Any games you are looking more forward to than HL2?

A quick question for those who don't have HL2 at the top of their lists:

Do you guys have the same number or more posts on the forums of the games you're anticipating more than HL2? You'd think you should if you're telling the truth.
I don't have anywhere near the same number of posts at planetdoom as I do here, because I have stayed away completely from that place to avoid info. Too much posting about a game takes away some of the excitement and hypes it up too much, as many of the more fanatic HL2 fans here will find out.
DarkStar said:
A quick question for those who don't have HL2 at the top of their lists:

Do you guys have the same number or more posts on the forums of the games you're anticipating more than HL2? You'd think you should if you're telling the truth.

Doom 3 is number 1 on my list only because it is coming out so soon.

For most other games I want, I usually try to avoid videos and information about the game. I like to check up on a game, but not to much info about gameplay and other things. I have only seen a couple of video of Stalker even though it is number 4 on my list.
Also the story to Doom 3 is complete shit. Lets see, crazy science experiment on mars opens a 5th dimensional warp to hell and the crazy and cooky deamon invasion ensues! But watch out deamons! Uber space marine is there!!! It must be a match made in wimbeldon.
Foxtrot said:
Also the story to Doom 3 is complete shit. Lets see, crazy science experiment on mars opens a 5th dimensional warp to hell and the crazy and cooky deamon invasion ensues! But watch out deamons! Uber space marine is there!!! It must be a match made in wimbeldon.

Completely wrong.. but I see no reason to correct you. Weird irrational hatred for Doom.

Interestingly, if you break it down, Doom and HL have similar stories, just with demons in one and aliens in the other.
DarkStar said:
A quick question for those who don't have HL2 at the top of their lists:

Do you guys have the same number or more posts on the forums of the games you're anticipating more than HL2? You'd think you should if you're telling the truth.

Nope. I don't like the other forums I've been to as much as this one. Hell...I hardly ever post about HL2 here...I come here for off-topic and general game discussion.
Dude Foxtrot, first you come out with some completely ridiculous bullshit, get called on it, have no response because you know you said something really ****ing stupid, now you move onto something else. Why not just come clean and admit that you are a retarded HL2 fanboy who bashes any game that is perceived as it's competition?

And by the way, that example of a shitty story you mentioned sounds awfully familiar...crazy scientists, portals and experiments, bad guys comin through. Hm...

Anyway, stop grasping at straws. We know you are biased towards everything that isn't named Half-Life. We get it.


3.LOTR:Battle for Middle Earth.

4.The movies.

5. GTA:San Andreas.

ROME TOTAL WAR will and dare i say roxor my boxors.

DarkStar said:
A quick question for those who don't have HL2 at the top of their lists:

Do you guys have the same number or more posts on the forums of the games you're anticipating more than HL2? You'd think you should if you're telling the truth.

I have about 1,000 more posts at the 2 total war sites that I post on. I just want HL2 to hold me over until RTW. ALthought I know HL2 will kick lots of asssss.

and the guy that posted above me is right Foxtrot why do you bash anything that doesnt have HL on it?
In no particlular order:

1. The Movies
2. Rome Total War
3. LOTR:BFME (lol)

Meh, probably some more but I'm too tired to think.
Who cares? If he doesn't like Doom 3 that's his mistake, this isn't a Doom 3 forum. Besides, every game needs to have a few cannon fodder enemies that take 2-3 shots to kill. It would be retarded to have a million headcrabs running around each with the hitpoints of a Strider.
BirdMan said:
#1 DOOM 3
#2 DOOM 3
#3 DOOM 3
#4 Half Life 2
#5 DOOM 3
#6 Brother in Arms
#7 Rome Total War
#8 DOOM 3
#9 Sims 2
#10 DOOM 3

That's ridiculous, you played the game??

