want to do it either. It smells like rotten crap, effects differ from panic attacks to complete relaxation, and it'll get expensive if you're smoking regularly. I simply do not see a logic reason for doing it, and to be frank I'm looking forward to the day they tear down Christiania here in Denmark.
Anyway back on topic :imu:
I think every 1 should try mushrooms just 1 time as its a experience like no other you will ever get.
Take a look at this post by some 1 on a forum who's done mushrooms -

Hi there here is my true story it will be done in a few chapters.Enjoy;)

I live in dull, uninspiring English town in Kent, situated next to Kent Downs.
The Kent Downs runs up and through kent, it is notorious for the "infamous Liberty cap"
I drove my two friends of mine up out of our dirty town into the tanned autumn fields on top of the Downs, the part of the Downs we where on was near where monks used to go on pilgrimages traveling through Kent stopping at varying points(of which i know).

Walking about wellys on looking for a renowned field We amuzingly got chassed by a lairy woman in the mystical field "where did she come from?" "who was she?"A Witch? ...***N!
Back in the car lookin for a new field.................... and then hello! Lush Shroom Land! We picked and flicked a bag of Liberty cap shrooms in the warm afternoon sun, still a lite dew remained in the grass, we inhaled a j and left for home.

That night my two fiends and I planned two have 40-50ish dryed Liberty caps each, from the south of the Kent downs(kindly donated by our coastal friends) and also 15-20ish freshly picked liberty caps, from the central part of the Downs. We also had a Big lump of charas and a lump of pollen.

That night i was to have the most amazing experience ever, i shake thinking about what i saw .....................

continues on 2nd post

I'll let you all know my experience from my mexican mushrooms on sunday.
Champ said:
Wrong. There are many mushrooms that are lethal to eat, there are many mushrooms which will make you psychotic. Many mushrooms will **** you up. It's that simple, hence there needs to be laws for it. When I'm at a party I drink a crapload of alchohol, but I don't smoke weed or anything similar. It doesn't appeal to me. I can't see why people would want to do it either. It smells like rotten crap, effects differ from panic attacks to complete relaxation, and it'll get expensive if you're smoking regularly. I simply do not see a logic reason for doing it, and to be frank I'm looking forward to the day they tear down Christiania here in Denmark.

i don't understand your point about making lethal mushrooms illegal. guns are lethal, but are they made illegal? there are plenty of lethal natural substances that shouldn't be consumed, so there are medical warnings placed on them, but so far i haven't found a fish or a rat that is illegal to consume.

your second point, replace the word weed/pot with alcohol, and that's the exact argument a smoker will use against you. it's personal preference, and the faster people realise that then the better this world will be. sure you can't see the reasons behind it, but others do, so no point complaining about it.
never seen a pothead get violent ...I dont have enough fingers and toes to count how many times I've seen drunken brawls
Jammydodger said:
Anyway back on topic :imu:
I think every 1 should try mushrooms just 1 time as its a experience like no other you will ever get.
Take a look at this forum where people post about thier experience on the stuff -
I'll let you all know my experience from my mexican mushrooms on sunday.

first time we smoked, we had a tape recorder in the room. tape your conversations and listen to them afterwards :D we laughed so much listening to ourselves ;)
Innervision961 said:

You're serious? Man I had to take a freakin' piss test to get a $6.50 an hour job assembling plastic pieces for window blinds :eek: A friend of my had to take a piss test just to work at wal-mart :x Land of the free????

omg really? a drug test to work at wal-mart? that's just insane! Man, you guys have some draconian laws down south ...I say it's time for a regime change
continued... see my earlyer post on page 3

I packed up my rucksake with lots of water, "the bouche" (the evil bucket),snacks and some music: dj spooky - riddim warfare outpost recordings and to finish it off a lump of charas and a nug of pollon.
I arrived at my friends house to a warm welcome, we where all in high spirits and eaggeraly ready to consume the secret mystical shrooms.
We managed to hold back a little bit whilst we constructed some j's in my m8's kitchen but eventually whent for the magic bag.

