Any guesses on the release date of Episode 3?

Spring 2009. Unless Valve initially announce that as the ETA themselves, in which case we'll see it Winter 2009. Any-time 2008 is unrealistic and completely out of line with Valve's typical practices.
I think it will come out on Friday the 6th of Geldof
'To my darling Candy. All characters portrayed within this book are fictitious and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental'
Episode 3s already been release don't you guys have your copies?

pthhh, get on the ball guys,

By the way if you haven't got your copy yet just a warning, I wouldn't get too attached to Alyx.
I would say Summer 08, I think Valve will try alot harder after that greif they got last time from people saying 'Where is it' etc, and last time, they took so long to release episode 2 because Team Fortress 2 wasnt perfect, meaning they couldnt release the Orange Box, I think this time we will see Episode 3 alot closer than we did Episode 1 to Episode 2
Something between EP1 and EP2, since it was already in development before EP2 even came out, unless they plan to release another box or **** something up.

How long took EP2 to make again?
It was released an year after Episode One was released, but it was in development during Episode One's development as well.

I'd say sometime December 2008.
Can't believe an episode takes all that time, how long did they take to make half life 2? 2 1/2, 3 years?
^^^ Yeah... that wait really sucked.

Expect a similar wait for Half Life 3 IMO.
I think a year and a half the wait should be more like it, just like Episode One and Episode Two. Plus they won't be releasing any trailers or screenshots until the game is near completion, I actually quite like that idea. As far as the release date is concerned, don't take any estimated release date seriously.

As for Half-Life 3 (if they go monolythic + 3 episodes), I actually think it will be shorter than Half-Life 2's development. Because they had to go through making an engine (if they plan on re-using it). Remember the original Half-Life was quicker, but it had it's share of delays.
^^^ best response by a developer ever.

Sure as hell beats out the idiots who were supposed to make Duke Nukem Forever.
Dukem Nukem Forever has a release date as "When its done"
Ideally, 2008. But I wouldn't be surprised if... well... you know.

December 22, 10:50am....

You don't say...But yeh, it will be 2008, it be about summer or winter next year probs, maybe into 2009 if delays...which will happen
Why did you just resurect this old - December 07 thread...

Leave the dead alone...
Since this thread has been brought back from the date, I'll go on and say...
Winter of 2009
hu well considering this thread could be brought back i will say maybe sometime this summer or fall.
No, continue the episodic brilliance and do Half Life 3 later...

We get more frequent lower prices...and in packs with ultimate games like TF2 and Portal.
Never. In fact, Ep. 2 never came out. it's all a sham. :|