Any childhood fears that you never got over?


Aug 29, 2009
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Has anybody had any fears that they never got over that had something to do with childhood?

I have only one that I can think of: Basically, I saw this disturbing scary movie when I was 11 that I probably shouldn't have watched when I was that young. There were a few scenes from that particular movie that scared the bejeezus out of me, almost to the point where I was thinking of stopping the movie and calling it quits, but I kept watching on.

Well anyways, the point is, I have never been able to watch that same movie without covering my eyes at those particular scenes. Not even 11 years later. I know full well that, any given point in time, I could instantly face my fears by typing a few key terms into youtube search box, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

You're probably wondering what movie I'm referring to. But, well, it doesn't matter which one, ok? The point is that, even though it probably wouldn't seem that scary to me now as it did back then, it would still disturb me because I would associate the imagery with the fear I experienced many years ago.

The point is, have you had any similar happenings?
I'm not afraid of the dark, but afraid of the dark behind me, if that makes any sense.
Scissorman, and darkness.
When I was younger, while at a/the public swimming pool, I was always afraid of the deep end (which was like 12ft deep) and the diving board that went with it, because you couldn't just swim in it. You had to use the diving board. Anyways, I always thought if I jumped off the board, I would go straight to the bottom and drown. I came back years later and just dived in for the hell of it. Everything went better than expected.
I had a SCUBA diving accident when I was 13 or so. To this day I still dive, but I still feel anxious about being down past 30 feet...
Has anybody had any fears that they never got over that had something to do with childhood?

I have only one that I can think of: Basically, I saw this disturbing scary movie when I was 11 that I probably shouldn't have watched when I was that young. There were a few scenes from that particular movie that scared the bejeezus out of me, almost to the point where I was thinking of stopping the movie and calling it quits, but I kept watching on.

Well anyways, the point is, I have never been able to watch that same movie without covering my eyes at those particular scenes. Not even 11 years later. I know full well that, any given point in time, I could instantly face my fears by typing a few key terms into youtube search box, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

You're probably wondering what movie I'm referring to. But, well, it doesn't matter which one, ok? The point is that, even though it probably wouldn't seem that scary to me now as it did back then, it would still disturb me because I would associate the imagery with the fear I experienced many years ago.

The point is, have you had any similar happenings?

Was it The Goonies? The disfigured creature/guy in that movie really ****ed me up and gave me a lot of extremely disturbing nightmares.

Fears that I harbor from childhood? I'd say other than the freak from The Goonies, I'm still afraid of zombies, from watching my brother play Resident Evil when I was like 8. Basically, I had night terrors for years because of those games. Constantly dreaming about zombies crawling out of fireplaces and such. I still have fears of encountering a silent zombie when I turn a dark corner in an uncomfortable place, blocking my only way out.

Also, when I was like 8 or 9, I was laying awake one late night, obviously keeping guard against monsters, when I look out the open door of my room and I see my mom standing in the hallway in half-darkness (I kept a night light on), for a second I was just like "mom?", and she was facing right at me, but she didn't respond or do anything for what seemed an eternity, and I shot up wide-eyed and did the sign of the cross while staring at her, and the next thing I knew she walked out of sight. The next day she denied walking around that night, so I narrowed it down to three possibilities: 1) She was sleepwalking, 2) I was hallucinating, 3) It was an omen. So now, I have very strong fears of neurological disorders, schizophrenia, and satanic occurances.
I laughed a lot.

Edit: Oh, the lamp in the Pixar logo movie.

I hate how it slowly turns to look at you at the end.
Large aggressive dogs.

I was bitten several times. My neighbors two Doberman Pincers used to jump a 6 foot fence just to terrorize me when I was trying to learn to ride a bike. Also had to get rabies shots, but then they found the stray didn't have rabies so I didn't have to continue getting them.

I hate when they bark in my face so ****ing much.
so I narrowed it down to three possibilities: 1) She was sleepwalking, 2) I was hallucinating, 3) It was an omen. So now, I have very strong fears of neurological disorders, schizophrenia, and satanic occurances.

4) She lied to you the next day, for whatever reason.
Like some of you, I ****ing hated the deep end of a pool. Fortunately, at age 7 I had a major breakthrough and was swimming like a Golduck. Yes, a Golduck.

When I was four, I lived in an apartment complex. There were a bunch of like-aged kids around, too. One day we all thought it would be a good time to take our plastic baseball bats to a bush that we knew had a bee hive nesting in it. So we did.

Bees, everywhere, swarming, buzzing, no mercy.


I still run from bees.
A certain TV show I watched as a very young child. Forget how old, but the show was about some kind of lemur? I think it was called Zaboomafoo. That thing just scared the living shit outta me, and haunted my dreams.
falling upwards...

Edit: Oh, the lamp in the Pixar logo movie.