We ate 40-50ish dryed Liberty caps each, these where from the south Kent Downs and also stewed a brew of about 45 fresh Liberty caps between us 3 and ate the soggy remains mmmmmm yummmmmmmmmm!
We stood out-side drinking our shroom t's and inhalin a j and i could already feel tingling and i was getting very slight traces on my m8s expresive hand gestures,we finished our j's and I hurryed up the guys to get their shit toghther or i wont b able to drive up to our spot which was 6mins drive away on top of the Kent downs.

We arrived at our spot on the downs which is at the top of a steep winding lane, you then have too reverse the car up this super steep slope backwards!so to get out ok! and at the top was a relativly large rocky platue which over looks our sparkling town and the massive traffic system strewn around it.
We sat in the car with djspooky playing on the surround sound system it was astonishingly better on shrooms the sounds where flashing around us with super audio hallucinations intervening (I could talk about this for hours, but wont!) the music was accompanied by j's and a few rounds of the evil bouche, we where coming up even more now, very hard and fast it was gloriously euphoric and tons of laughter!

We became so overwhelmed by my music we decided to burst out the car only to be greeted by a full space station floating in space glistning with tracers all over it, there where spaceships flying through space and docking around the station i had truly gone into space we where all lost in between the future, past and present i could feel my freinds with me but not fully see them they took a spirit form around me and we kept observing the space station seconds seemed like hours i was experiencing full on audio, visual and spiritual hallucinations.
I think about this experience regularly, today after my post i was trapped im memory overdrive thinking about what happened...
.........back 2 the trip
I was just now reaching my highest point of my trip, i was a good few hours in and my thought was truly clear i could understand all thoughts that entered my mind, i felt very good indeed and was at one with nature and spirit all around me.
Through your eyes i would have been siting on the ground on top of the Kent downs, but through mine i was sitting in space with endless vision around me.
This is when i saw the most spectacular thing .........................................................I turned my head to the left and a proud Dragon was perched next to me, he turned his head to me greeted me through thought and turned back to over look his land. I felt safe next to him it was very pleasent ....i cry gently thinking about it now......

..........The truth of the matter is that night changed me.

I was to put everything i know/knew into a new and diffrent light.

My thoughts on the world have completly changed......and for the better.

I know what I know, and i no what I dont know..........or so i thought.

This was a 4 years ago now, I studied for 3 years and i have since become a Music Teacher.

I still have more amazing experiences at new locations but I dont know if you would believe me.

Bye bye and take care
The only problem i see with pot are the idiots out there that dont see the difference between pot and hardcore drugs that can severely mess you up, it really is a gateway drug, maybe not to me or many of you here that use it but it is for other people and ive witnessed it first hand. I think for this reason alone pot should still be illegal, because of the people that cant control themselves and get into much worse drugs. Obviously its leading people to hardcore drugs even when its illegal but it will get to millions of more kids if it becomes legal. I can safely say ill never try any of the hardcore drugs because #1 im informed, and #2 my life isnt totally messed up. Until much stricter drug laws are enforced and these hardcore drugs have dissappeared i dont see pot becoming legal because pot is always going to be in the environment with other hardcore drugs. Other than that there is absolutely no reason for alcohol and cigarettes to be legal and pot to be illegal. Now we all know alcohol will never be illegal again but it leads to the deaths of millions of people, i guess thats all their choice though. In conclusion either get rid of all the excessive substance abusing idiots that cant control themselves or make all of these substances illegal. You can't just pick and choose which are ok and which arnt, especially when the legal ones are worse than one thats illegal
hmm drugs conversation...

anyways ive done shrooms a few times, mexican usually made me laughing non stop and its a lot of fun with friends, not dangerous at all. In the netherlands dried mushrooms are legal aswell and all i know is that they work faster and a bit longer, i woudnt call em dangerous either...

I did dried hawai mushrooms ones, they were very strong and werent as much fun as mexican (the whole day long i thought it was 5 pm ^^), they might be a bit dangerous but nobody started to flip out anyhow.
never tried crack, heroine, cocaine, lsd, ecstasy, anphetamines etc in my 20 odd years of smoking pot (which I do only occasionally) actually I know many potheads who have never tried anything stronger than weed
I must say JammyDodger that story sounded like a ton of fun :)

Same here CptStern, and most people that smoke pot don't do anything else. But you really do have to recognize that some people do move on to bigger and badder things and it really can lead to some serious problems.
Dedalus said:
you'll have to trust me on that one, since you won't know unless you've had the experience of the culture..

