Any expansions coming?

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Anyone that now if there is going to be any expansions packs?
I hope they make some -good- expansions using well the Source engine.

Some people said that Valve also started developing HL3 ... in my opinion they should use the source engine now at its max potential possible in expansions and then make a next -big step- with HL3 and new engine.

Although Source is pretty good, I would be a bit disapointing in seeing HL3 in it without no major changes.
lol, screw expansion packs. what u want is MODs. althought it would be cool if valve could release other single player missions such as u play as dog or alyx, and have to do everything in paralel to the story with gordon
I doubt they will do an alyx expansion....just because Alyx was most of the time with you, and if she WASNT with you she was captured most of the time :P Not enough "Alyx" time without Gordon...and in the other expansions for HL1 you never SAW Gordon..except for Op4 when you open the door to the teleporter room and you see Gordon run and jump to Xen....then you shoot a rocket at him and it clips!! :( But anyway, I'll be expecting it's either Barney again, or maybe someone completely different in the Resistance......or someone else from other expantions of HL1!!! *coughshepperdcough* >_>
I dont know if the rumors are substantiated, but even gamespot (who SUCKS btw) have commented on the fact that Valve will have an expansion out sometime. The best part of the rumor in my humble opinion is the fact tha valve and not a third party will be makig the expansion.

Not that I dont like gearbox, but who else can make a FPS like VALVe.

I hope in time for christmas of next year, but you never know.

Valve is crazy in that they like to take their time and make a worthwhile product, and not just a cash hungry corporate entity.

If HL2 were made by capcom we would be buying the expansion tomorrow.
lol capcom they like to milk the gaming teat for all its worth
They did say that they would like to make something to follow alyx and her story. Also they will be releasing something they call "ATI levels".
trevjim said:
cant say for defo but yes, most probley an alyx one

How the hell would that work? There is no possible way you interact with Freeman. There is no possible way you could be Alyx. Maybe Barney because Alyx and Freeman were gone for a week, so you could play that entire week as Barney. But Alyx will be playable in HL3 so I very seriously doubt there will be a expansion with her.

pumako said:
I hope they make some -good- expansions using well the Source engine.

Some people said that Valve also started developing HL3 ... in my opinion they should use the source engine now at its max potential possible in expansions and then make a next -big step- with HL3 and new engine.

Although Source is pretty good, I would be a bit disapointing in seeing HL3 in it without no major changes.

Chances are HL3 will use the source engine. I dont mind maybe they can really work on the story more than the graphics now. By the way I think HL2 did use the source engine at its max.
Yeah, a DOG expansion would be well cool. I reckon Valve could put the physics engine to serios good use with a single player campaign where you could play as DOG.
we dont know for sure that alyx will be playable in half life 3, it was just some source that could be wrong and made up
Yes valve announced there will be a HL3 ( they have already began working on it) however i woulden't get to excited they only started making Hl2 a couple of days after Half-Life 1 release.

A expansion packs is also in the works. Again i wouldent expect anything too soon, it will probably be released halfway between hl3 release date and hl2 release, infact probably further towards half-life 3.

Take Call of Duty Expansion Pack, its just a nice little hold up stop before Call of Duty 2 (which will probably be released November next year.)

Considering i completed Half-Life 2 in two days ( yes i was locked in my room) i am really looking forward to the next release. Just waiting for Day of Defeat now ;).

Oh and if your looking to loose weight, purchese Half-Life 2, its so addictive you dont have time to eat or drink. You actualy loose weight when playing computer games. Valve really are the best :D
yer, glad someone else has heard of it before :cheers:
I sure would like to see an expansion which explains what happened to ol' Corporal Shepherd.