Any childhood fears that you never got over?

I haven't quite gotten over bees yet. I got stung by a hornet when I was six and had a rather nasty allergic reaction and the whole ordeal still makes me cringe a bit whenever any kind of insect with a stinger is around.

Also, ROSANNE. **** that TV show, that woman terrified me as a child and I still ****ing hate to look at her.
Anything that involves brains or eyes, such as the aliens from Mars Attacks, or the scene from robocop 2 were they show Cains brain in the tube before they hook it up to the robot.

Rewatched Robocop 2 like a week ago, and i still shrugged and looked away at that scene :S

I also start to freak out if I'm at the beach and I swim out too far to find myself suddenly over a huge expanse of deep, cold and dark water. AGH
Holy shit, I found someone with exactly the same affliction as me... This is just like what I used to experience, and to this day when I'm really tired and it's dark in my room I will experience the visual distortion, and sometimes the audio/tactile phenomenons as well. This might be just me, but I also found that my visual imagination is quite vivid. I can see things in my mind in such great detail, even more detail that even possible in real life, and I can even see impossible things. For example, I can picture a person, and then their body/arms/legs etc will become incredibly skinny to the point of being incredibly tiny lines, lines even smaller than zero width, it's really hard to explain. And then it can go the other way with becoming so huge that they would clip into eachother, but they don't somehow.

Only, it doesn't scare me any more and I don't have anymore nightmarish episodes. Sometimes I can creep myself out though.

I've had similar, though not that dramatic.

I remember trying to sleep during the early childhood days, I don't know how to explain it, but I could feel and see, like, compression, in ways. I had it happen again when I had Swine Flu, I was trying to focus my mind on the music I was listening to, but suddenly the whole "Compression" thing happened again, it felt like all the thoughts going through my head just condensed into a single ball, and then BAM it all rushed outward, giving me a bit of a head rush. It happened a few more times until I eventually fell asleep, I guess that is what they mean when they say someone is hallucinating on the flu, or something.

The whole 'zooming' thing has happened to me once or twice, the last time it happened it was kind of like a 'zooming' of my thoughts rather than what I could see, I was sitting there thinking about stuff until all of a sudden WHATEVER THE **** I WAS JUST PICTURING IN MY HEAD IS RUSHING TOWARDS ME AT A MILLION MILES AN HOUR, OH HEY, I JUST PASSED IT, WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON. for a short moment.

Haven't really had it happen since I was about 10, thank ****.

I also start to freak out if I'm at the beach and I swim out too far to find myself suddenly over a huge expanse of deep, cold and dark water. AGH

Or if you're walking in the water and suddenly you step on an oily sticky seabed and something crawls under your feet and you never know when you might step on a stonefish.
Holy shit stonefish are brutal.

I suppose if I do have any fears, it's the darkness behind me and slipping feet into random boots half-expecting a ****ing funnel-web to come all up in my grill.

"Why you steppin' in mah boot, mate?"

I think that's what it's called, anyway. When I was younger I basically had a high fever and started hallucinating. I'd lose my sense of orientation/perspective and everything seemed like it would zoom in violently. similar things happened to my audition, where I'd hear screaming and whispering in imagined or real situations.

Sometimes I can even trigger it when I'm in bed.

I have this exact condition! I didn't know it was so common, judging from the comments on this board. It terrifies me whenever it happens, and it usually happens when I'm sick and have a fever.

It's like, all of the sudden you feel like you're very small/large, and it seems like everything is much closer than it actually is, at the same time very quiet sounds seem extremely loud. I remember having some kind of fever and being sort of delirious in bed, and all of the sudden this happens to me. The sound of the ceiling fan became so loud that I thought there was a nuclear explosion going on or something, and when I started moaning my mother came in and whispered something, and it sounded like she was shouting.

Usually it comes with hallucinations of noises, bright lights, and violent headaches.
That actually means you're a mutant, you should be contacted by Professor Xavier shortly, you guys.