Aren't you from the PlanetDoom forums? I visit there occasionally to catch up on any news for it. Anyway, no other games look as good as HL2 to me. As a matter of fact i even convinced a friend that HL2 was gonna be better then Halo 2 after showing him the E3 2004 video's of both games. Anyway

1. Half-Life 2 (What did you think i was gonna say?)

2. Halo 2 (The storyline alone looks more interesting then Doom 3)

3. Doom 3 (Its Doom 3.....come on)
AmishSlayer said:
Nope. I don't like the other forums I've been to as much as this one. Hell...I hardly ever post about HL2 here...I come here for off-topic and general game discussion.

Same here man. About 99% of my posts are either in the off-topic or general gaming forums. Although HL2 is still #1 in my book.
I come for the hookers but stay for the community.
#1 Rome Total War
#2 Half-life 2
#3 Metroid Prime 2
#4 Stalker
#5 DooM 3
#6 KOTOR 2

#7 Duke Nukem forever :LOL:

Okay Seriously, Rome cause I am more into Strat than FPS. HL2 cause HL1 was a great FPS and CS:S, Metroid Prime 2 cause the first is the best FPS on any console. Stalker cause the idea is groovy, if they can pull it off it will be awsome. DooM 3 cause graphically its going to be the next big thing as far as I'm concerned. Knights cause Knights 1 was a great fun little RPG.

And Duke cause I like to wait ;)
DarkStar said:
A quick question for those who don't have HL2 at the top of their lists:

Do you guys have the same number or more posts on the forums of the games you're anticipating more than HL2? You'd think you should if you're telling the truth.

To be honest, I've registered at so many forums that I've lost count. I usually just lurk at the forums for those respective games, I usually only register to post once the games are out. The reason I registered here is because the main forums I hang out one(I've got about 800 or so posts there) were down for a few weeks. So I registered here and one or two other places to keep me occupied until my main forums were back up. I don't really post about HL2 stuff anymore, I just hang out in the general gaming section. To be perfectly honest, much as I'm looking forward to HL2, I'm just a bit bored, there's been no info for a while. Plus I have other games and stuff occupying my time. Maybe as we get closer to release it'll jump up my list. That said I don't think it will overtake PES4 and Mario Tennis in my most wanted list any time soon ;)
I've posted hundereds of messages on the total war forums, but I've been a fan of both previous games. As for other games I tend to just lurk, only posting cause I have a bit more time nowadays
BirdMan said:
That's ridiculous, you played the game??

Even if he has, hes just trying to stir shit up because i have played the doom3 alpha and the zombies DO NOT die fast...they fall down, get up, fall down again, get back up again and then die after quite alot of punishment, nevermind how long one of these will last haha

As for it not being scary....well...he must have briteny spears dancing game mixed up.... :rolleyes:

Oh yeah my list. Im looking no more forward to one game than i am to the other.

1. Half life 2 (even though im starting to hate valve and their BS)
2. Doom3
3. F.E.A.R
4. S.T.A.L.K.E.R
5. GT4
6. MGS3
7. NC:BDoY

Maybe when they are all out and the day i buy each i will take a picture of my grin while its installing then compare the 'grins' to eachother or ill test my heartbeat while they are installing, see how excited i am _when i actually have the games_ :p
Soundwave said:
Dude Foxtrot, first you come out with some completely ridiculous bullshit, get called on it, have no response because you know you said something really ****ing stupid, now you move onto something else. Why not just come clean and admit that you are a retarded HL2 fanboy who bashes any game that is perceived as it's competition?

And by the way, that example of a shitty story you mentioned sounds awfully familiar...crazy scientists, portals and experiments, bad guys comin through. Hm...