I have been with my friends, and I know the culture. I don't know where the idea of me thinking its seedy comes from. I simply said that not everyone gets they pot from a proffessor. I then moved onto the cocaine and where that comes from. Anyway, like I said, its nota myth that its seedy, its simply not the rule. Because of your cirumstances, you aren't likely to run into the more "seedy" side of things, but someone else might do. There are so many layers of society, and we often sit in one layer and all our friends are from that layer. I like to think I'm in between, but I know I'm a "middle class white guy". I speak here in this thread on the experiences of my friends mostly.

Anyway, as for food that we eat. Well I do watch what I eat. Perhaps not in the way you suggest though. I would think I do not however have double standards, because the only substances that come close to mind altering I take in are alcohol and energy drinks. I don't often drink energy drinks, apart from a saturday night when I work the late shift at tesco. As for alcohol, I point back to what I said before. Its legal, I know where it comes from and I don't over do it. I have never drunk enough to forget anything and I haven't done anything regretable when I was drunk. I have not taken it beyond the limit.
If you need a drug to lose your mind, then you have a serious lack of imagination.

And you actually think pot is harmless? :laugh: !!! drugs (any kind, alcohol, mushrroms, cocain, heroin...) is like eating a little piece of a bullet every day, just waiting for it to kill you....
ThomasToad said:
I must say JammyDodger that story sounded like a ton of fun :)

Same here CptStern, and most people that smoke pot don't do anything else. But you really do have to recognize that some people do move on to bigger and badder things and it really can lead to some serious problems.

yes but they usually have addictive personalities to begin with ...for the most part ..I'm sure there are plenty of people who went from smoking to snorting ...but it is not the norm

I dont know if any of you have seen someone take heroine's quite disturbing ...I dont think the typical pot smoker would find that inviting
Dedalus said:
i don't understand your point about making lethal mushrooms illegal. guns are lethal, but are they made illegal? there are plenty of lethal natural substances that shouldn't be consumed, so there are medical warnings placed on them, but so far i haven't found a fish or a rat that is illegal to consume.

your second point, replace the word weed/pot with alcohol, and that's the exact argument a smoker will use against you. it's personal preference, and the faster people realise that then the better this world will be. sure you can't see the reasons behind it, but others do, so no point complaining about it.

1. You're really just avoiding my original point, but I'll go with it. Guns are bought for a number of reasons. Few are bought to actually kill other human beings. Most are for self-defense or hunting. There is no logical reason for buying mushrooms, as their effects will either kill you, make you feel wierd, terrorised a bunch of other not so nice stuff. Sure there are nice experiences in between, but it's like russian roulette. You're either lucky or you're. Well, screwed...
Anyways. Guns are stupid nonetheless. If I could decide, they wouldn't be for sale.

2. They might, but it's not valid. Alchohol and weed doesn't give the same effects and can therefore not be replaced with each other. As I said, smoking weed to parties or social gatherings is pointless unless everyone else is smoking it. People may smoke it at their homes. I just don't want to be bothered with it.
Sprafa said:
If you need a drug to lose your mind, then you have a serious lack of imagination.

And you actually think pot is harmless? :laugh: !!! drugs (any kind, alcohol, mushrroms, cocain, heroin...) is like eating a little piece of a bullet every day, just waiting for it to kill you....

so is meat ...colon cancer is directly linked to the consumption of red meat: you're 3 times more likely to develop colon cancer than if you were a vegeterian
CptStern said:
so is meat ...colon cancer is directly linked to the consumption of red meat: you're 3 times more likely to develop colon cancer than if you were a vegeterian

OMG, you just totally tried to twist the debate! Meat is *food*. Food is necessary for us. Sure, vegetarians are a new thing, and I do believe they're the future and I've tried several times (and achieved soem times) to reduce my meat consumption. But wait, don't I live till 100 (sure, sure, could be the illusion of safety to say that, I could die tomorrow!) if I eat the recommended diet, which includes meat?
CptStern said:
well it's legal in many countries, although I dont think that'll lead to decriminalisation of crack or heroine. Why not draw the line at alcohol? far more people die of alcohol related death than all drugs combined
perhaps cause a huge lot more people do alcohol than other drugs? I seriously doubt that argument is valid in any way.
CptStern said:
so is meat ...colon cancer is directly linked to the consumption of red meat: you're 3 times more likely to develop colon cancer than if you were a vegeterian

