any news on the next GTA game?



I heard that it will take place in San Fransisco... hope he has a lot of lube...LOL just kidding
Using Einstein's theory of relativity, there's a 43% chance that Michael Madsen will do a voice in it.
For starters it's going to be on the 360 and NOT the PS3, which not only hurts Sony very badly, but also will most likely increase 360 sales by a large margin. I, however, will be purchasing this title for the PC as with all of my GTA games since #3.
Malfunction said:
For starters it's going to be on the 360 and NOT the PS3, which not only hurts Sony very badly, but also will most likely increase 360 sales by a large margin. I, however, will be purchasing this title for the PC as with all of my GTA games since #3.
You are wrong sir, there will be a simultaneous launch on PS3 and X360, November-ish 2007.
Malfunction said:
For starters it's going to be on the 360 and NOT the PS3, which not only hurts Sony very badly, but also will most likely increase 360 sales by a large margin. I, however, will be purchasing this title for the PC as with all of my GTA games since #3.

VERY WRONG INFO, it will launch for the PS3 & xbax 360
Yeah, besides a launch day and systems, nothing new is known for sure. I'd like to know something too but there's nothing to know as of now. Next year's E3 should be crazeeeee!!!
Let me know when it is coming to PC otherwise I don't care.
I wonder if it will take advantage of the PPU and have dynamically damaged cars. Mmm.
I hear it takes place in London, England. Chav gangs FTW :E
GTA set in a European city would be absolutely divine.

Though, I think the Getaway series already handles the crime drama genre pretty well.
I hear it takes place in South America, like all the new hot GTA influenced games on hte next-gen consoles do, i.e. Mercenaries 2 and Just Cause!:p*J/k*
I heard it through a friend, who coincidentally shares my same exact name, date of birth, and address.

Actually, I just remembered hearing that during the big E3 rush of information, so I have no idea.
Let's see, GTA 4. Time to think of a new concept methinks.
wait 4-6 months until we see the first screenshot.

GTA graphics is next gen...100%
Gorgon said:
wait 4-6 months until we see the first screenshot.

GTA graphics is next gen...100%

Nah, the first screenshots will be at next years E3 then followed by a 2-3 trailers just before release. Thats how its always been.
We'll probably see 3-5 screenshots before next E3. They show a few on the website with a little info. Or they do an exclusive with a magazine. Then, they show a trailer for E3.