Anyway, stop grasping at straws. We know you are biased towards everything that isn't named Half-Life. We get it.
Wow, sounds more like you are a retarded Doom 3 fan that can't take a little criticizing. For a while I thought Halo 2 would be better than Half-Life 2 but I decided I would just wait. I know, Doom 3 is ripping off Half-Life completly.
I can take plenty of criticizing, it's not like I made the game. But the reasons you are throwing out are blatantly full of shit. If you're gonna bash it, bash it for it's small multiplayer, or horror atmosphere. Not because "the enemies die too fast" which is just dumb.
Can't we just agree that both games look good and wait to see which is better?
I already agree with that, except one isn't going to be better than the other (except in multiplayer perhaps)
brink's said:
Can't we just agree that both games look good and wait to see which is better?
No, because I think Doom 3 looks like shit. It might not be(probably won't) but from what I have seen there is no way I can get hyped about the game. I will consider buying after I read some reviews or play a demo.
Some people are so full of shit they only got room for one game, which in this case is HL2 mostly.
Foxtrot said:
No, because I think Doom 3 looks like shit. It might not be(probably won't) but from what I have seen there is no way I can get hyped about the game. I will consider buying after I read some reviews or play a demo.

You nutcase lol What games do you think look good? I'm honestly curious.

It's been so long since the pc has had a game of real quality. Was Call of Duty a great? - no, it was ok, an 'album filler'. It had been so long since we'd had anything worth playing that it stood out of the crowd (the same with Max Payne 2)

Doom 3 may not be to everyone's taste - but it's gonna be great :) ( how can it fail? \o/)
Nothing above HL2, but Rome: Total War is a serious contender. We're doing Rome at school and let me tell you now, that game is going to be something else.
Warbie said:
You nutcase lol What games do you think look good? I'm honestly curious.

It's been so long since the pc has had a game of real quality. Was Call of Duty a great? - no, it was ok, an 'album filler'. It had been so long since we'd had anything worth playing that it stood out of the crowd (the same with Max Payne 2)

Doom 3 may not be to everyone's taste - but it's gonna be great :) ( how can it fail? \o/)
Brothers in Arms looks great, Halo 2, Fable, Mechassault 2, Everquest 2, and Warhammer 40k.
Isn't History Channel doing a show based on Rome: Total War? Like using the game engine to recreate all the famous battles? I will definately be watching that.
Can't argue with Halo 2 and Dawn of War - they do look sweet :)
Soundwave said:
Isn't History Channel doing a show based on Rome: Total War? Like using the game engine to recreate all the famous battles? I will definately be watching that.

It was on channel 2 if I remember correctly - havn't heard about it being on the history channel (although that would make sense)

An early version of the engine was used for the show - but it was still very cool (my brother did most of the models, skins and many of the animations in Rome:Total War, btw *1000th shameless plug*)
Foxtrot said:
No, because I think Doom 3 looks like shit. It might not be(probably won't) but from what I have seen there is no way I can get hyped about the game. I will consider buying after I read some reviews or play a demo.

When you say "looks" what do you really mean? Oh gawd hell no you dont mean what i think you mean :hmph: if you do then you really are dumb, blind or have a GF4mx440 thus you couldnt even play it any higher than 640x'XXX ress uber low graphics setting.

If you think half life 2 is going to match up to doom3's graphics then your 99.9% wrong which goes down as a wrong in most peoples books. Doom might be an old game that no one plays but that does'nt mean for one second that doom is disliked among 99% of gamers and doom3 will be carrying on the traditional doom series and no one could _not_ like doom when it was out because there was _nothing_ that come close to it.

Valve are buzzing of all this hype, they are saying itty bitty bits of the game, the tasty parts then dont say anything about it... just let us get excited about it. Thats why HL2 is so hyped up to be this all "nothing will compare to HL2 omfg!!!!!!oneoneoene1111" where as ID have just kept their mouth shut and told us nothing more than we need to know basically.

Between the two imo Doom3 has alot more to live upto than HL2 does.
i don't think theres a game im looking more forward to than HL2.. well maybe Doom3 might be the exception but can't think of any other title.

im interested in Bloodlines, Stalker (kinda.. tho i have soured on the game after watching some new videos).

btw.. can i ask u guys whats with pple liking Brothers in Arms?
seriously.. by now one would think the vast majority of u guys would be sick of the WW2 fad.. apparently thats clearly not the case.. :|
I'm actually looking forward to Doom 3 more than HL2.
operation flashpoint 2

played all three of the original ofp's (cold war, redhammer, and resistance) with the exception of redhammer, it was a great single player experience and cant wait for more of the same with some nice updated technology.
Alig said:
When you say "looks" what do you really mean? Oh gawd hell no you dont mean what i think you mean :hmph: if you do then you really are dumb, blind or have a GF4mx440 thus you couldnt even play it any higher than 640x'XXX ress uber low graphics setting.