You're 1000 times more likely to get run over by a bus than if you just stayed inside your house. There's alot of things that are dangerous. Meat is needed for us to survive, pot is not.
I think people who use hard core manufactured drugs like heroine have a serious problem, i've smoke pot off and on for around 8 years i guess, and i haven't smoked any pot for well over a year at present. Obviously i'm not an addict, I don't need pot to make me feel good, or make me enjoy myself. Same with alcohol... I am addicted to cigarettes so I do know what its like to be addicted to something. But people who use heroine or cocaine are usually extremely addicted, and will do anything for a fix. That is definately a bad deal, those are the people that really need help.
Haha! Do you realise that vegetarians needs to have protein replacements? Being a vegetarian isn't as healthy as being on the meat-eating side...

EDIT: Saying being a vegetarian isn't healthy was a bit harsh. I rephrased it
Champ said:
Haha! Do you realise that vegetarians needs to have protein replacements? Being a vegetarian isn't healthy. It just isn't..

opinion? or do you have facts to prove that

I know of 2 people who are in their late 30's that have been vegetarians since they were born ...they're still alive as far as I can tell
Sprafa said:
If you need a drug to lose your mind, then you have a serious lack of imagination.

That's a terrible point and it's totally not true. I suppose you're implying that everyone that does drugs has little to no imagination and that you are able to achieve the same feelings and thoughts as these people while they are high. Point not taken.
CptStern said:
I know of 2 people who are in their late 30's that have been vegetarians since they were born ...they're still alive as far as I can tell

Rephrased it. It isn't exactly harmful, but being a meat-eater is by far the most ideal thing to be. Vegetarians lack in the protein department. There are replacements, but meat will always be the best choice. Science is the keyword... Many vegetarians have changed their views about proteins, and vegetarians because science is slapping them in the face.
Champ said:
Rephrased it. It isn't exactly harmful, but being a meat-eater is by far the most ideal thing to be. Vegetarians lack in the protein department. There are replacements, but meat will always be the best choice. Science is the keyword... Many vegetarians have changed their views about proteins, and vegetarians because science is slapping them in the face.

look I really dont want to get into a meat vs vegetarian debate, that's not what this thread is about

but I'll leave you with one final thought which cannot be denied:

meat is murder
CptStern said:
look I really dont want to get into a meat vs vegetarian debate, that's not what this thread is about

but I'll leave you with one final thought which cannot be denied:

meat is murder

Here here!
Im a vegi I weigh 12 stone I go mountian biking I do weights I look after myself I eat well and above all I do recreational drugs and enjoy myself.

And I bet im more healthy than most of you meat eaters on here.
Jammydodger said:
Here here!
Im a vegi I weigh 12 stone I go mountian biking I do weights I look after myself I eat well and above all I do recreational drugs and enjoy myself.

And I bet im more healthy than most of you meat eaters on here.

I bet you are, you could probably kick their asses as well ...btw how much is "12 stone" ..excuse my north american ignorance :)
If meat is murder...then by god put me in the electric chair!
zzzzzzzzzzz ...shrekzzt ..zzzzzztttt

and tron becomes a smoldering pile of human refuse
Farrowlesparrow said:
One stone is 14 pounds.

oh man you're making me do math

*stern starts counting fingers and pulling off his socks ...1, 14, 28 ...11 ...crap!!!!
You bring up drugs and the thread grows to 6 pages in a matter of hours.

I am not from the UK and haven't heard about mexican magic mushrooms. Have you done any type of shrooms before? I personally wouldn't touch shrooms if I were you; I know people that got totally ****ed with them (me included at one point in my life). 60 grams of dry shrooms will kill you; you probably know that but I just want to make sure. I know you will take them no matter how bad I tell you they are so be safe. Do not go out at any time, stay away from guns, and do it with some friends so you can look out for each other.