I hate how it slowly turns to look at you at the end.
I'm not going to post the college-humor extended version that's doing the rounds on the gawker network at the moment, because I don't think I can cope with the scornful voices of every subsequent poster who has doubtlessly already seen it a million times, but you know I'm going to mention it here offhand because I want to look like I have a clue what's happening around here.

On Topic: I never completely got over the fear of being disowned and rejected by my family, and I probably never will.

Oh, I have always had 'an eye thing'. Thinking about eyes being hurt really freaks me out to a slightly worse extent than everyone else naturally has going on.
The show "Rosanne." Apparently when I was little I would go into panics when I saw her on TV (I have a few very vague memories of doing this). I still kind of freak out when/if I see her, no joke.

Seconding "bees" too. Got stung by a hornet when I was six walking home from school, had an allergic reaction, spent the day throwing up everywhere. Since then bees make me wince everytime they come near.
The show "Rosanne." Apparently when I was little I would go into panics when I saw her on TV (I have a few very vague memories of doing this). I still kind of freak out when/if I see her, no joke.

Seconding "bees" too. Got stung by a hornet when I was six walking home from school, had an allergic reaction, spent the day throwing up everywhere. Since then bees make me wince everytime they come near.
Roseanne is a really goddamn good show, I don't care what anyone thinks.
I don't think I really did this when I was a kid, but if I'm swimming in a lake/river late at night (not a public lake, but a nice, remote one) when there's no moon (read: pitch black), swimming near large submerged things freaks me out. Trees, bridge pylons, whatever. It's kinda sketchy with only moonlight, but I won't go near them when it's totally black out.

I think that's what it's called, anyway. When I was younger I basically had a high fever and started hallucinating. I'd lose my sense of orientation/perspective and everything seemed like it would zoom in violently. similar things happened to my audition, where I'd hear screaming and whispering in imagined or real situations.

Sometimes I can even trigger it when I'm in bed.

I think that's what it's called, anyway. When I was younger I basically had a high fever and started hallucinating. I'd lose my sense of orientation/perspective and everything seemed like it would zoom in violently. similar things happened to my audition, where I'd hear screaming and whispering in imagined or real situations.

Sometimes I can even trigger it when I'm in bed.

Holy shit, I found someone with exactly the same affliction as me... This is just like what I used to experience, and to this day when I'm really tired and it's dark in my room I will experience the visual distortion, and sometimes the audio/tactile phenomenons as well. This might be just me, but I also found that my visual imagination is quite vivid. I can see things in my mind in such great detail, even more detail that even possible in real life, and I can even see impossible things. For example, I can picture a person, and then their body/arms/legs etc will become incredibly skinny to the point of being incredibly tiny lines, lines even smaller than zero width, it's really hard to explain. And then it can go the other way with becoming so huge that they would clip into eachother, but they don't somehow.

Only, it doesn't scare me any more and I don't have anymore nightmarish episodes. Sometimes I can creep myself out though.

I think that's what it's called, anyway. When I was younger I basically had a high fever and started hallucinating. I'd lose my sense of orientation/perspective and everything seemed like it would zoom in violently. similar things happened to my audition, where I'd hear screaming and whispering in imagined or real situations.

I had that, minus the screaming and whispering thing, but those same feelings. Went to the ER (this was when I was a little kid) and they said I had Scarlet Fever
I laughed a lot.

Edit: Oh, the lamp in the Pixar logo movie.

I hate how it slowly turns to look at you at the end.

I lold, because it's so true. I thought this was creepy, but was never actually scared of it.
Spiders/spider webs.

Also I still have the fear of someone breaking into my home and attacking me in the middle of the night - maybe I'm just paranoid. Though I did use to have some nasty night terrors as a kid, so maybe I never got over that.
My parents used to get me all these Disney read-along book/audiocasette bundles and one of them was this really old version of The Three Little Pigs. Whenever the book got to the wolf part of the story, I got so ****ing frightened. The wolf's voice sounded so sinister and he looked dark and terrifying in the illustrations. I found one picture from the book:


It still make me feel uneasy to look at this picture.

If I ever find the original storybook with the audiocassette, I'll Youtube it so you guys can understand it better.
also I really hate slow moving fans on ceilings...its memorizing and now that I think about it, triggered my sleep paralysis
The dark. To this day I can't get to sleep in pitch darkness.

And fire. When I was really small I had an awful nightmare about being in a burning house which I've never forgotten.
If I ever find the original storybook with the audiocassette, I'll Youtube it so you guys can understand it better.
Is it not the same as the Silly Symphony? That's definitely on youtube. It motivated me to write my dissertations :p
I can't point my finger at a specific point, but I have problem using the restroom *piss or shit* in public. If it's a restroom that is a single and everything is quiet and I concentrate, I'm good...otherwise I'm holding it.
sleep paralysis & spiders. Actually it is the other way around, Spiders THEN sleep paralysis. I got the worst case of Arachnophobia. Man spiders suck!