If you think half life 2 is going to match up to doom3's graphics then your 99.9% wrong which goes down as a wrong in most peoples books. Doom might be an old game that no one plays but that does'nt mean for one second that doom is disliked among 99% of gamers and doom3 will be carrying on the traditional doom series and no one could _not_ like doom when it was out because there was _nothing_ that come close to it.

Valve are buzzing of all this hype, they are saying itty bitty bits of the game, the tasty parts then dont say anything about it... just let us get excited about it. Thats why HL2 is so hyped up to be this all "nothing will compare to HL2 omfg!!!!!!oneoneoene1111" where as ID have just kept their mouth shut and told us nothing more than we need to know basically.

Between the two imo Doom3 has alot more to live upto than HL2 does.
I don't care about the graphics, aslong as it takes advantage of my 9800 pro and looks like they put some effort into it I will be happy.
Soundwave said:
Isn't History Channel doing a show based on Rome: Total War? Like using the game engine to recreate all the famous battles? I will definately be watching that.

Yes the show Deciesive Battles airs on July 16th on the History Channel in the states at 9pm eastern. It uses the RTW engine to recreate battles.cant wait.
Alig said:
When you say "looks" what do you really mean? Oh gawd hell no you dont mean what i think you mean :hmph: if you do then you really are dumb, blind or have a GF4mx440 thus you couldnt even play it any higher than 640x'XXX ress uber low graphics setting.

If you think half life 2 is going to match up to doom3's graphics then your 99.9% wrong which goes down as a wrong in most peoples books. Doom might be an old game that no one plays but that does'nt mean for one second that doom is disliked among 99% of gamers and doom3 will be carrying on the traditional doom series and no one could _not_ like doom when it was out because there was _nothing_ that come close to it.

Valve are buzzing of all this hype, they are saying itty bitty bits of the game, the tasty parts then dont say anything about it... just let us get excited about it. Thats why HL2 is so hyped up to be this all "nothing will compare to HL2 omfg!!!!!!oneoneoene1111" where as ID have just kept their mouth shut and told us nothing more than we need to know basically.

Between the two imo Doom3 has alot more to live upto than HL2 does.

Whoa jeez man, chill. Its his opinion, you're not gonna change his mind all of a sudden.
Also i'd like to add that the only reason HL2 is hyped up so much is because of the community. Its one of the biggest communities you'll find, especially since Counter-Strike has become so popular. So don't blame Valve for hyping the game too much. Last i checked Valve have been to 2 E3's demonstrations, a WinGDC promo, and that Alcatraz thing last year. iD have done pretty much just as much time promoting their game "on tour" (Can't think of a better way to phrase it, sorry) as Valve has. So don't go blaiming them.

Also i watched the AI demo of Stalker over at Gamespot. The AI looks on par with Far Cry, which is either good or bad depending on your opinion FC. I'd say its good, but i heard the developers spoke more highly of it, so i'll just wait and see
kidrock450 said:
Yes the show Deciesive Battles airs on July 16th on the History Channel in the states at 9pm eastern. It uses the RTW engine to recreate battles.cant wait.

Ah excellent. I was hoping I hadn't already missed a few episodes or something. Thanks for the heads-up.
HL2 is the game at the top of my list but all the other games come out after HL2....hopefully. Here is my list of games I will get.

1. HL2
2. Silent hill 4
3. Burnout 3
4. Gran Turismo 4
5. Tales of Symphoniea (already out)
6. Flatout (Maybe)
7. Metal gear 3
8. CS source and all the Converted Source games
9. Halo 2.